Crystal Sodalite
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The Crystal of Divine Intellect

Gemini zodiac signs Gemini
Sagittarius zodiac signs Sagittarius
Air element Air
Water element Water
Moon planet Moon
Throat Third Eye
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Sodalite Guided Meditation

Our guided Sodalite meditation takes you on a cleansing, calming journey to help you release the past and gain answers to your big questions.

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The message

Sodalite’s Message To You:

With clear sight
& an awakened mind
I help you connect
the dots you find
through intellect
& keen insight
from this higher perspective
you can see what’s right
free of the past
with the future wide
where intuition
& logic collide
I guide you to
the presence within
& to all the gifts
contained therein


Sodalite helps you to…

  • Activate your intuition
  • Calm a cluttered mind
  • Access higher awareness
Crystal Sodalite Story Background
Crystal Sodalite Story Background
Crystal Sodalite Story

The Story of Sodalite

Born from the salt of the Earth as a bridge to the cosmos, sodalite aligns the mind and spirit within the body to give you clear access to your higher intelligence and deepest wisdom. It’s a stone of truth and awareness, bringing clarity and vision, that marries logic and intuition to help you gain pure insight you can trust and use to spur your direction in life.

Known as the “clear Soul stone” in Daoist stone medicine, sodalite helps address the subconscious layers of the Soul and psyche to clear guilt, remorse, and other heavy, toxic emotions. It’s a crystal of releasing the past to move onto new beginnings, of letting go of what’s dense to see the clarity that you hold within you and help you shine it out, communicate it, and express it with the world.

It’s a stone of graduation, of moving onto a new level of awareness and wisdom, of being able to look at the past through the eyes of experience and see all that you’ve gained, even through the struggles and hardships you may have endured along the way. Reach for sodalite when you want to reflect, to look back at how far you’ve come, to realize all it took to get where you are now, and to gather more gratitude and appreciation for the present moment you find yourself in.

If your mind is reeling, spinning, cluttered, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated, if you’re irritated, anxious, or frustrated, sodalite is a beautiful balm you can reach for. It’s soothing and balancing for heated and heightened emotions and settles and calms the mind, helping you access that center within yourself where the truth lies waiting for you to discover it.

It settles the lower mind, the sludge, toxicity, and conditioning, while activating the higher mind, where your psychic senses and cosmic knowing live, connecting you with your higher awareness and opening up clear lines of communication with the cosmos. It translates that information through grounded, logical considerations, through coherent and clear thought, through divinely inspired expressions of truth.

For intellectuals and philosophers, for truth seekers and curious ones, for writers, speakers, teachers, students, and thought leaders- sodalite is your Soul companion stone, to open, cleanse and clarify the mind and help you communicate your wisdom to the world.

Crystal Sodalite Property Background
Crystal Sodalite Property Background

Sodalite Healing Properties

Element Water


Sodalite is a stone of flow, to release the stuckness and help you keep moving down the river of life, ever forward. It brings ease, calm, patience, and presence. It softens the hard edges of life. It helps the tense and dense emotions move along and the light and clear aspects of your being to move forward. It washes away the past. It’s cleansing, a shower for the mind, soul, and spirit, to refresh, revive, and renew your inspiration and faith in life, the Universe, and yourself.

Named for its high sodium content, sodalite plays a very important role in generating, moving, and regulating the fluids of the body, including within our energetic body. It nourishes what’s barren, physically and emotionally, allowing the waters of the body to flow harmoniously and for your emotions to flow clearly.

Whenever you’re feeling stuck, internally heated up, frustrated, stressed, resentful, blocked, or unable to move forward in any way, sodalite’s water essence can help cool and calm and get the energy moving again, reinstating your internal flow and helping you move back into rhythm with the greater flow of the Universe.

Element Wind


A stone of the mind, sodalite bridges logic and rationality with intuitive insight and higher awareness, helping you bring wisdom, insight, and information down from your higher mind, from Universal consciousness, from the clarity of Spirit, into your practical reality, integrating the higher realms with the material plane.

It’s a beautiful tool to help you clear and focus your mind when you’re writing, speaking, or communicating a message in some way. It can help you find the right words easily, to speak them truthfully and clearly, and to choose the words that will convey your Soul’s higher wisdom. It helps you access higher levels of knowledge and a wider vision of the whole picture.

It’s a perspective shifter, leading you above the overwhelming clouds of thought, up to the top of the proverbial mountain where you can get a clear view, breathe in the crisp air, and make wiser, more discerning choices from there. It’s uplifting, enlightening, a conduit of consciousness and higher wisdom to be shared with the world.

