Unakite Guided Meditation
Our guided unakite meditation takes you on a healing journey to release emotional wounds and connect with your true self to nurture your growth.

The Story of Unakite
Pushing up from the Earth like a blooming flower, Unakite holds a harmonious combination of mineral energies that bring both nurturance and strength to the forefront, like a nudge from Mother Earth herself to push you into the direction your Soul came here to walk. It both roots you down and lifts you up, bringing you into emotional balance and inner stability so you can live your life from the heart, filled with confidence, lit up with the truth of your natural essence.
Named after the Unaka Range in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina where it was originally discovered, unakite harnesses the calm, steady force of Mama Gaia, Earth energy. Its energy is connected to the magic and nurturance that nature provides, connecting you with the nature within yourself, tapping you back into your natural source of energy- your own encoded Soul’s destiny, your vitality, the essence of your very being.
Unakite is a heart stone that encompasses all aspects of love, but it’s not a lovey-dovey stone, per se. It’s strong and integral, a bold and beautiful combination of different energies that harness a collective magic that holds a mirror up for you to see who you’re being, versus who you truly are.
It helps you see the false image you hold of yourself, the self-deceptions and denials, the boxes and conditions you place around yourself, and the erroneous ideas you have about who you are, so you can shed them and regain the vital strength of your true essence, growing that seed inside you of who you were born to be.
For times in your life of rebirth and transformation, unakite will support and guide you, helping you shed the masks and layers you’ve been wearing to open your heart and reveal your true desires and value. Like an encouraging mother, it boosts your self-esteem and sense of your own self-worth, so you feel secure within yourself enough to trust yourself and your heart’s direction. Unakite wants you to drop the masks and grow into authentic alignment and allow the seed that lives within you to fully blossom in all its radiant beauty.

