Pink Tourmaline Guided Meditation
Our guided pink tourmaline meditation takes you on a heart-healing journey to release past wounds, connect with your inner strength, and fill yourself up with love.

The Story of Pink Tourmaline
Born from the fiery waters deep within the Earth, pink tourmaline is a pillar of loving energy to build up your confidence, courage, and compassion from the inside out. For strength of heart, both physically and energetically, pink tourmaline shines as a crystal of love and devotion. It helps you surrender, forgive, and release past wounds and pain held in the heart space, easing anxiety, worry, and depression so you can move forward in your life filled with joy and passion.
Pink tourmaline strengthens the divine feminine essence within you and brings nurturance and stability to your emotional world, helping you open up to true love and compassion for yourself, first and foremost, so that you can bring that heart-full loving energy into all your relationships, and into everything you do. It’s a beautiful self-care stone that encourages a deep sense of self-respect, self-confidence, and devotion to your own well-being, helping you connect with your heart’s desires and embrace all the joy and beauty to be found in the present moment.
A beautiful confidence booster, pink tourmaline connects you with the essence of Divine love, the kind of love that is pure, unconditional, and unending, the kind of love that strengthens you from within. When you feel secure in your love for yourself and supported by the Divine essence all around you, you start to make different choices, treat yourself better, and choose to put your time and energy into relationships that support your wholeness and help you feel as valuable and as lovable as you truly are.
Calming and centering, pink tourmaline’s high lithium content makes it a great tool to help regulate and balance your emotions when you’re feeling very up and down or overwhelmed. It’s protective and cleansing for the whole energy body, helping you release toxic and detrimental energies from your field, especially those you’ve picked up through your relationships or interactions with others.
When you know love within yourself- deeply, wholly, truly- then you act with that love in your life and it can change everything you touch for the better, reminding you of the essence that all life is made of, of what really matters and what we’re all really here for. Pink tourmaline is a beautiful tool to connect you to that essence of Divine love within yourself, so you can radiate it courageously out into the world.

Pink Tourmaline Healing Properties
Pink tourmaline holds fire energy that stokes your passion and confidence. In Daoist stone medicine, the color pink relates to the element of fire, which is found in the heart, and pink tourmaline directly supports both the physical and energetic aspects of the heart. It brings the fire of courage and inner strength, stoking your vital energy and connection with your creative life force.
It concentrates your inner fire into your center to boost your sense of security and strength and help you focus on what brings you joy. It’s protective against harmful and toxic energies, whether from electromagnetic radiation or someone’s ill intent, and helps clear those harmful influences from your energy field like a fire clearing the land, to make space for new energetic seeds to be planted.
Created through hydrothermal processes deep within the Earth, pink tourmaline holds both fire and water energies in harmony, and has an overall cooling effect.
Its water energy connects to the emotional body, and to the kidneys, in Daoist stone medicine. It’s a crystal that’s used to enhance communication between the heart and the kidneys, which energetically corresponds to having a better communication between our wants and needs, and between our relationships with others and our own life force essence.
Pink tourmaline has a stabilizing effect on emotions and is especially useful during acute, in-the-moment experiences of grief, anxiety, depression, or whenever you feel overcome by emotion in some way. This stone can help you regain inner strength and emotional balance to better flow through the painful parts of life and get to the other side.
A preeminent stone for the heart, pink tourmaline is connected to the love, joy, and harmony that lives within the heart chakra and helps to enhance compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, and respect for yourself and others. When your heart feels broken, wounded, or weak, pink tourmaline can help you mend old wounds, release old pains, and reestablish a sense of balance and stability in your heart space, especially when you need it most.
The heart chakra is at the center point of the energy field, the harmonic balance between higher and lower realms, between the physical and energetic worlds, and between ourselves and others. It’s where we both give and receive emotional energy, and pink tourmaline works with this mutual energy exchange to help you give and receive more loving energy in your life and live from this harmonic center within yourself, allowing your heart to guide you.
Pink tourmaline consolidates your energy into the heart space, helping you become more emotionally aware and able to stay calm and strong through any emotional waves. It also pulls in higher energy through the crown chakra down into the heart, helping you see yourself from the eyes of the Divine, encouraging a love to bloom inside you that is spiritually uplifting and devoted, helping you feel whole from within.
Energetic Qualities
Pink tourmaline draws energy back towards your center, into your heart, and down into your kidneys, helping you feel grounded, supported, and secure from within yourself. It’s calming for the nervous system, settling scattered and imabalanced energies, bringing you back to your center when you’re feeling stressed or over-emotional.
As a tourmaline, this stone is highly protective and helps to release and deter detrimental energies from entering your auric field. It’s psychically and physically protective, an ally to help you stand strong and feel safe in your own skin. It protects against environmental toxins, EMFs, and toxic patterns and beliefs you may be holding energetically.
Highly connected to the feminine essence, pink tourmaline brings balance to your inner yin qualities, no matter your gender. It connects you to your emotional self, encourages self-acceptance, and helps remedy issues of the female reproductive system, empowering the natural feminine energy within you to come into harmony.
Physical Properties
Pink tourmaline comes in a range of pink shades from pale petal pink to a deep magenta hue, often with its whitish quartz matrix mixed in. When it veers into a highly pigmented pinky-red color, it’s called Rubellite. It can be clear and transparent or opaque, and is sold in a wide range from fine gem-quality crystals to rough, raw stones.
Pink is associated with the heart, but it resonates with a higher vibration of the heart, one that’s gentle, soft, and accepting. Pink is the feminine essence of the heart where joy, passion, and pleasure meet the higher spiritual qualities of the Divine, of purity, acceptance, and grace. Pink is a color of comfort and loving energy to nurture your heart, which is exactly the essence that pink tourmaline holds.
Pink tourmaline is a sodium lithium aluminum borosilicate hydroxide, and its pink color comes from manganese.
Sodium helps regulate the fluids in the body, which contributes to pink tourmaline’s effect on the blood. Lithium is an anti-depressant, incredibly soothing and calming. Aluminum clears heat and settles the nerves. Borosilicate is a type of very durable and heat-resistant glass. Hydroxides have a purging effect to release toxicity. And manganese affects the heart blood in particular, soothing emotional reactivity and irritability.
These qualities all together are what make pink tourmaline so strong, emotionally stabilizing, and protective.
Use Pink Tourmaline When...
You’re feeling…
anxious, depressed, timid, insecure, overwhelmed, sensitive, irritable, down, weak, pessimistic, reactive, frustrated, insecure, unworthy, unwanted, unlovable, stuck, worn down, numb
You’re struggling with…
heartbreak, grief, past traumas, inner child wounds, self-esteem issues, taking adequate self-care, finding loving relationships, menstrual irregularity, heart or blood pressure issues
When you want…
confidence, self-worth, self-love, pleasure, passion, courage, gentleness, inner strength, mutual respect, compassion, loving relationships, an open heart, emotional stability, to release the past