Chakra Throat


Sodalite is a stone of truth and communication, harnessing, amplifying, and balancing the energies of the throat chakra. It helps you speak, write, and express your creative essence, your inner truth, and your higher wisdom, connecting you to a place in the mind that lies beyond self-judgment, criticism, and doubt, where optimism, truth, and clarity prevail.

This brings confidence and clarity to your speech, to your choice of words, to the information you choose to share. It allows you to feel comfortable and clear in expressing your ideas and perspective with those around you, and helps you release the blocks and bounds you hold around your own self-expression, so you can uncover new and deeper layers of your authentic self.

Sodalite is a beautiful choice when you need to speak what’s been unspoken, when you feel a lump in your throat, when you can’t find the right words. It will help gently untie the tethers around your throat chakra, bringing relief and ease in speaking, sharing, saying what must be said, and expressing your thoughts in a clear, logical, and undeniable way.

Chakra Third Eye

Third Eye

This chakra is linked to the mind, our local, individual mind, and our connection with the Universal mind that holds all of consciousness. This chakra is a portal to that higher intelligence and divine wisdom, to knowledge that spans beyond time and space, to our psychic awareness, and sodalite is like a key that can unlock the portal door to all of that.

It does so in a beautiful way, accessing this divine intelligence through the filter of practical, rational, logic rather than floaty, ethereal, detachment. This is its most special quality, its ability to bring higher wisdom down to Earth so you can use it, so it can guide you through your real-world life experience. Sodalite acts as a bridge from the cosmic realm to the material realm that your Soul can walk on to access and bring back information for you to create, use, and express in your life.

This blue stone of wisdom sparks the search for truth and meaning inside of you, and for developing a higher connection with your intellect to unleash the power of your own mind. It increases focus, memory, and retention, and opens a clear channel of truth and wisdom to come through your mind and be expressed through the throat.

Energetic Qualities
Energetic Qualities


Sodalite carries a strong yin essence that is feminine, grounded and earthy, nourishing and supportive, gentle and deep. It settles, calms, and cools, drawing you inward, towards your center. It brings quiet, inner stillness, and reflection, helping you connect with your intuitive nature and the innate intelligence you carry within your bones. It helps you release and let go.


A beautiful stone for balancing, sodalite is both grounding and heightening, connecting you to the Earth while lifting you into a higher awareness. It brings harmony to the emotions and the mind and settles all the ups and downs to help you find the center of balance within yourself. Cleanses dense and toxic energies to restore internal balance. Harmonizing and regulating for the whole energetic body.


When you feel yourself becoming heated, agitated, frustrated, angry, etc, you can feel the energy rising, coming to a crescendo, like a volcano about to blow. This rising internal energy is beautifully counteracted and balanced by the descending quality of sodalite, which settles the energy back down. It pulls information from the cosmos and brings it down to Earth. It calms and consolidates energy, lowering internal pressure and stress.

Physical Properties
Physical Properties


Sodalite is most often a mottled blue color in combination with black, white, grey, and sometimes is seen in light yellow, or green, or less often a violet purple or pink. Its blue color is often a denim or cerulean shade, it’s deep and clear. It’s the colors of the earth and waters below and the sky and light above, a beautiful combo of elements to bring you ultimate balance.

The blue in sodalite is like a deep ocean, helping us reflect upon the past to see what we need to clear and change in our lives going forward. Blue and black both relate to the kidneys in Daoist stone medicine, where our energetic vitality is held and where many of our stored emotions from the past are held. Sodalite helps clear and flush these out.


Sodalite is a sodium aluminum silicate with chloride. Sodium regulates fluids in the body and moves and conducts water. Aluminum aids in cognitive function and is alkalizing and cooling. And it’s a framework silicate, which helps energy flow up and down, in and out, wherever it’s needed, to restore overall balance.

It’s a rock-forming mineral, pure crystals are very rare. It has a cubic-shaped inner structure, which relates to the qualities of the Earth element, to stability, balance, and boundaries, helping consolidate and draw energy in.

Use Sodalite When...