Unakite Healing Properties
In the colors of a green meadow filled with pink wildflowers on a bright spring day, unakite is deeply connected to the Earth and the essence of the natural world, grounding you into your true nature and the unique essence you bring to this world.
It holds the nurturing, supportive, stable essence of the Earth, it’s patient, steady, and balancing. Its energy moves slowly, deep down into the roots of your repressed and unconscious emotional patterns to help you create a sense of safety, stability, and belonging within your own body, in your heart.
It’s a stone of growth and regeneration, just as the Earth springs back to life after winter, without fail, unakite holds this same natural urge, helping you grow in your own life, to always seek the light, and to create an internal and external environment that will allow you to thrive and fully bloom.
Our sacral chakra is where we carry our vital essence, our life force energy, the creative energy that makes us unique individuals, and where we get our impetus and desire to take action on creating a life that brings us pleasure and fulfillment. The sacral chakra is connected to the kidneys, and in Taoist stone medicine, unakite is seen as a stone that aids in kidney-heart communication, which energetically is the relationship between our feelings and how we process and use the energy created by those feelings.
Unakite consolidates our energy into the kidneys, which are like the energetic batteries for our body. Unakite recharges and renews these inner batteries to help you feel internally charged up enough to not just move through life going through the motions, doing what others have done or walking the path others laid out for you, but rather moving forward into new territories with confidence and a sense of worthiness and belonging, feeling empowered to choose your own path and walk toward your unique destiny on this Earth.
A beautiful heart chakra stone, unakite helps release the repressed, stuck, heavy emotions from the heart space, clearing old emotional wounds, pain, and patterns that have been hindering your progress or growth in life.
It’s beneficial for the physical heart and lungs as well, the whole heart chakra area, which is the center of your being where higher and lower energies meet, where harmony is created. The heart chakra is where we both give and receive emotional energy, and unakite helps to bring harmony to this energetic exchange between you and others, and between your own mind, body, and heart, bringing everything into central alignment.
It’s a nurturing and supportive stone for letting go, moving on, and growing up and out of habitual behaviors and beliefs about yourself, to open your heart to more truth, more presence, and more kindness and compassion towards yourself, which then authentically extends out to benefit all the relationships in your life.
Energetic Qualities
A beautiful stone for letting go, unakite detoxifies and releases lower vibrational frequencies from your heart, body, and whole energy field. It’s cleansing, refreshing, renewing. It supports you in removing toxic energies from your emotional and physical body, eliminating anything that may be hindering or hampering your natural growth.
Unakite consolidates your energy down to its truest essence, right into the center of your heart, bringing balance, presence, and inner strength. When your energy feels scattered, or all over the place, unakite is like a collector to bring all the parts and pieces of you back together into a unified and harmonious state so you feel whole within yourself.
Calming and empowering, unakite grounds your energy down into your personal power, giving you agency, confidence, and inner stability. It grounds and stabilizes heightened or out-of-control emotions, which is useful for anxiety, panic attacks, and overwhelm, or anytime your thoughts or emotions threaten to carry you away.
Physical Properties
In its mottled pistachio green and salmon pink hues, unakite’s color energy speaks of springtime, attuned to the frequencies of growth, health, vibrancy, love, and nurturance. It’s mostly opaque with clear or cloudy grey sections mixed in from the clear quartz, which add to its clarifying and detoxifying energies.
Its unique mix of colors is a signal of the vibrant, life-affirming energy it holds, and its beauty enhances your relationship with your own beauty, and with the beauty you see in the world around you, helping you align with your heart, and with nature all around you.
Unakite is a type of granite stone that is found only in slabs- it’s a composite of many different minerals, the combination of which are what give unakite its unique healing properties. Its pink tones are from Orthoclase feldspar, the green is epidote, and the clear veins are quartz.
As these minerals work together in combination, they become greater and more beneficial than their individual parts, which in essence speaks to the healing properties of unakite to help you see how all of the pieces of who you are, when they come together as a whole, are what make you beautiful, unique, and truly valuable. There is an aspect of accepting yourself wholly, on the deepest, heartfelt levels, that is part of unakite’s healing magic.
Use Unakite When...
you feel..
anxious, disconnected, dragged by life, overwhelmed, exhausted, depleted, powerless, stifled, repressed, unsure, directionless, betrayed, burdened by responsibilities, inauthentic, lost
you’re struggling with..
steering your own ship, low self-worth, other people’s expectations of you, bad habits, panic attacks, prioritizing your self-care, wearing masks in life, giving your vital energy away, failure
you want..
rebirth, transformation, renewal, growth, health, healing, confidence, self-worth, self-love, inner stability, emotional balance, harmonious relationships, wholeness, groundedness, presence

