article Venus enters Libra: Attuning to Harmony
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Astrology & Omens

Venus enters Libra: Attuning to Harmony

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Moon Omens

November 8, 2023

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On November 8, 12:53 PM —

On November 8, 04:31 AM ET, Venus leaves Virgo and enters her Air domicile of Libra, inviting us to attune to the frequency of harmony and address any imbalances in our lives and our relationships. The Goddess of Love is going to remain in the sign of the Scales until December 4.

Venus’ shift of signs is most relevant for those of us who were born with personal placements in Cardinal signs. The transit of Venus through Libra will inspire them to reassess their values, observe where their relationships are at, and observe how they balance the awareness of their needs and desires with the awareness of others’ needs and desires.

Venus from Virgo to Libra: Appreciating Beauty for Beauty’s Sake


In Astrology, Venus is the planet of love, art, beauty, and abundance, which rules over our relationships, our finances, our self-worth, and our values. Transits of Venus inform us of changes in our value systems, in our approach toward interpersonal relating, in our artistic taste, and in our relationship to money and wealth.

Venus’s journey through Virgo offered us an invitation to be more discerning in our relationship choices, make conscious financial decisions, and get clear about what we need and value. This transit inspired us to express our love through tangible acts of service, appreciate the small daily gestures that demonstrate care, and cultivate relationships built over a foundation of reliability and practical support.

While Venus is in Libra, we are reminded of the value of connection, collaboration, and sharing, we are reminded that no man is an island and that the quality of our relationships tremendously impacts the quality of our lives. Venus in Libra supports our capacity to attune to the needs and desires of others and see life from their perspective.

During this transit, we appreciate being surrounded by pleasant, beautiful, and harmonious environments. Venus in Libra inspires us to recognize the value of impractical beauty, of beauty for beauty’s sake: this transit encourages us to add more beauty into our lives, to surround ourselves with beauty, and to see what happens from there.


Venus enters Libra: Exploring Imbalances


The Goddess of Love entering her Air home sign represents an invitation to recognize where we are out of balance, especially within our relationships, and to explore what is needed to come back into alignment. This transit inspires us to deepen our understanding of all nuances of interpersonal dynamics and work on our ability to collaborate, cooperate, and connect with a variety of individuals.

During this time, we will attribute more weight to fairness, justice, and equality and we will be invited to recognize in what instances we tend to gravitate toward extremes. We will have opportunities to practice putting ourselves in others’ shoes and see other people as they are, not as we are, and not as we wish them to be.

Venus in Libra transit is an opportunity to refine our awareness of the patterns that show up in our social and romantic lives, paying special attention to dynamics that reflect imbalances, inequality, and lack of reciprocity. This transit reminds us to see others as our mirrors and any relational issue that arises as an opportunity to learn more about ourselves and about the delicate mechanics of human connection.


Venus in aspect to Chiron, the Lunar Nodes, and Pluto


During her journey through Libra, Venus is going to oppose Chiron in Aries, cross the South Node in Libra, and square Pluto in Capricorn.

The Venus-Chiron opposition, exact on November 22, offers us an invitation to notice how the people in our lives and our relational experiences reflect our own wounds back at us and allow us to understand ourselves better. This aspect could facilitate clarity about something within us that is still in need of healing and inspire us to address any fear of rejection and feelings of unworthiness and lack.

Venus crosses the South Node in Libra on November 29. Around this time, karmic encounters and significant changes in our relationships are possible: we will have chances to purge past pain and confront old wounds that are still affecting how we show up in the present. The Venus-South Node conjunction invites us to let go of relationships and ways of being in relationships that don’t serve our highest good and offers us opportunities to fully let go of old habits and patterns that stand in the way of us manifesting the kind of relationships we desire.

Shortly before leaving Libra, on December 3, Venus squares Pluto in Capricorn. When Venus and Pluto are in a tense aspect to one another, they reflect an increase in our need for passion, depth, and all-consuming connection. A desire to allow intimacy to deeply change us and a simultaneous terror of being truly seen by another could arise. These days, hidden power struggles and manipulation attempts within relationships could be exposed. Around this time, we will have chances to confront fears, beliefs, and self-imposed limitations that prevent us from being vulnerable and fully open to connection and love.

Venus enters Libra: Attuning to Harmony


While Venus is in Libra, we have chances to get to know ourselves better through our relationships and by observing how we participate in them. This transit invites us to navigate the contrast between our values, needs, and desires and those of others from a place of curiosity and reminds us to stay grounded in a clear sense of self-worth that isn’t tied to the role we play in other people’s lives or the value they attribute to us. 

During the upcoming days and weeks, we will be able to feel the difference between manifesting true peace and keeping the peace. While Venus is in Libra, we have to be aware of not falling into the trap of false, superficial peace and harmony, which are linked with people-pleasing and avoidance of conflict, shadow expressions of this combination of energies. This transit invites us to attune to the frequency of true harmony and peace, both within ourselves and in our connections with others.


Crystal Pick for Venus enters Libra: Pink Calcite


Pink is the color of Venus in Libra, and pink calcite is one of the most calming, soothing crystals for the heart and mind, to align you with the beautiful harmonious energies this transit brings with it.

This soft pink stone, also found as “mangano calcite,” is wonderful for love and relationships. It opens, softens, and heals the heart chakra, bringing forth more acceptance, kindness, and compassion for yourself and others. If you noticed yourself being a harsh critic while Venus was in Virgo, pink calcite will help you be gentler on yourself, more loving towards others, and tap into that beautiful Libran grace.

As the raw emotions, outdated relationship patterns, and issues around your self-worth may come up to be cleared during this transit, working with pink calcite can give you a soft blanket for your heart to land on, allowing you to clear and process through old traumas and pains you’ve been carrying, mend old wounds, and open up to all the beauty and balance that is right here to support you in the present moment.


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