You’re feeling…

overstimulated, confused, worried, stifled, disorganized, frustrated, angry, agitated, unstable, distracted, forgetful, hyper, stressed, stuck in the past, stifled, unable to speak up or express

You’re struggling with…

anxiety, lack of focus, ADHD, memory loss, panic attacks, insomnia, headaches, grief, attachment, toxic patterns, past trauma, subconscious fears and blocks, insomnia, guilt

When you want…

focus, creative inspiration, willpower, motivation, balance, renewal, new beginnings, higher perspective, truth, awareness, authenticity, relief, clear communication, organized thought

Crystal Sodalite Use
Crystal Sodalite Life Background
Crystal Sodalite Life Background

Using Sodalite in Everyday Life


Sodalite builds your confidence and self-expression, boosts your vitality and creativity, and helps you get clear on your inner vision. This makes it an excellent stone for manifestation and helping you reach your goals. It also helps you release the inner blocks and beliefs, the fears and doubts, that can often get in the way between you and your success, enhancing your willpower.

Hold it while you’re writing out your intentions, envisioning your goals, or even while working on a creative or artistic project, and it will help you manifest your higher vision through this material reality. It’s a beautiful stone for writers, artists, and other creative and big thinkers to help you bring your visions to life.

As a stone of communication and spirit connection, it’s also a beautiful tool to empower your words and help you use them consciously to create the reality that you want. Hold or wear sodalite and take some time to get quiet and sit with yourself, and it will help bring your true Soul’s intentions to the surface so you can align your words with your deeds and speak your vision into physical form.

Love and Relationship
Love & Relationship

Sodalite is a great tool for communication, to help you open up and express your feelings and true intentions more easily and openly in your relationships. Hold or wear it whenever you need some help in speaking up, speaking freely, or sharing how you feel with others. It’s also a great gift to give to someone you’re in a relationship with to help clear and open the lines of communication between you.

As a cleansing stone, it also helps you process grief and loss from past relationships, and let go of toxic attachments and any tethers tying you to the past, so you can move forward into a new love relationship, a new attitude or awareness in your current relationship, or into new beliefs and perspectives about yourself and those you’re in relationship with.

You can keep a sodalite sphere, tower, or pyramid in a central place in your home, office space, or wherever people gather in your life, to send its cleansing, calming energy into the atmosphere and beneficially affect everyone in the space.

Physical Healing
Physical Healing

A beautiful stone for the mind and physical brain, sodalite enhances cognitive function, focus, and memory. It’s really good for mental health and balancing ADHD symptoms. It’s a great stone for growing older, to keep your brain flexible and agile. It can help treat dementia, Alzheimer’s, and general forgetfulness or absentmindedness. It also helps cool and balance the physical body during hormonal transitions, especially menopause.

As a cleansing tool, sodalite also helps flush the lymphatic system. You can use a smooth tumbled stone or massage wand to gently rub sodalite around your clavicle, neck, chin, and ears to help flush and drain your lymphatic system, or massage gently on any swollen glands, and it will help get the energy moving and flowing again. You can also rub it on your forehead for relief from headaches and anxious tension.

It’s cooling, reducing fevers and high blood pressure, and relieving stress or anger-induced physical symptoms like skin flare-ups or panic attacks. It can be used for treating hyperthyroid conditions, edema and water retention, and muscular cramps and spasms. It generally boosts the immune system and your body’s ability to defend against external pathogens.

Self Care
Self Care

Sodalite is a great stone for your mental self-care especially, to help you find relief from your inner critic and see from a greater perspective how your own inner self-talk affects your confidence, your entire presence, and your experience of the world.

Hold it or have it near as you’re journaling and self-reflecting, as you consciously survey your thoughts and mental landscape, and it will help you discover what’s ready to be released, what’s holding you back or weighing you down, so you can gently let go of the worn-out patterns of the past and step into new ways of thinking and being.

You can work with it for a long time if necessary as you release pain from the past, toxicity, guilt, and grief. Wearing sodalite as an amulet or bracelet is a great way to use it for a longer-term period. A necklace near the throat chakra is also great to have the sodalite help you express your emotions and tap into your true, authentic state of being.

Sleep & Dreamwork
Sleep & Dreamwork

Sodalite is a great aid for sleep, helping you fall asleep faster and fall deeper, into a more relaxed and peaceful state. It aids in relieving insomnia, helping your mind and nervous system clear and settle so you can fall asleep, or fall back to sleep easier if you wake during the night.

It’s thought of as a dreamcatcher stone and is said to help prevent nightmares as it’s a cleanser and detoxifier that can purge your subconscious fears, beliefs, and patterns as you sleep, so you wake up with a renewed perspective. As a connector to the Spirit realm, it can help you channel insight, wisdom, and messages through your dreams to empower and inspire you in waking life.

