Aquarius season 2024 begins & Pluto enter Aquarius
Moon Omens
January 19, 2024
On January 19, 11:11 AM —
On January 20, 2024, we experience a massive energetic shift. At 8:45 AM EST, the Sun and Pluto meet at 29º59’ Capricorn, at 09:08 AM EST Aquarius season 2024 begins as the Sun enters Aqaurius, and at 7:51 PM EST Pluto enters Aquarius too. The Sun and Pluto enter Aquarius almost simultaneously, and Aquarius season 2024 begins with fireworks.
The Sun is going to remain in Aquarius until February 18, while Pluto is staying in the sign until September 1, 2024, when he briefly retrogrades back to Capricorn. Pluto comes back to Aquarius again on November 19 and is finally going to remain in the sign until 2044.
These events are very significant for the collective and for everyone of us, regardless of our natal chart. However, they are particularly relevant for those born with planets in the early degrees of Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius).
Those of us personally impacted by the beginning of Aquarius season and Pluto’s ingress in Aquarius are being called to radically and drastically transform and commit to embody the most evolved version of themselves. They will have opportunities to revolutionize their lives from the inside out and will be called to allow the inner work they are doing to ripple into and transform every aspect of their reality.
The Sun-Pluto conjunction: Dawn of a New Era
The Sun-Pluto conjunction technically happens at 29°59’ of Capricorn, the last degree and last minute of Capricorn: this is indeed a powerful omen and synchronicity. The 29º of each sign is known as the “anaretic degree” and is a point of extremes, a point of breakthroughs, a point of massive change, a point of both crises and opportunities. The energy of this conjunction sets the tone for the next year, as the Sun and Pluto are now starting a new year-long cycle, a cycle that will end on January 21, 2025, with their next conjunction at 1º Aquarius.
This powerful Sun-Pluto alignment comes with a potent energy of closure. Besides activating the last degree of Capricorn, this is also the last time in our lifetime that Pluto and the Sun meet in Capricorn. An old, well-known chapter of our life is coming to an end: we are ready to move on to the next one, knowing what we leave behind but not what we are going to find on our path. We are saying goodbye to the past while simultaneously planting seeds of the future, seeds that will grow in due time and that are now entering a period of incubation.
As we navigate this transition from the past to the future, as we move through the birth canal, the question for us is: what do we need to break free from in order to allow our visions to unfold? What conditioning still needs to be unraveled in order for us to be able to grow in the direction we aspire? How do we stop repeating the past?
Aquarius season 2024: Some Rules Have to Be Broken
Aquarius season is the time of the year when our individuation process comes front and center. After the Sun’s transit through Capricorn brought into the spotlight the ways our past and the conditioning we internalized still determine our choices in the present, the invitation for us is to focus on liberating ourselves from what isn’t authentic and creating a reality that better reflects our individuality.
Capricorn season underlined the value of integrity, commitment, and dedication. Aquarius season invites us to embody these qualities as we work on creating the reality we aspire to experience, as we work on bringing our visions for the future down to earth and into the present moment.
The Sun’s ingress into Aquarius reminds us that some rules have to be broken, some structures have to be destroyed to allow progress to unfold. Aquarius is the rebel and the genius of the Zodiac, and this time of the year invites us all to connect with our genius and to make sure we are being rebels with a cause.
Aquarius season is a time to honor our and others’ uniqueness, embrace individual differences, and celebrate the power of community, connection, and collaboration. This time of the year reminds us that together we are stronger, together we are more powerful.
The Sun’s journey through Aquarius brings our attention to our relationship with groups and how we tend to show up within groups. While wounds, insecurities, and fears surrounding belonging and alienation may emerge for us to look at, the invitation for us is to focus on supporting, offering value, and being of service to our community and the larger human collective during times of accelerated change and increasing pressure.
