article Repeating Numbers? Why Do We See And What It Means
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Numerology & Omens

Repeating Numbers? Why Do We See And What It Means

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Moon Omens

March 13, 2020

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Have you ever wondered why you see certain repeating numbers sequences pop up throughout your day?

You might have a habit of waking up at exactly 2:22am or 3:33am or seeing number sequences appearing not only on clocks but also on price tags, addresses, written pieces of paper, license plates, receipts, etc.


Repeating numbers are spiritual sequences reminding you that something divine is happening in your life


They are the calling card of the Universe and are used to communicate with us and send subtle messages of guidance. The Universe’s vibrations at their simplest form appear as math and geometry.

Make note of this phenomenon of repeating number sequences as they are a code that signals your ancient cellular memory and DNA. They are a sign to your higher consciousness that it must awaken.

Utilizing this numerical energy helps to connect you to your higher self. It helps awaken your body, heart, and mind. When you see these patterns, take a moment to breathe deeply and say out loud, “I am ready to receive.”


There are a lot of common repeating numbers sequences people see as they awaken to this numerological language



The sequence 111 signals manifestation.


If you see this, you’re in a place where you need to assess your life. Stop and look around yourself and make a note of where you are and who’s around you. This is a positive wakeup call from the universe and confirmation that what you are doing is meant to be. You may not be at the destination, but you are heading in the right direction. Continuing down this path will allow you to evolve. People that frequently see the sequence 111 are lightworkers and can help to spread love, harmony, and light wherever they go.


The sequence 222 is surrounded energy asking you to forage ahead, empower yourself, and stand apart.


You are allowed to shine in your own unique way. Keep your personal power even if others are uncomfortable. Use this energy to make a mark on the world. The Universe is telling you to have faith that everything is going to be alright. Pay attention to the people that are entering your life as they can help to empower you and help you on your journey. Often times, if you are seeing this sequence, an important person may be entering your life.


333 signifies that you are blessed, and that the Universe is helping to oversee your life.


This number sequence can come up when work needs to be done to help realign your body, mind, and soul and balance your spirit. The Universe is using its power to help you adjust accordingly in order to have a sense of peace. This sequence is a gentle reminder to continue to be grateful and appreciative of all of the blessings around you.


The sequence 444 helps to indicate abundance and prosperity.


Make sure to pay attention to your inner circle and remember where you came from and your roots. You may be drawn to think back to a valuable lesson from the past that may help you open yourself up to receiving more abundance in the present. Often times this is a sign to declutter your house, surroundings, relationships, etc. as you forge ahead into a more prosperous time.


555 signals a time for advancement.


This number sequence is one of creating forward movement and positive change. You are being granted the momentum that you need to help move in a new direction. Open yourself up to new opportunities and be ready to receive when they come your way. This is a sign from the Universe to not be afraid of change and to be open to new experiences. Take this moment to check in with yourself, trust your gut, focus on self-care, and keep an open mind to the possibilities in your life.


While the sequence 666 often has a negative association, it is simply a reminder to regain your balance.


You may be having reoccurring negative thought patterns. Seeing this pattern is a way for the Universe to ask you to work on quieting your mind and taking care of your body. Be generous with your heart and mind, keep your integrity, remain true to your soul, and be gentle with others. This is a warning against jealousy and resentment and a reminder to remain open both to those that love you and those that challenge you. Be the good you wish to see in the world.


The sequence 777 is a highly spiritual number that helps to signify learning a more conscious way of thinking and being.


This is a contemplative sequence that asks you to stop, reflect, and have patience with everything around you. Walks in nature and a meditative practice may be just the thing to answer the Universe’s request for a more tranquil state of mind. Listen to the messages of the Universe and seek personal development. This is a sign to connect with your spirit and enrich your mind and soul. Discover your soul’s truth.


While the sequence 888 is not sighted as frequently, this number has a very shamanic energy.


It serves as a catalyst for you to begin to deepen your understanding of the Universe. It signals abundance and prosperity and is heavily associated with the law of attraction. By adopting a positive attitude and trusting the Universe, you have so much to gain. This sequence could also be a sign that your finances are about to improve. It is a reminder not to seek money for personal gain or ego. By staying humble, the Universe will help remove any roadblocks. Ask and the Universe will provide.


999 is a master number sequence.


If you see this, there is a profound lesson being taught that will serve to accelerate your soul’s growth. This is a wakeup call from the Universe that what lies ahead will help you step into your most abundant time yet. During this time, it is common to see the end of relationships, friendships, or careers that no longer serve you. It is important to remember that when one door closes another one always opens. By freeing space in your life, these changes allow for new experiences to flow in that better resonate with who you are or who you are in the process of becoming.


The sequence 10:10 symbolizes beginnings and endings.


This number is full of potential and serves as a reminder to stay compassionate and open your heart. Everything in your life is working out to benefit your highest good. 10:10 signals moving into a new beginning in order to step into a higher resonance towards divine consciousness. By keeping your heart open and channeling positivity, you are saying to the universe “I trust you and am open to receive what is needed for my soul’s growth.”


11:11 serves as a gateway to your own awakening.


This energy opens you up to your evolving self and makes you more self-aware of your place in the Universe. It opens an opportunity portal that will allow your thoughts to manifest in the physical realm. This is a sign to better monitor your thoughts and internal self. Thoughts are energy. By being conscious of your thoughts, you can be the creator of your own path and manifest that which you need. When you’re open to receiving, you serve as a channel for the blessings of the Universe and awaken to who you truly are.


The sequence 12:12 links you to your divine path.


The Universe wants to expand your consciousness and help you find new ways of experiencing life on Earth. By stepping into your divine path, you are being asked to be of service to humanity and the planet. Do not allow fear of failure to keep you from your path. Making mistakes is just a part of life and ultimately helps you learn and grow. It allows you to attain your highest potential.


Your birthdate, the secret meaning of your name, life path number meaning and more


The Universe is constantly trying to give us signs of guidance to help us on our individual paths of self-discovery. These number sequences and many more are all around us. By being aware of the meanings behind these numbers, we can begin to decode the Universe and awaken our higher consciousness.

If you would like to learn more about repeating numbers, the meaning and significance of your birth day number, the secret meaning of your name, your life path number, soul urge number, personality number, expression number and get your numerology report just tap on the image below and we promise to take you on an incredible video journey full of self-discovery and AHA moments. Enjoy 🙂

repeating numbers

Comment below what repeating numbers you are seeing most often 🙂

Sending love & blessings your way! The Moon Omens Team


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