Using Pink Tourmaline in Everyday Life
As a manifestation tool, pink tourmaline works on the level of the heart by affirming your own value and self-worth, and arming you with the confidence and inner security to go after what your heart truly desires in this life and to act courageously and compassionately in those efforts as you follow where your passion leads you.
If you’re feeling unsure, insecure, or down on yourself in any way, it can be hard to manifest the desires from your higher self and the goals you know you want to achieve, because there’s a layer of doubt, fear, and past patterns in the way. Pink tourmaline can help you come into awareness about the emotional blocks you’re carrying- especially those that affect your sense of self-worth and ability to be in and attract safe, loving relationships into your life- and begin to release them so you can find the strength of love within yourself to do what it takes to create a life of pleasure and joy.
Work with pink tourmaline when you want to manifest more self-love, attract a new relationship, or bring more love into the relationships you already have. You can wear it over your heart as a necklace, or carry it with you throughout the day. Hold it up to your heart as you state your intentions and say some beautiful affirmations about the love you’re deserving of and the love you want to bring into your life.
Love & Relationship
This powerful pink stone is a beautiful one for your relationships, first and foremost, the one you have with yourself. It helps you release wounds, pain, resentment, and the walls you’ve placed around your heart from traumatic or painful experiences, so you can open your heart up to forgiveness, compassion, and a deep sense of love for yourself, which you can take into all your relationships.
As you wear or carry pink tourmaline with you throughout the day, it begins to change how you treat yourself and value yourself, which immediately begins to change how you show up in your relationships and the kind of people you attract into your life. It helps you open up in new relationships or social situations if you’re feeling a bit shy or closed off, and can bring you courage and confidence to stay open and joyful even after suffering the loss of love or a broken heart. Wear a pink tourmaline ring on your ring or pinky finger to bring more unconditional love into your life.
It’s a great stone for intimate relationships to increase your sex drive and innate passion. It boosts your stamina and endurance and helps you feel secure and loved from within, so you can meet your partner with an open heart and inner wholeness that’s undeniably attractive and encourages them to reflect the same energy back to you. Keep a stone in the bedroom on your nightstand or under your pillow to bring more love and passion into your love life.
Shadow Work
Pink tourmaline is an excellent crystal for doing inner child work and healing those childhood wounds. It’s also good for children to work with who are dealing with a lot of emotions or fears so they don’t develop these shadows they’ll have to later unearth as an adult.
If you’re dealing with childhood wounds, emotional and physical abuses from the past, or trauma or grief that you’re holding in your heart space, pink tourmaline is an excellent choice to help you release the blockages and toxicity those deep wounds and emotions may have created within you.
Lay down with pink tourmaline over the center of your chest and take some deep breaths, and feel yourself letting go of the past pain with each exhale. The stone will help you release what’s detrimental first and then fill you up with the strength and light of Divine love, so you can regain a state of harmony and security within your heart and open it more fully to the beauty of the world around you.