Sleep with a small tumbled sodalite stone under your pillow, or keep one by your bedside. You can consciously connect with it before sleep and set an intention for any insights or answers you’re hoping to receive through your dreams, problems you’d love to have a solution for upon waking, or just share anything that’s weighing heavy on your mind that you need relief from. Then sleep with your sodalite near and allow it to wash away the worries and uncover the wisdom that’s already inside of you.

Intuitive Development
Intuitive Development

This helpful blue stone is an excellent tool to use to develop your intuition and better connect with the messages it sends you all day long. Sodalite helps clear and focus the mind so you can better receive and perceive the wisdom hidden in your subconscious, and all the information that’s flooding in from the cosmos, and then translate it into something applicable to this practical reality so you can actually better your life with it.

When you need to see things from a higher perspective, to gain clarity on your path, or better understand and interpret all the signs coming from Spirit, sodalite is a beautiful stone to help you. You can simply hold it with your eyes closed and place your attention on your mind’s eye, tuning into your inner awareness, and see what visions or messages come. Or you can use it with an automatic writing practice where you ask questions and then simply free write, allowing your intuition to answer for you.

You can also lay down with sodalite placed on your third eye chakra at the center of your forehead, or gently massage that area with a smooth tumbled sodalite stone, to activate and awaken your inner sight and intuitive awareness. Or simply hold it, wear it, or have it near as you practice tuning into your psychic senses through visualization, inner listening, or watching for signs all around you to show up.


A perfect stone for meditation, sodalite calms and settles a busy mind, opens and clears your inner vision, and stimulates your higher mind and the wisdom of the cosmos to come through clearly, guiding you to insight and greater awareness. It’s grounding, centering, and clarifying, bringing clear thought, higher meaning, a wider perspective, and the greater questions that will lead you to greater answers.

Sodalite will help you move deeper into a meditative state, connecting you with the present moment. It’s calming for the nervous system and balancing for the mind, body, and spirit to bring them all into alignment with one another, and open to the messages they have to share with you, and how to apply that wisdom to your practical reality.

💙 Our guided Sodalite meditation takes you on a cleansing, calming journey to help you release the past and gain answers to your big questions 🌠

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Sodalite Guided Meditation

Our guided Sodalite meditation takes you on a cleansing, calming journey to help you release the past and gain answers to your big questions.

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Crystal Sodalite Connection Background

Sodalite Connections

Zodiac Signs & Ruling Planet


A beautiful stone for writers, speakers, and thinkers, sodalite helps you access and clear your mind, which is the realm of Gemini energy. Sodalite combines intellect with intuition and helps you learn more, take in new ideas and information, and find new ways of perceiving the world. It’s also calming for anxiety, over-thinking, and overstimulation, which Gemini-vibes can carry, helping settle and center the energy.


This stone of truth is associated with Sagittarius and helps you tap into your passion, expand your mind, and align with your highest inspirations. Gives you confidence to speak your truth and share your wisdom, inspiring optimism, faith, and a connection with the Universe and higher levels of consciousness. It can also cool and calm that Sag fire if it starts burning too hot, bringing balance to the mental and emotional bodies.

The Moon

Cooling and calming, with a strong yin energy, sodalite is associated with the energies of the Moon. It heightens intuition and spiritual perception, increases psychic senses, and helps you go within yourself to find the answers and learn how to trust what you hear. It’s a beautiful crystal to help you develop a better relationship with your inner world, and access the depths of wisdom and heights of knowledge you hold within you.

Crystal Sodalite Connection Item
Sabian Symbol

Sabian Symbol

{The Sabian symbols are a set of channeled mental images that describe the energy associated with each degree of the zodiac wheel. Each Sabian symbol has been linked to a crystal that embodies the frequency and essence of that symbol’s energy.}

A Bomb Fails to Explode 

Phase 13, Aries 13*

Bring this image to your mind, and tune into that feeling of an inner bomb that’s about to go off… and then what it feels like when that doesn’t happen, when the build-up dissipates, when the bomb fizzles out. This sense of relief, a deep breath of fresh air, the deep exhale of “everything’s going to be okay now”- this is what sodalite offers us.

It has the ability to tamp out the bombs of anger, resentment, and guilt that are within us, just waiting to explode when we least expect it, so that we are instead met with feelings of release, peace, healing, and letting go. Sodalite absolves, cleanses, and allows you to change your future. Even when you may expect the worst, there’s always a possibility for ease and calm to prevail, and sodalite can show you the way.