Aquarius season 2024: Transits and Lunations
Aquarius season 2024 will be a time marked by feelings of restlessness, fast change, and a general sense of agitation. Besides beginning with the Sun and Pluto’s simultaneous ingress into the sign, Aquarian energy continues to powerfully increase as Uranus, Aquarius’ modern ruler, stations direct in just a week. Moreover, before Aquarius season comes to an end, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are also going to enter the sign. When the energy of Aquarius and Uranus is prominent, the levels of unpredictability increase drastically. There is going to be a strong emphasis on this archetype, which is an opportunity for us to observe how we relate to uncertainty, chaos, disruption, and not knowing.
During Aquarius season 2024, we are going to experience a Full Moon in Leo and a New Moon in Aquarius. The Full Moon in Leo, happening on January 25, is going to oppose Pluto, still conjunct with the Sun in the early degrees of Aquarius. The emotional intensity will be high these days. Thanks to the activation of Pluto in Aquarius opposing the Moon we will have opportunities to gain a new, objective awareness of repetitive patterns and habits that generate cycles of disempowerment and suffering. The Leo Full Moon will also remind us that in order to create we must also be willing to destroy, release, and let go.
On February 9, we experience a New Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus. This lunation begins a lunar cycle colored by erratic moods, restless energy, and an underlying urge to make sudden, radical, and drastic changes in our lives. Our desire to rebel from what is no longer authentic will exponentially increase, and this New Moon will inspire us to revolutionize the way we show up in life, challenging us to experiment, to do things differently.
Pluto enters Aquarius: Moving Toward a New Paradigm
Pluto’s second ingress in Aquarius brings us another taste of the next chapter of our personal and collective evolution. A new paradigm is emerging and each of us is invited to give our personal contribution to facilitate the transition from the old systems and paradigms to the new ones.
Pluto’s journey through the sign of the Water Bearer is meant to catalyze a shift in the relationship between individuals and the collective, between individuals and communities, and between communities and the larger social structure.
Small-scale, horizontal, and self-managed systems, economies, and self-sufficient realities will continue to emerge as a response to the changing socio-economic environment, the loss of trust in governments and institutions, and the growing need for community support and connection with nature. This shift will invite each of us to embrace a new level of personal responsibility and take ownership of our impact on others, on our network, on nature, and our ecosystem.
Pluto in Aquarius will motivate us to take charge of our lives as self-responsible and unique individuals committed to the journey of unlearning old coping mechanisms and survival strategies that are no longer necessary.
Understanding the impact of trauma on the physical and emotional body and the importance of healing and regulating the nervous system will be core themes of Pluto’s transit through Aquarius. This transit will remind us that transformational, healing, and spiritual work aren’t processes we are only meant to go through in isolation. At the same time, Pluto in Aquarius will brutally expose the shadows of communities, highlighting the dangers of power dynamics, elitism, and groupthink.
Pluto in Aquarius: Taste of the Future
Pluto is going to come back to Capricorn one very last time between September and November this year, inviting us to focus on the work that we haven’t completed, put the pieces together, and integrate a new level of understanding into the inner processes we have been through during the last years.
How do we move from the past to the future? Is this transition linear? What is required on our part to create a new reality? What needs to change in our everyday choices? What needs to change in our relationship with responsibility? These are some of the questions that we will have chances to contemplate during 2024.
The results of the choices we make now will not be immediate, they will emerge over the course of the upcoming months, years, and decades. As Pluto enters Aquarius to stay, however, we must keep in mind that personal and collective evolution will speed up incredibly as our level of awareness grows, as global consciousness evolves.
Aquarius season 2024 begins & Pluto enters Aquarius: Our Invitation
A lot of transpersonal energy will be present for the entirety of Aquarius season 2024. Aquarius is a transpersonal sign, and both Uranus and Pluto, which will be very active, are transpersonal planets.
