article Full Moon in Aries: Power of Vulnerability – October 2022
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Astrology & Omens

Full Moon in Aries: Power of Vulnerability – October 2022

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Moon Omens

October 9, 2022

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On October 9, 4:54 PM ET, we experience a Full Moon at 16º32’ of Aries: this lunation, happening while the Moon is conjunct Chiron, brings to maturation a chapter of our healing journey and reminds us of the power of vulnerability. 

Full Moons are a time of maturation, release, and closure: they represent a moment to reap the fruits of our work and witness the results of our efforts. At this time of the month, the Moon opposes the Sun, aligning to the same degree of the opposite Zodiac sign. The light of the Sun offers us a glimpse of our inner world, clarifying something previously unclear or uncertain. Full Moons bring revelations and new understandings, and begin the second half of the lunar cycle, a time to let go of our efforts and our intentions and slow down the rhythm of our lives.

This cosmic event represents the peak point of the lunar cycle that started with the Libra New Moon we experienced two weeks ago, on September 25. It is also bringing to maturation a longer cycle that began with the Aries New Moon that took place six months ago, on April 1, 2022, which was also conjunct Chiron.

P.S. if you haven’t already watched, we have an hour long Full Moon in Aries video on our YouTube channel where Nina is guiding us through all the current energies. We highly recommend dedicating time for it, it is very profound and transformative.



Full Moon in Aries: Exploring Interdependence


Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, the pioneer, the firestarter, the one who begins spontaneous journeys and opens new paths and directions without any guidance but the pull of instinct. When the Moon is here, emotions are quick to come and quick to go, reactivity is higher than usual, and a tendency to make decisions impulsively, following the ebbs and flows of our emotional waves, is often present.

The Aries Full Moon comes during the yearly journey of the Sun through the sign of the Scales. Libra season directs our focus and our awareness on our way to navigate one-to-one connections and all relationship dynamics. The transit of the Sun through Libra increases our attunement to the needs and desires of others and our awareness of what is needed to maintain conditions of peace in our environment. This lunation brings the spotlight very clearly on the relationship axis, inviting us to redirect our attention back to ourselves, our needs, and our desires amid the socially busy Libra season.

full moon in aries

The Aries Full Moon is bringing up the necessity to explore interdependence, finding more harmony between our urge to follow our impulses, needs, and desires and our willingness to nurture and cultivate our relationships with other people. It invites us to explore our connection with our anger, with our primal impulses, with the strength of our raw desires, and brings to our attention disempowering beliefs and assumptions relative to the power of our will and our assertion.


Full Moon conjunct Chiron: Power of Vulnerability


The Full Moon in Aries peaks as the Moon is conjunct with Chiron and while they both oppose the Sun and Venus in Libra. Chiron is a celestial body placed between Saturn and Uranus, mythologically associated with the figure of the wounded healer and teacher. In Astrology, Chiron is connected with our healing journey and has a key role in our individuation, particularly in those evolutionary processes that are born out of navigating grief and rejection from a place of openness and surrender. 

The Aries Full Moon conjunct Chiron is maximizing our sensitivity, both emotional and energetic, while illuminating wounds that aren’t fully healed. This Full Moon is revealing to us something we are being encouraged to address, inviting us to progress on our healing journey and take full responsibility for our healing.

The Moon-Chiron conjunction is likely to feel very intense emotionally, and it will shine a light on something we can no longer postpone addressing. As this alignment is happening in Aries, it is likely to highlight wounds and insecurities surrounding our strength, resiliency, leadership skills, power, confidence, and assertiveness. This Chiron-Moon conjunction in the sign of the Warrior reminds us of the power of vulnerability and challenges us to remain open even when it feels like the hardest thing we could do.


Full Moon opposite Venus: Conflict as Learning Opportunity


Chiron and the Moon are opposing Venus and the Sun in Libra. This configuration is offering us chances to gain awareness of how our wounds and insecurities are affecting our relationships and the way we show up for others. It is pointing at disempowering beliefs about our self-worth and self-value that are influencing how we experience connections, diminishing our capacity to fully receive and let in love, affection, and care.