Physical Healing
Pink tourmaline benefits the physical heart and blood flow, breaking up stagnation in the blood and easing palpitations, angina, heart disease, hypertension, and shortness of breath, and is said to speed recovery after a heart attack. It’s a good stone to work with for overall cardiovascular health.
It also helps balance the endocrine system and brings harmony to hormonal imbalances. It’s a great stone to work with if you’re dealing with menstrual irregularity, heavy flow, infertility or are going through peri/menopause, puberty, or other big hormonal shifts. You can lay down with a pink tourmaline placed over your belly button and breathe for a while, or tape it there and sleep with it overnight once a week to help regulate and remedy these issues.
It reduces inflammation and has a cooling effect on the body to aid with arthritis or inflamed skin. It helps with edema and swelling, having an overall harmonizing effect on the physical body, increasing the flow of blood and fluids, reducing pain, and calming the nerves.
Self Care
One of the best crystal tools you can use to boost your self-care routine, pink tourmaline helps you act with love towards yourself, nurture yourself, and make better choices. It’s a beautiful stone to help you change yourself from within, to take care of your heart, and repair the places inside you that need it most.
When you feel stuck, broken-hearted, down on yourself, insecure, or unsure, pink tourmaline can move that dense, heavy energy out of your field, especially from the heart space, and help you open to more acceptance, embrace your self-value and worthiness, and begin to live life in a more courageous, loving, open-hearted way.
Wearing pink tourmaline as jewelry is one of the best ways to help you feel more secure in your own skin and loved from the inside out. You can also hold pink tourmaline as you state loving affirmations to yourself in the mirror, or as you make plans and intentions around your self care, to help you stay devoted towards truly loving yourself how you deserve to be loved.

Intuitive Development
Pink tourmaline links the heart with the crown, connecting your divine knowing with the center of your body. Its essence is the energy of a higher love, a spiritual love, a love that comes from Source, that’s pure and devoted. And when you work with it regularly, it helps you begin to access those higher echelons of love that encompass deep forgiveness and acceptance for yourself and others.
Hold pink tourmaline to your chest and breathe, or lay down with it over your heart, to help you come into the present moment, into your heart space. Begin to feel into and communicate with the emotions held here and better hear the subtle whispers of your heart. The pink tourmaline will increase your emotional awareness and ability to let go of what’s harmful or holding you back, and realize what your heart truly wants.
Use it to help you access your heart’s wisdom and use it as a compass to steer your way. It helps you listen to your heart and find grace, acceptance and joy, even when things look dark on the surface. When you walk through the world with a big open heart, this strong pink stone keeps you protected and blocks detrimental energies from infiltrating your energy field.
Balancing, grounding, and empowering, pink tourmaline is a great stone to meditate with when you need a boost of love and compassion from the inside out. It will help you come into the center of your body and release anxiety, stress, fear and tension so you can focus on the present moment.
It holds the energy of pink light, and you can envision or sense a gentle pink glow emanating from the crystal and moving right into your aura, and into your heart, to fill you with its love, compassion, kindness and strength. It will help you rise up to connect with a higher vibration of love and to spread that loving energy into every cell of your being and entire energy field.
🩷 Our guided pink tourmaline meditation takes you on a heart-healing journey to release past wounds, connect with your inner strength, and fill yourself up with love. 💓

Pink Tourmaline Guided Meditation
Our guided pink tourmaline meditation takes you on a heart-healing journey to release past wounds, connect with your inner strength, and fill yourself up with love.

Pink Tourmaline Connections
Zodiac Signs & Ruling Planet
An alternate birthstone for October Libras, pink tourmaline embodies the love, beauty and harmony that Libra is known for, and encourages mutually beneficial, respectful, loving relationships in your life. It’s also an aid for balancing the indecision and airiness of Libran energy, helping you make heart-led, high-minded decisions with confidence.
Pink tourmaline is also associated with the inner strength and courage of Scorpio, and can aid in the deep emotional catharsis that Scorpio is known for. When your emotions get too intense or threaten to carry you away, it offers stability and calm, and can also help you access the deep insight and intuitive wisdom that Scorpio energy carries.
There is a certain passion, endurance and enthusiasm that pink tourmaline carries that feels very Leonine, evoking courageous love and the confidence to live life from your heart. Pink tourmaline stimulates all these energies while also helping temper the overzealousness and ego-driven qualities of Leo, moving you into a calm, heart-centered place to take creative action from.
The planet of love and relationships, and ruler of both Libra and Taurus, pink tourmaline is a very Venusian stone that attracts love, enhances physical pleasure, and evokes the senses. It’s a stone of luxury, beauty, grace, and radiance, putting you in touch with your feminine essence and enhancing your charm, attraction, and self-worth from the inside out.

