article Libra Season 2023: Art of Attunement
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Astrology & Omens

Libra Season 2023: Art of Attunement

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Moon Omens

September 22, 2023

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On September 22, 11:11 AM —

On September 23, 02:50 AM ET, the Sun leaves Virgo, and Libra season 2023 begins, offering us an invitation to master the art of attunement and refine our ability to create beauty and harmony, in our relationships and in all other areas of our lives.

The Sun is going to remain in Libra until October 23. His transit through the sign of the Scales brings the spotlight on the journey of navigating the complexities of connection. Libra season offers us an opportunity to learn about ourselves through the mirror of the other, to observe our relationship with extremes, and to question existing ideas about balance and harmony.

The Sun’s ingress into Libra will be especially relevant for those of us who were born with planets or angles in Cardinal signs. Those of us more strongly impacted by the beginning of Libra season will have chances to gain awareness of where more attunement is needed in their lives and move toward a better understanding of both their needs and those of the people around them.

Libra season: Seeing Ourselves in the Other, the Other in Ourselves


Wherever the Sun is transiting, our conscious awareness goes. The Sun’s ingress into Libra brings the spotlight on the journey of navigating interpersonal relationships, establishing agreements, exploring healthy compromises, and learning to see ourselves in the other and the other in ourselves. 

Libra is a Cardinal sign, an archetype of initiation, one that marks the beginning of a new process, of an unfamiliar journey. At this stage of evolution, we are entering the social sphere, and we are learning to build relationships based on equality for the first time.

The beginning of Libra season corresponds to the Fall Equinox in the Northern hemisphere of the globe and the Spring Equinox in the Southern hemisphere of the globe. Equinoxes mark a clear energetic shift: on these days, we experience a rare balance between light and darkness, as day and night have the same length. These events offer us an opportunity to reflect on what balance means to us, observe how we attune to balance, and notice where instead we are drawn to gravitate toward extremes. This theme is particularly relevant during Libra season.


Refining our Capacity to Listen


Libra is the opposite and complementary sign of Aries: while Aries is about ‘me’ Libra is about ‘we’. The sign of the Scales correlates with the awareness that we aren’t alone in the world, that our actions have an impact on others, and that ultimately life is about relationships and connection is a basic, essential human need. Libra season offers us an invitation to observe how we are showing up in our relationships, and to ask ourselves what relationships represent to us.

A word typically associated with Libra is balance, yet this is a word that can be easily misinterpreted. Balance is never static, and being balanced requires constant attunement to both our inner and outer realities. The concept of attunement could be an interesting one to keep in mind during Libra season, as attunement requires a constant act of being present with what is and moving accordingly. Libra ultimately teaches us how to listen, not to what we would like to hear but to what is being actually said, with or without words. 

This upcoming season is an opportunity to refine our ability to listen, to ourselves, to other people, and to the whispers of Life, and to improve our capacity to attune to how the Universe is interacting with us.

Libra season 2023: Lunations and Eclipses


During Libra season 2023, Eclipse season is going to begin. The South Node entered Libra and the North Node entered Aries earlier this year, on July 17, and the upcoming one is the first Eclipse season since the Lunar Nodes have changed signs.

The upcoming Full Moon in the early degrees of Aries is going to be the last Full Moon that is not an Eclipse before the start of the Eclipse season. This lunation, taking place on September 29, will bring our attention to the necessity to honor both our need for freedom and independent self-actualization and our need for connection and belonging. The Aries Full Moon will remind us to fill our own cup first, and that we can’t relate to others authentically if we don’t honor our own needs and desires.

The first Eclipse of the season is going to be a New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra, conjunct the South Node of the Moon, coming up on October 14. This lunation offers us an opportunity to dramatically shift our relating patterns, release disempowering habits, and break free from repetitive cycles and dynamics that keep manifesting in our relationships. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra invites us to radically renew the way we show up in relationships, and set clear intentions about how we desire to experience relationships.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra is going to square Pluto, and the Sun perfects his square to Pluto shortly after, on October 21. This aspect highlights the invitation to allow the transformation of our existing sense of self, our identity, and our self-perception. The square reflects a degree of tension and friction that is likely to be palpable, especially around the time of the Solar Eclipse. Around this time, we will be asked to let go of resistance, confront our fears, and surrender identity attachments that aren’t true any longer.


Libra season 2023: Art of Attunement


The Equinox and the ingress of the Sun in Libra offer us an invitation to reflect upon our relationship to extremes and bring our attention to any imbalance, disharmony, and lack of attunement in our lives. Libra season brings the spotlight on how we show up in relationships, what we need in relationships, and what is going on in our relationships, and offers us an opportunity to reflect on what being in relationship means to us.

This time of the year invites us to find better ways to balance “me” and “we”, and to gain awareness of any people-pleasing tendency, any temptation to betray ourselves to make others happy, or any inclination to go out of our way to win someone’s love and attention.

The shadows of Libra are now particularly emphasized in the collective field because of the South Node’s transit through the sign of the Scales. In the upcoming days and weeks, the Sun’s journey through Libra will offer us chances to see them with more clarity, and to release any temptation to betray ourselves in order to to maintain connections or keep the peace.


Crystal Pick for Sun in Libra: Libyan Desert Glass


This glassy golden tektite, a gem of Egyptian Kings, is a powerful manifestation stone that’s associated with the joy and balance of Libra and is perfect for capturing the energy of the Sun’s transit through the sign of the Scales.

This extraterrestrial glass created from a meteoric impact over 26 million years ago carries the ancient wisdom of the cosmic forces, heightening your intuition and ability to connect to higher planes of consciousness. It empowers the will and clarifies the mind to help you make decisions from the perspective of your highest self.

Protective and energizing, Libyan desert glass heightens your ability to attract prosperity in all areas of your life, tap into your personal power, and develop a strong sense of self-worth. This is a joy-bringing crystal to harness the light of the Sun in Libra as it shines on what we need to attune in our lives and within ourselves to come into integrity with our cosmic wisdom and highest knowing.

To celebrate the arrival of the Libra Season we present you our new creation – Libra Season Workbook 2023. This is a printable PDF workbook that you can print out and work on right away!

It is absolutely powerful workbook that you deserve and must experience – for all zodiac signs, no matter your sun sign or configuration of your natal chart. Don’t think twice, go ahead and get workbook now. It is life changing and we are going to be using it along side you – get your Libra Season Workbook here.

libra season 2023

Leave a comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you liked this article.. Happy Libra Season!


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  • Once again, you deepen my understanding of what is coming into my life right now, reminding me of my responsibility to be the best me I can be at this moment, to do the work of living in this world and relating to others as the authentic individual I was born to be. Thank you. <3


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