Transpersonal archetypes deal with dynamics that go beyond the personal self: they mark generational and collective patterns and embody energies that cannot be fully grasped if we try to understand them from the perspective of the ego or with the rational mind. The invitation for us at this time is to try connecting with the big picture and seeing our reality from a higher and objective vantage point, from a bird’s eye view.
Pluto’s shift from Capricorn to Aquarius as well as the collective shift of Ages, from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius are reminding us that, in times of transition, destruction and chaos make space for the new.
Many situations are coming to a breaking point, long-standing issues are erupting in extreme ways to force us to find different solutions and make drastic changes. At this time of our personal and collective evolution, we are learning that there is no rebirth without death. The old must go to make space for the new, and the more we resist the process and try to cling to what is familiar, the more difficult it will be.
There are often more questions than answers, more doubts than certainties, and a lot of insecurities when we navigate transitions as big as this one. The invitation for us is to keep searching and learning, keeping an open mind and an open heart, and making sure we do so without expectations, a goal, or an agenda, without trying to control or force an outcome.
Crystal Pick for Sun in Aquarius: Ametrine
Ametrine is a combination of the Aquarian stone, amethyst, and the very sunny stone, citrine, a perfect choice as the Sun enters Aquarius. This combo makes a powerfully activating crystal for a very activating season, to uplift your mind and spirit into higher awareness and help you take action on bringing your big dreams down to Earth.
This clarifying quartz variety harnesses, directs, stores, and transmutes energy. It works on both the lower and upper chakras, clearing your mind/gut connection, and allowing space for divine wisdom to funnel through you as bright ideas and intuitive nudges. It will help you clarify your vision and then manifest it in real life.
Ametrine holds a dynamic energy that is both cool and warm, cosmically connected and grounded, in the same beautiful balance that Aquarian energy holds. During this season we enter a connection point between the divine realm and material realm to help us stretch our minds, our innovations, and our ideals to new heights, while keeping our feet on the ground.
To celebrate the arrival of Aquarius Season we present you our new creation – the Aquarius Season Workbook 2024. This is a printable PDF workbook that you can print out and work on right away!
It is an absolutely powerful workbook that you deserve and must experience – for all zodiac signs, no matter your sun sign or configuration of your natal chart. Don’t think twice, go ahead and get workbook now. It is life changing and we are going to be using it along side you. Below you can watch our short Aquarius Season 2024 workbook preview!
Leave a comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you liked this article.. Happy Aquarius Season!
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This is so very timely as I’m a yoga instructor who spends each January guiding my classes through each chakra along with yoga, mudras, lots of layers. It’s my passion and I wholeheartidly believe our chakras are truly the wheels that propel our body-vehicles. This particular article and time period is (not surprisingly) coinciding with where my classes will be this week: Solar Plexus-3rd chakra! Thank you for all these delicious nuggets I will be indeed sharing with my students and private clients!!!! PS: If there’s ever a retreat planned for the lot of us here in US, sign me up and I’ll be happy to be one of the yoga instructors out of so many I’m sure are equally motivated to help others connect with breath, body, mind, soul!!! 🙂 Namaste, Lauri
This is very informative! Being a Capricorn, and my Grandson being an Aquarius, I sent this to him to read!
I would love to see more! Just beautiful!
I loved this read.
This is so very timely as I’m a yoga instructor who spends each January guiding my classes through each chakra along with yoga, mudras, lots of layers. It’s my passion and I wholeheartidly believe our chakras are truly the wheels that propel our body-vehicles. This particular article and time period is (not surprisingly) coinciding with where my classes will be this week: Solar Plexus-3rd chakra! Thank you for all these delicious nuggets I will be indeed sharing with my students and private clients!!!! PS: If there’s ever a retreat planned for the lot of us here in US, sign me up and I’ll be happy to be one of the yoga instructors out of so many I’m sure are equally motivated to help others connect with breath, body, mind, soul!!! 🙂 Namaste, Lauri
I agree. As a nutritionist, energy is everything and the gut / solar plexus has such a synergistic relationship