This is a time to reflect on who we are in relation to others, and on what we need to feel free to express ourselves authentically, without compromising our needs and desires, while remaining open and available for the people in our lives. We have opportunities to explore how to establish a healthy interdependence within our connections, avoiding the extremes of enmeshed codependency and detached independence.

full moon in aries

Libra rules peace while Aries rules war. These days, we have an opportunity to reflect on our relationship with harmony and our relationship with conflict while exploring the link between conflict and intimacy. The current lunation is inviting us to discover how we can achieve a deeper, more authentic sense of peace in our lives: at this particular time, this may require confronting something or someone, cutting cords, or setting new boundaries and limits within our relationships.


Mars square Neptune: Confused Desires


The planetary ruler of the Aries Full Moon is Mars: analyzing the condition of the Red Planet gives us more information about how this Full Moon is manifesting and unfolding. Mars is in Gemini, where he remains until March 2023, as he is going to station retrograde in the sign on October 30. 

Mars is currently in a square aspect to Neptune in Pisces, which is another indicator of increased empathy, sensitivity, emotionality, and awareness of collective experiences. This alignment can correspond to feelings of not knowing how or when to act, and a sense of confusion relative to our desires and goals. These days, we may feel inclined to disperse our energy in too many directions, which is emphasized by the fact that the square is happening in Mutable signs. An inclination to avoid challenges and confrontations may be present around this time. We may find it hard to act on our desires and take responsibility for them, and it may be more challenging than usual to express and channel our anger constructively. 

To help you harness this energy Full Moon in Aries brings we have created Full Moon printable channeled “Power of Vulnerability” journal and guided meditation audio. We invite you to use these Full Moon in Aries tools: journal and meditate together with Moon Omens Soul Family. Tap here to learn more and gain access to ritual tools.
full moon in aries


Mars trine Saturn & Mars square Mercury


Nonetheless, we are also experiencing a beneficial Mars-Saturn trine, which helps counterbalance the tendencies associated with the Mars-Neptune square. This alignment supports our productivity, promoting more grounded and practical action as well as a goal-oriented approach to decision-making. Saturn inspires us to bring our ideas down to earth, prioritize intelligently, and align our choices and the way we invest our energy with our long-term desires, values, and visions.

It is also relevant to consider that Mars in Gemini has been squaring Mercury in Virgo for a while, as Mercury has recently stationed direct. This square reminds us to be mindful of not being excessively combative in our communications, emphasizing a tendency already underlined by Mars’ transit through the sign of the Twins. On this Full Moon, it is advised to take care of how we are asserting our ideas, beliefs, and opinions, and to keep into consideration the impact of the way we word our sentences. Mercury is still opposing Neptune, which points to possible confusion and misunderstandings, and offers us an invitation to attune to intuitive and subtle perceptions instead of solely relying on logic.


Full Moon in Aries: Focus on Healing, Evolving, and Transforming


The Aries Full Moon encourages us to explore ways to be in relationships that promote our individual growth and unfolding and let go of ways of relating that aren’t supportive of our personal empowerment and evolutionary development. It is an invitation to trust our capacity to form and maintain authentic connections, and reminds us that genuine relationships don’t require us to abandon ourselves, our needs, and our desires in order to exist. 

This lunation encourages us to attune to a dynamic balance between the energy we invest into “me” and the energy we invest into “us”. This is a central theme of the Aries Full Moon, which brings the spotlight on any imbalances, extremes, and misalignments in our relationship with ourselves and our relationships with others.

Meanwhile, Pluto is very powerful as it is stationary direct in Capricorn, an event likely to mark a shift and a turning point in our awareness. Together with the activation of Chiron, it indicates a powerful focus on healing, evolving, and transforming, while underlining the need to keep our hearts open and remain present with the feelings and emotions that arise.

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you enjoyed this article!

To find out more how this Full Moon in Aries is going to affect your sign we invite you to read our October horoscope.


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