Using Unakite in Everyday Life
Unakite is an amazing stone to help you reclaim your personal power. Use it to heal and grow in your life and reorient your sails back to your true north, to why you’re really here. When you find yourself going through life trying to live up to everyone else’s expectations, donning false masks, or feeling dragged down by the weight of responsibilities you hold to all those around you, there’s no way you can manifest your desires and create a life that feels truly purposeful and fulfilling, and that’s when its time to bring unakite into your life.
Unakite helps you reconnect with and reprioritize your own innate creativity and goals, and to start to detach yourself from what everyone else wants or expects for you. It helps you find your true essence, tap into your own heart, and regain confidence in yourself so you can pursue whatever path you choose in life and start to grow into your true essence.
Wearing it as a necklace over the heart, or as a bracelet, or carrying a stone with you daily, is a good way to bring its energy into your field and watch as it slowly but surely changes your emotional balance and perceptions. Lay down with it over your sacral chakra on your lower abdomen to help you release other people’s energy from your field, and restore your own vital essence and innate desires so you can realize what you truly want to manifest for your life.
Love & Relationship
As a heart stone, unakite is an excellent choice to help nurture and grow any kind of relationship in your life. It helps you feel good about yourself, and when you bring that confidence into your relationships, it changes the energy and attracts different responses from those around you, and even different kinds of people into your life. When you’re radiating from an open heart, it shifts all your relationships with friends and family, romantic relationships, and even mundane everyday encounters with the people around you.
You can program your unakite stone to attract more loving, supportive relationships into your life, or to help grow the good relationships you have already. Hold it in your hands, and up to your heart, or wear it as a necklace over your heart space, as you envision or speak about the kind of loving feelings and experiences you want to attract into your life, as if you’re excitedly looking forward to them because you know they’re coming. Then carry that unakite stone with you or keep it in a spot you’ll see and check in with daily, to connect with those intentions you encoded it with.
Another special aspect to unakite is its effect on the mother-child relationship, especially while pregnant. It nurtures that sense of connection between mama and baby while still growing inside the womb, and promotes healthy growth in the baby and a confident, open heart in the mother, which both make an incredible difference during the birth process when it’s time to come Earthside. Wear or carry unakite with you daily while pregnant, or gift one to your favorite mother-to-be.
Shadow Work
When you have shadows around your own self-worth and they’re affecting your self-esteem, confidence, and ability to go for what you want in your life, unakite is a great stone to use to reveal and release the inner wounds that are holding you back. When you’re struggling with bad habits and unconscious patterns, especially detrimental self-talk, it can help calm and silence those habitual tendencies and allow you to grow new ways of being and thinking so you can grow new healthy habits in your life.
A great way to work with this stone is to wear or hold it as you’re doing mirror work, speaking encouraging and kind words to yourself as you look into your own eyes in the mirror. Doing this will bring up the shadows in how you naturally react to the words you’re saying. It will help you see your negative self-talk, your conditioned responses, and your lack of self-love wherever there is a disconnect between the words you’re saying and how they make you feel.
Gaining awareness of these emotional blocks you’re carrying is what shadow work is, and once you know they’re there, unakite can help you look at those insecurities and inner wounds through a lens of openness, presence, and patience, helping you repair them and restore your vital essence back up in the places within you where your shadows have been depleting your energy.

Physical Healing
In Taoist stone medicine, unakite is seen as one of the best stones to promote latency and remission, which means it pauses, dissolves, and detoxifies the symptoms and signs of disease, allowing you to see your innate strength and health and reconnect with the vital life essence you carry within you. It’s a beautiful stone to promote general health, wellness, and vitality throughout the whole body.
It’s beneficial for conditions of the physical heart, such as heart disease, and aids in the heart’s communication and connection with the kidneys. It reduces inflammation, can help break up kidney stones, and has been used in the treatment of cancers, especially when occuring in people who have been living a false life, wearing too many masks, and hiding their truth.
It also aids in fertility and a healthy pregnancy and is a great stone to work with if you’re trying to get pregnant or are pregnant, and want to aid in the healthy growth of the fetus. You can simply wear or carry unakite with you daily, and take some moments to rub the stone around your lower belly and womb space to intentionally direct its healing energy to that area.
It’s regenerative and restorative when you feel weak, including from anemia, exhaustion, lowered immunity, chronic disease, post-surgery, or after suffering intense emotional issues or loss. You can place or tape unakite onto the affected area of the body where you’d like to promote healing as you lay down and breathe for a while. Place it over your heart to spread its healing essence throughout the body and as a practice to promote everyday wellness.
Self Care
A maternal-natured stone, unakite is an excellent stone for mothers and mothers-to-be, and for anyone who is ready to “mother” themselves better and make self-care a priority in their life. It’s the kind of mother energy that’s going to pick you up and push you to do better, that keeps believing in you, and sees the beauty in you even when you don’t see it. It’s not a gentle nudge, it’s a “let’s transform it all, but let’s do it together” type of energy to help you really stand strong in your self-nurturance, self-belief, and self-empowerment, and firmly commit to taking care of yourself and allowing yourself to grow into who you were born to be.
Unakite is a beautiful stone for self-affirmation. Hold it while you write affirmations out to yourself, while you do mirror work speaking kind words to yourself, or just hold the unakite up to your heart and breathe as you state some loving affirmations to yourself in your head. Then keep that stone with you throughout the day as a reminder and guide to connect with that self-empowered energy whenever you need it.
You can also hold it up to your heart and take a few deep breaths whenever you need to create more emotional stability. Or lay down with it over your heart for a self-care break to help you get out of your head, back into your body, and bring all your energy back to yourself.