Crystal Sodalite Connection Item
Tarot Cards

The Queen of Swords 

This Queen is the archetype of an older, wiser woman who has learned much through experience, who is impeccably intelligent and rational with an objective perception, a wide view, and an ability to look at things honestly and fairly. She’s successful, confident, strong in mind, and willpower, able to wield the sword of her words to create the outcome she wants. She helps you consider the logical, practical realities and make wise decisions. This is very similar energy to the Air qualities that sodalite holds and how it helps you tap into this higher essence of intellectual awareness.

Ace of Cups

The water energy of sodalite feels most similar to the Ace of Cups, representing a new vibrancy of energy, a new beginning, a new love, a new emotional awareness, a new perspective. This card is about intuition, creativity, and the start of something. It implies releasing the emotional baggage and attachments from the past so you can start fresh, open your heart, and hold out optimism for the future possibilities that lie ahead. This card describes the refreshing, emotionally balancing, creatively energizing qualities of sodalite.

Crystal Sodalite Connection Item
Spirit Animal


A symbol of communication, these shore birds harness the elements of both the Air and Water, bridging both worlds, just like sodalite does. They harness the magic and mystery of the sea, able to fly, float, dive, and glide. Agile and flexible, they adapt to any situation easily and learn how to use communication to manifest what they want- namely, food. They’re always squawking, talking, and making noise- they are a symbol of an open and highly expressive throat chakra, as well as a connection with the higher realms of the sky and Spirit.

The seagull is often seen as a pest by humans, but think of how committed they are to their goals, relentless in their pursuit, and able to think of creative ways to bring their intentions to life. Sodalite harnesses this same energy of using subtle and not-so-subtle communication and creativity to achieve your goals and keep moving forward in life. It plays in-between worlds like the seagull, harnessing both the waters and the sky, helping you express the unexpressed, use your will to reach your goals, and bring higher inspiration to life in the real world.

Crystal Sodalite Connection Item
Sodalite Varieties

Sodalite comes in different shades other than blue, all with similar healing qualities as described above with a few differences- here are some of the most notable varieties:


A stunning and rare periwinkle or purply-pink variety of sodalite that contains sulfur. It’s fluorescent under long-wave UV light and its color fades to translucent in the sunlight, and is restored in the dark. It holds a higher vibration that connects more with the upper chakras.

Yellow Sodalite

A gorgeous yellow and blue or pure yellow variety of sodalite, that connects more with the solar plexus, enhancing self-esteem and confidence to speak up.

Green Sodalite

A deep green sodalite variety that fluoresces under UV light and brings its clarifying and cleansing aspects down into the heart space.

Crystal Sodalite Connection Item
Crystal Pairings

Sodalite + Lepidolite

Pair with lepidolite to uplift your mind and mood and relieve anxiety, stress, sadness, and emotional imbalances.

Sodalite + Fluorite 

Pair with fluorite for added structure and organization for your thoughts and life in general, and to cleanse and detox from head to toe.

Sodalite + Lapis Lazuli

Pair with lapis lazuli to add even more oomph to your intuitive vision, go deep into esoteric and metaphysical knowledge, and bring your dreams to life.

Crystal Sodalite Connection Item
Crystal Sodalite Care Background
Crystal Sodalite Care Background

Care + Cleansing for Sodalite

You can cleanse sodalite using its elements, either with water or air.

A quick, simple way to cleanse it is to run it under cool water and then dry it with a soft cloth. You can also run it through the smoke of some incense or an herbal smudge.

For a deeper cleanse, lay it in a bed of sea salt to help draw out any accumulated energetic information and clear it, or place your sodalite on top of some selenite to rest overnight, and it will be cleared by the morning.

For the most thorough cleanse, especially after a lot of use or an especially cathartic healing, place your sodalite outside on the earth for a few hours or overnight, under a tree where it can be in the breeze, or beside a natural body of water of some sort. This will both cleanse and recharge your stone with the naturally harmonizing frequencies of the earth.

We put our hearts and souls to bring this into life for you. We want to ask you to tap on the heart button if you like this, and please share with others! Thank you. Love and blessings from Moon Omens team..

Oh, and we are looking forward reading your comments below about your experience with Sodalite or crystals in general!


Tell us what you think


  • This was a beautiful piece – I have a small collection of crystals but this completely explains with clarity – I truly loved reading it and wonder do you have a book I can purchase- as the explanation was so clear

    • Thank you so much for reading and glad you enjoyed it! We want to turn these articles into a book soon, so stay tuned 🙂

  • Det var den mest fantastiske og meget grundige omtale af sodalit jeg nogensinde har læst. Tusind tak fra mit hjerte 🌟💚🌟

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