article Aquarius Season 2025: Redefining Community and Individuality
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Astrology & Omens

Aquarius Season 2025: Redefining Community and Individuality

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Moon Omens

January 16, 2025

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On January 16, 11:11 AM —

On January 19, 2025, 3:00 PM EST, the Sun leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius, beginning a season dedicated to embracing innovation, redefining community and individuality, and making our contribution to collective progress. The Sun is going to be in Aquarius until February 18, bringing the spotlight on our deconditioning and individuation processes while inviting us to reflect on how we navigate issues of belonging, conforming, and fitting in.

The beginning of Aquarius season is particularly significant for those born with placements in Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). These individuals will experience opportunities to break free from outdated patterns, embrace their unique gifts, and explore how they can contribute to collective growth and change.

From Capricorn to Aquarius Season: Tradition and Progress


During Capricorn season, we focused on creating structures, cultivating discipline, and building with intention. It was a time to ground our visions in reality and reflect on what we want to nurture and invest in for the long term. As the Sun moves into Aquarius, we shift our attention to innovation, experimentation, and visionary thinking. While Capricorn is concerned with tradition and preservation, Aquarius focuses on progress, pushing boundaries, and exploring the unconventional. This time of year encourages us to think outside the box, embrace new perspectives, and challenge societal and cultural norms, rules, and expectations.

Aquarius season reminds us that true progress often requires us to stand apart from the crowd, dare to think differently,and challenge the status quo. This Fixed Air sign inspires us to embrace our quirks and eccentricities and contribute to the collective good by honoring and expressing our individuality. Aquarius is associated with the process of deconditioning from, unlearning, and deconstructing the programming we have internalized in the past, as well as the journey of individuation, the journey of becoming who we truly are.


Aquarius season: Redefining Community and Individuality


Ruled by Saturn in traditional Astrology and Uranus in modern Astrology, Aquarius builds bridges between the old and the new, the past and the future, the known and the unknown. The genius, the rebel, and the misfit of the Zodiac, Aquarius is a complex and paradoxical archetype that challenges us to recognize and integrate contradictory facets of ourselves, of other people, and of the human experience.

As the first transpersonal sign, Aquarius teaches us that as we interact, collaborate, and form networks with other people we give birth to an entity greater than the sum of its parts. Aquarius is associated with group consciousness, collective phenomena, and social movements, with both conformity and non-conformity, both belonging and non-belonging, both the group and the individual. The Sun’s transit through the sign of the Water Bearer invites us to explore issues of personal identity within the larger social context we are part of, and encourages us to reflect on our role within and without the communities, groups, and collectives we associate with. 

aquarius season 2025

Aquarius season 2025: Upcoming Lunations


During Aquarius season 2025, we are going to experience a New Moon in Aquarius and a Full Moon in Leo. The Aquarius New Moon happens on January 29 and begins a lunar month focused on individuation, deconditioning, and creating a new reality. This New Moon brings our attention to our personal transformation process and encourages us to reinvent our relationship with our emotions, creativity, as well as personal and collective identity. The Sun and the New Moon will form a conjunction with Pluto and Mercury. This configuration invites us to transform the way we think, the lens through which we see reality, as well as how we communicate and express ourselves.

The Full Moon in Leo taking place on February 12 shines a light on the need to find ways to channel our passions and creativity into contributions that benefit our communities. This event challenges us to align our personal expression with a larger vision that has the potential to fuel collective progress. The Leo Full Moon forms a square to Uranus in Taurus and opposes Mercury in Aquarius. This dynamic configuration marks an increase in restlessness and dissatisfaction, which catalyzes a surge in our desire for freedom and change. Around this time, we are likely to experience creative breakthroughs and downloads and access new insights that will inspire many of us to make bold and radical decisions.


Aquarius season 2025: Light in the Shadows


Shortly after entering Aquarius, the Sun crosses Pluto, which has recently begun his 20-year transit through Aquarius. Pluto’s ingress in the sign has been setting the tone for massive changes to come over the next two decades, during which we are being asked to completely transform the way we relate with the Aquarius archetype.

During Pluto’s time in Aquarius, the shadows of this sign will be exposed and magnified, and the Sun is currently illuminating them further. These shadows include disembodiment, dissociation, addiction to technology, difficulty connecting with others on a heart level, isolation, and alienation. They also manifest as rebellion without a cause, sacrificing our true selves to fit in, following the crowd or opposing it without staying grounded in what feels true to us in the present moment.

As the Sun journeys through Aquarius, we are invited to acknowledge these shadows and how they are present within ourselves while reflecting on how we can embody the highest potential of this archetype. This is a time to consider how we can contribute to collective evolution and progress while maintaining our autonomy and honoring our individuality. This season reminds us that we are creating the future every day with our choices, we are moving either toward or away from the visions we aspire to bring to life, and it’s important to get clear about the kind of people we need to be surrounded by, as well as the kind of person we need to become in order to create the reality we envision.

To align with the natural cycles and energies of the Aquarius Season we invite you to print out and use our Aquarius Season 2025 Workbook. This is a powerful workbook for those who love and appreciate self-care and growth. Happy and blessed Aquarius Season soul family!


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Tell us what you think


  • Oh boy! Given that I am Scorpio sun, Taurus moon, and Aquarius rising, this ought to be an illuminating and challenging Jan/Feb!


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