article Leo Season 2024: Open Up to Life
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Astrology & Omens

Leo Season 2024: Open Up to Life

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Moon Omens

July 22, 2024

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On July 22, 06:41 PM —

On July 22, 03:45 AM EST, the Sun leaves Cancer, and Leo season 2024 begins, bringing the spotlight on the importance of deepening our connection with our true, essential Self and allowing ourselves to be transformed and inspired by the power of play and creativity. The Sun is going to remain in Leo until August 22.

The beginning of Leo season is especially relevant for those of us born with personal placements in Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). The individuals personally impacted by the beginning of Leo season will have opportunities to access more vitality and energy, work on their self-confidence, and renew their relationship to visibility and creativity. They will be invited to get comfortable with being in the spotlight and invest more energy into what they love and feel passionate about.

From Cancer to Leo Season: Invitation to Open Up to Life


Cancer season invited us to deepen our emotional self-knowledge and our awareness of our needs and vulnerabilities: this time of the year highlighted the importance of being connected with the ebbs and flows of our inner states and prioritizing nurturing ourselves. This transit brought our attention to our relationship with our family, our childhood, and our tender, fragile parts: Cancer season reminded us to take responsibility to parent our inner child and motivated us to further explore the link between our past and our present.

The Sun’s ingress in Leo, a Fixed, Fire, Yang sign, brings the spotlight on our desire for creative self-actualization and heart-centered, authentic living. While during Cancer season our focus was primarily inward, Leo season reminds us of the power of being fully open to life and willing to be active participants in the cosmic game of existence. Leo season encourages us to allow our joy to guide us, reminds us of the value of play, and motivates us to commit to our creative self-discovery journey.


Leo Season: Connecting with Our Essential Self


As the Sun enters his domicile of Leo, we have an opportunity to deepen our connection with our true, essential Self, with our creativity, and with our joy. Leo season is a time to remember who we truly are, who we already were before we learned who we are supposed to be and tried to fit into someone else’s mold. This time of the year is a time to nurture our creative life, stoke our inner fire, and invest our energy into what gives us joy, into what feeds our Soul.

While the Sun is in Leo, we have an opportunity to recover our connection with our inner child’s playfulness, lightheartedness, and enthusiasm. This season reminds us of the importance of celebrating life, of being grateful for the simple fact of being alive. Leo season is an opportunity to hone our ability to inspire and empower others by simply being ourselves, by shining and sharing our light generously, without holding anything back, without any fake modesty, and without any grandiosity.

During this time of the year, we are reminded of the importance of not seeking validation or approval from others and learning, instead, to validate ourselves. We have an opportunity to explore how to honor our need to feel seen without egoically feeding on external attention or admiration.

Leo Season 2024: Upcoming Lunations


During Leo season 2024, we are going to experience a New Moon in Leo and a Blue Full Moon in Aquarius. The New Moon in Leo, coming up on August 4, will begin a lunar cycle centered around renovating our relationship with our creativity, self-expression, and being seen. The Sun and the New Moon will be harmoniously aligned with both Jupiter and Mars in Gemini. This configuration suggests that the upcoming lunar month will be very dynamic and filled with opportunities for learning, growth, and expansion. Around this time, we will have access to an extra boost of determination, self-confidence, and willingness to make things happen and act on our desires.

The Aquarius Full Moon, happening on August 19, is considered to be a Blue Full Moon as it is the third Full Moon of a season during which we exceptionally experience four Full Moons. This event brings our attention to our relationship with groups, with our communities, and with the larger human collective, and challenges us to relate to our creativity in a way that allows it to serve our community or add value to the collective. The Sun and the Moon are going to square Uranus, and the Full Moon is going to oppose retrograde Mercury in Leo. This is another very dynamic configuration that suggests a high likelihood of experiencing fast and unexpected changes as well as unforeseen changes of plans.


Leo Season 2024 & More Significant Transits


As soon as he enters Leo, the Sun immediately opposes Pluto, now retrograde and at 0º of Aquarius. The Sun-Pluto opposition, already active during the Full Moon in Capricorn we experienced just a few hours earlier, highlights the need to bridge the split between what is conscious and what is unconscious and confront uncomfortable truths. This configuration challenges us to acknowledge and embrace aspects or parts of ourselves we usually hide, deny, disown, feel ashamed about, or project onto others. Opportunities for intense personal and creative transformation are available these days, as the Sun-Pluto opposition reminds us that there is gold in darkness, there is light in the shadows, but it’s up to us to look for it.

Another significant event taking place during Leo season 2024 is the Jupiter-Saturn square going exact for the first time. Jupiter and Saturn perfect their alignment on August 19, the same day as the Aquarius Full Moon. This aspect will be active for the entirety of Leo season, emphasizing the tension between our impulse to learn, expand, and grow and the need to build the structures and take the responsibilities that allow us to do so.

During Leo season 2024, we will have opportunities to gain awareness of how we need to mature, grow, and strengthen ourselves in order to be able to show up in life and express ourselves in the way we aspire to. We will have chances to observe how we integrate our uniqueness into groups and to reflect on how we can serve the collective through our creativity. This time of the year challenges us to explore our creative urges without expectations, without attachment to outcomes or goals. The Sun’s yearly transit through Leo is an invitation to bloom, open, and celebrate ourselves with an awareness of the inherent beauty, value, and power of our authentic expression.


Tap here to Get Your Leo Season 2024 Workbook


To celebrate the arrival of Leo Season we present you our new creation – the Leo Season Workbook 2024. This is a printable PDF workbook that you can print out and work on right away!

You deserve and must experience this powerful workbook – for all zodiac signs, no matter your sun sign or configuration of your natal chart. It is life changing and we are going to be using it along side you. Below you can watch our short Leo Season 2024 workbook preview!


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