Sabian Symbol
Sabian Symbol
{The Sabian symbols are a set of channeled mental images that describe the energy associated with each degree of the zodiac wheel. Each Sabian symbol has been linked to a crystal that embodies the frequency and essence of that symbol’s energy.}
A Spaniard Serenading his Señorita
Phase 56, Taurus 26*
Bring this image to your mind, and feel into the love, passion, and devotion it carries with it. This is the energy of pink tourmaline, and it works to strengthen all those qualities within you. Think of the life force energy, the romance and drama, the flair and confident expression of love that comes from this symbol’s imagery, of a man singing with courageous love to woo the woman that stole his heart.
And the señorita is the passionate feminine energy that lives within pink tourmaline, the creative essence that flows through us all, the joy and tenderness, compassion and openness that is the feminine essence in its most Divine form.
Pink tourmaline evokes that Divine essence of unconditional, all encompassing, ever-accepting love, which includes a deep love for yourself. This is the basis for true confidence, worthiness and inner security and it shines through to attract those who will meet you at that level, who will serenade you with love and devote their hearts to you.

Tarot Cards
Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups is introspective and thoughtful, resting on a throne at the edge of the water, she’s emotionally stable and poised, aware of her emotions but not overtaken by them. When she appears in a reading, it’s often an urging for you to follow your heart and trust its guidance. She’s a symbol of compassion and nurturance, encouraging you to take self-care, to become aware of and tend to your emotional needs, and be open to all the signs and signals coming from your intuitive knowing.
This symbology all deeply resonates with the energetic qualities of pink tourmaline, and its ability to help you create more emotional stability, to follow your heart and passion in life, and better care for and nurture your own needs so you can be the force of love in the world that you are at your core.

Spirit Animal
This unique bird is a symbol of balance, grace, and composure, as it stands on one leg, and an expression of confidence, joy and exuberance for life in its beautiful pink color. It represents compassion and self-care, nurturing your inner child, and expressing your unique joy and passion for life. These are all the same qualities that pink tourmaline can stimulate within you.
The flamingo also lives in community, in relationship with others, and is a symbol of social harmony, union, and cooperation. Flamingoes hold the essence of elegance, poise and adaptability, able to stand strong through the changing tides of life. Pink tourmaline can arm you with the energetic strength, stability and balance to gracefully move through life’s challenges and keep radiating your innate beauty into the world.

Pink Tourmaline Varieties
There’s only one type of pink tourmaline but it comes in some different mineral combinations that are available as different stones:
A deeply saturated pink to red gem-quality pink tourmaline with a higher manganese content that’s brimming with life-force energy, and deeply supports the heart.
Watermelon Tourmaline
This is a mix of pink and green tourmaline that invokes emotional balance, heart-healing and joy, even through the sorrows and hard parts of life.
Pink Tourmaline in Lepidolite
These two crystals often naturally grow together creating an incredible stone for anxiety and stress relief, especially during big life transitions.

Crystal Pairings
Pink Tourmaline + Black Tourmaline
Pair with black tourmaline for deep energetic and emotional cleansing and release, to support your grounding and connection with the material realm.
Pink Tourmaline + Rose Quartz
Pair with rose quartz to increase your heart healing and nourishment, and for self-care and self-love work.
Pink Tourmaline + Rhodonite
Pair with rhodonite for deep healing and repair of emotional wounds to enhance forgiveness and compassion for yourself and others.

Care + Cleansing for Pink Tourmaline
For a quick, easy cleanse, hold your pink tourmaline under cool running water for a few minutes and then dry it with a soft cloth. You’ll want to do this every couple of weeks if you’re regularly working with it.
For a deeper cleanse, you can leave your stone outside directly on the Earth, under the setting sun, and let it rest there overnight, to fully release any energies it has accumulated and recharge its vital essence back up. Bring it back inside in the early morning, don’t let it sit out in bright, direct sunlight or it could become discolored or start to crack.
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I am really grateful to have received this beautiful gift of pink tourmaline knowledge in my mailbox today. These crystal offerings clearly take a lot of time, effort and love to manifest into the gem that they truly are. We feel it Moon Omens 🙏🏼
I’m ever so grateful I explored the write up and knowledgeable facts related to pink tourmaline. Thank you, again, moonomens