Intuitive Development
Unakite enhances your natural intuition and ability to tap into your innate wisdom, rather than going along with what everyone else wants for you. It heightens your spiritual awareness and connection with the spiritual essence of the Earth, helping you grow from within and reorient yourself back to the path your Soul came here to walk.
It can help you tap into your subconscious patterns and the inner landscape of your heart to see the truth of what you’re feeling, what you want, and what you’re capable of. It enhances your psychic senses and ability to stand confidently in your personal perception and experience of the world. In essence, it’s a great stone to use to help you trust yourself, trust your intuition, and allow that inner guidance to steer your direction as you journey through life.
Lay down with unakite on your forehead to calm and center your thoughts and tap into the intuitive knowing of your body, mind, and heart. It can help you visualize and gain insight from the depths of your subconscious, where the answers already live, and works to detoxify and remove the mental and emotional blocks that can get in the way of you receiving and trusting the guidance your intuition provides.
An excellent meditation stone, unakite brings you into a state of calm centeredness and presence within yourself, dropping you into your body and detaching you from the worries and wandering thoughts of the mind. It’s grounding and nurturing, when you feel depleted or weak, emotionally or physically, it can help restore your energy and inner strength by simply sitting with it in meditation for 10-15 minutes. It will deepen and enhance your meditation and visualization, allowing you to tap into the clarity of your intuition.
Try meditating with it while you’re outside, or even sitting in front of a window overlooking nature, as it holds a vital connection with nature and can help bring your mind, heart, and body back into alignment with the nature that’s all around you. You can also use it to connect with nature when you’re far from it by holding a unakite stone as you close your eyes and visualize yourself in a nurturing nature scene, filled with light and growth all around you.
💖 Our guided unakite meditation takes you on a healing journey to release emotional wounds and connect with your true self to nurture your growth. 🌱

Unakite Guided Meditation
Our guided unakite meditation takes you on a healing journey to release emotional wounds and connect with your true self to nurture your growth.

Unakite Connections
Zodiac Signs & Ruling Planet
In its beauty, balance, and ability to bring disparate elements together in harmony, unakite harnesses the energies of Libra to help you create more balance in your own heart, and in all your relationships. The Libra energy in us can tend to bend from the weight of other people’s desires, wanting to people please and keep the peace, but unakite helps you stand in your own conviction with love and kindness, breaking you out of codependent habits to show you that you can stand confidently within yourself.
As a stone of rebirth and emotional balance, unakite helps us through the most transformative times in our lives, through the Scorpionic moments when we become aware of the shadows and emotional baggage that’s weighing us down, of the masks we’ve been wearing, and are ready to courageously bare the truth of who we are and accept ourselves wholly. When you’re riding through an overwhelming rollercoaster of intense emotions, as Scorpio energy can bring, unakite is a great settler and balancer to bring you back to center, back into the innate power you hold.
Incredibly nurturing to the physical and emotional bodies, unakite helps you find comfort, pleasure, and inner security, boosting your self-worth and self-esteem. It helps you nurture love within yourself and love in your relationships, which are all Venusian themes. As a Venus stone, unakite is regenerative and encourages inner growth to help you also grow the abundance and beauty of your material world.

Sabian Symbol
Sabian Symbol
{The Sabian symbols are a set of channeled mental images that describe the energy associated with each degree of the zodiac wheel. Each Sabian symbol has been linked to a crystal that embodies the frequency and essence of that symbol’s energy.}
The Sight of an Autumn Leaf Reveals the Mystery of Life and Death
Phase 205, Libra 25*
This symbol is about being able to see beyond simply what’s presented to you, into the larger themes and greater forces at play, into the symbolic understanding and interpretation of the world around you. Unakite helps you see beyond just the mask you wear, what’s externally presented, into the depths of who you truly are, into the subconscious patterning, and into the wider arching story behind why you’re here.
When you can look at a fallen leaf and see the whole life cycle there in front of you, the mysteries of the Universal forces, and the innate relationship between life and death, you’re seeing the world through the same lens of perception that unakite can guide you to, opening your perceptions, deepening your heart, and connecting with the true essence of your Soul.

Tarot Cards
The Empress
Grounded in the power and abundance of the Earth, the Empress is a guardian of nature and lives in alignment with nature’s eternal wisdom, beauty, and nurturing love. This major arcana card is a symbol of fertility and material abundance, as well as inner fertility, ripe with creative potential and inner power, and the spiritual abundance that grows from that. She’s a sign of big growth coming into your life and that it’s time to relax and rely on the endless support that the Earth provides.
Unakite can help you tap into these Empress energies, aligning you with the beauty and abundance that is present all around you, helping you appreciate it and trust in it. It’s a stone that spurs your internal and external growth to help you root down into your own power, and flourish into your fully bloomed self as an expression of the creative essence that lives within you.

Spirit Animal
Walking slowly, gently, and wisely upon the Earth, the tortoise is a symbol of great steadiness of mind and heart, and the protective essence of your inner power. A tortoise is a representation of peace, security, and self-love, encouraging you to acknowledge and embrace your true value, to love who you are, and to courageously and confidently move on from the past.
These qualities all greatly resonate with the calming, stabilizing, and empowering force of unakite, which increases your patience, inner power, and sense of security within yourself. A tortoise is poised to endure, to keep moving forward, carrying its home always on its back, just as unakite helps you tap into the essence of the home that you carry within your own heart, reminding you that you have the power to keep moving forward no matter what, and bring all your dreams into reality.

Crystal Pairings
Unakite + Serpentine
Pair with serpentine to aid during big transformative periods and transitions in your life, to help you stay grounded and empowered to take action on your desires and goals.
Unakite + Rose Quartz
Pair with rose quartz for heart-specific healing, to add a more gentle and uplifting quality to unakite’s energy, to soften and open your heart to a truer love for yourself and others.
Unakite + Moonstone
Pair with moonstone to enhance the intuitive qualities of unakite, for deep self-care work, to integrate and process your emotions and move into a more receptive mode.

Care + Cleansing for Unakite
Think of the element of wind, or air, as a great way to cleanse and charge labradorite. You can leave it outside, especially on a breezy day, where the wind can sweep off and clear its energy, and the earth can absorb whatever ick it has accumulated.
This is also the best way to recharge your labradorite, directly with the natural elements themselves. Do this at night, when the sun is low, or on a cloudy day, avoiding long exposure to direct sunlight.
For a quick cleanse, you can simply run your unakite stone under cool water for a couple of minutes, then dry it with a soft cloth or leave it on the windowsill in the sunshine for a bit to dry. This is a good practice to do once a month or so if you’re frequently wearing or working with your unakite.
For a deeper cleanse, especially after a big emotional release or if you’ve been working with your unakite for shadow work or deep subconscious healing, leave your stone outside on the earth in a safe place overnight (or in the soil of a potted plant if you don’t have easy access to the outdoors where you live) and allow the natural healing frequencies of the Earth to release and restore unakite’s essential energy.
We put our hearts and souls to bring this into life for you. We want to ask you to tap on the heart button if you like this, and please share with others! Thank you. Love and blessings from Moon Omens team..
Oh, and we are looking forward reading your comments below about your experience with Unakite or crystals in general!
Tell us what you think

Superb information. Just what I needed to hear to understand and work with this stone. Thank you
Amazing , it’s just what I need . I’ve had some before. Thanks for the message on unkanite. I’m going to be getting some asap . Peace
Much gratitude for your very thorough explanation of Unakite. A stone I plan to get now. Much appreciated Moon omens 🌙
I absolutely love this. This unakite is something I am now looking to purchase as this article really spoke to me.