article Taurus season 2024: Building Foundations
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Astrology & Omens

Taurus season 2024: Building Foundations

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Moon Omens

April 18, 2024

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On April 18, 11:11 AM —

On April 19, 10:00 AM EST, the Sun leaves Aries, and Taurus season 2024 begins, inspiring us to build solid foundations for our visions. This shift increases the prominence of the Earth element and the Fixed modality, offering us an opportunity to slow down, prioritize grounding, and integrate all the changes that have been taking place during the recent Eclipse season.

The beginning of Taurus season is especially relevant for those of us born with planets and angles in Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. The individuals personally impacted by the Sun’s ingress into Taurus will have chances to deepen their relationship to their physical bodies, renew their attunement to the frequency of abundance, and harness opportunities to build new foundations to support their growth and expansion.

Taurus Season Workbook cover 2024

Sun from Aries to Taurus: Attracting rather than Chasing


The Sun’s transit through Aries brought the spotlight on our relationship to new beginnings, motivated us to take action, trust our desires, and take the path that lights us up even when it doesn’t make sense rationally. During Aries season 2024, two potent Eclipses took place. These events invited us to prioritize our healing journey and tend to unaddressed wounds from our past, reminding us that healing ourselves is necessary to create and maintain aligned relationships.

The Sun now begins the second chapter of his journey through the Zodiac wheel: his ingress into Taurus grounds the energy and invites us to slow down to digest everything we experienced with the Eclipses and consolidate what we started thanks to Aries’ fire.

A Yin, Earth, and Fixed sign, Taurus is the more stability-oriented of the whole Zodiac, inclined to preserve what already exists and build foundations that stand the test of time. While Aries is about taking action to get what we desire, Taurus is about learning to magnetize and attract it. While Aries corresponds to the moment of birth and our ingress into life as separate individuals, Taurus corresponds to the awareness that life has to be preserved, hence the emergence of survival instinct. 

Through Taurus, we gain awareness of our basic needs, of our survival needs, of what is essential and necessary. This, in turn, determines our values and priorities and inspires us to develop self-reliance.


Abundance, Prosperity, & Receptivity


Taurus season represents an invitation for us to discover new ways to leverage our talents and skills: this time of the year is an opportunity to deepen our self-sufficiency, our self-trust, our self-love, and our awareness of our inherent value, independent of what we can do, build, or produce. 

The Sun’s transit through Taurus brings the spotlight on our relationship with our resources, our possessions, and our finances. This season offers us an opportunity to observe how we relate with the frequencies of abundance, wealth, and prosperity, to notice how open we are to receiving, to become aware of where we may fall into a scarcity mindset or whether unconscious and irrational survival fears are still determining our choices and behaviors.

Taurus season 2024

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction Colors Taurus Season 2024


The energy of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, exact on April 20, colors the entirety of Taurus season 2024, as both planets will also be conjunct the upcoming Taurus New Moon. The activation of Jupiter and Uranus brings a restless and visionary frequency that counterbalances the stable, steady, and grounded energy of the sign of the Bull: their conjunction will continue to remind us that no vision is ever too big and will challenge us to trust the process even when it doesn’t seem to make sense. 

During the entirety of Taurus season, we are likely to experience some tension between our drive to create conditions of comfort and stability to secure our survival and the urge to get out of our comfort zone, challenge ourselves, and take risks that foster our growth, both on a personal and on a spiritual level.

From a collective standpoint, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus will accelerate the shifts that are already taking place in the global economy and financial markets. It could correspond to a time of unexpected changes and disruptions in the food chain and in the production and distribution of energy, goods, and natural resources, and challenge us to do things differently, think differently, and build new foundations, systems, and structures aligned with how collective values have been changing.


Taurus season 2024: Upcoming Lunations


As we are entering Taurus season, Eclipse season is technically not over yet: the lunar cycle we are currently in began with the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries. The effects of this potent event will continue to unfold for the next six months and more. Nevertheless, the New Moon in Taurus taking place on May 7 closes the current Eclipse portal.

The current lunar cycle peaks with a Full Moon in Scorpio, coming up on April 23. This lunation emphasizes the tension between the instinctual drive to remain comfortable and in conditions that grant our survival, and the Soul’s urge to evolve, transform, and challenge existing limitations. The Sun and the Moon are going to square Pluto in Aquarius, an invitation to understand the root of our resistance to change as well as the unconscious motivations, desires, and intentions that drive our habitual behaviors and automatic reactions.

The upcoming New Moon in Taurus, happening on May 7, begins another revolutionary lunar cycle, filled with changes and unexpected growth opportunities. The Taurus New Moon is going to be conjunct with both Jupiter and Uranus in the sign. This event brings us an invitation to allow the structure of our reality to be deconstructed and begin to build a completely new foundation. The contrast between the comfort and stability-oriented vibe of Taurus and the growth-oriented, visionary drive of Jupiter and Uranus will be clearly experienced and we will be challenged to find creative solutions to harmonize these energies.

Lunar Eclipse in Libra

Taurus season 2024: Building Solid Foundations for Our Visions


Taurus season brings us an invitation to deepen our relationship with Nature and with our physical bodies as an extension of the Earth. This is a time to renew our connection with our senses, with our sensuality, and find pleasure in our everyday life, in simple gestures, in the beauty of what is available to us, in what we may overlook or give for granted. 

Taurus season is an invitation to cultivate receptivity, practice listening to the subtle messages of our bodies, attune to our bodies, respect our natural rhythms, and allow ourselves to pause from time to time and appreciate what we have. This time of the year reminds us of the value of going slow, of savoring each moment.

The powerful alignment of the Sun, Jupiter, and Uranus in Taurus motivates us to build solid foundations for our visions and reminds us that commitment and consistent effort are necessary ingredients to manifest what we aspire to create. However, the emphasis on the sign of Taurus reminds us that we don’t have to rush, we are allowed to go slow and take all the time we need.


Tap here to Get Your Taurus Season 2024 Workbook


To celebrate the arrival of Taurus Season we present you our new creation – the Taurus Season Workbook 2024. This is a printable PDF workbook that you can print out and work on right away!

It is an absolutely powerful workbook that you deserve and must experience – for all zodiac signs, no matter your sun sign or configuration of your natal chart. It is life changing and we are going to be using it along side you. Below you can watch our short Taurus Season 2024 workbook preview!

Crystal Pick for Sun Enters Taurus: Moss Agate


This beautiful earthy crystal is the perfect pick to guide you all Taurus season long, to help you tune into the rhythms of nature, connect with your body, and stay grounded and calm. When you want to slow down and nurture your strength and stability from the inside out, reach for moss agate to help you find healing and balance.

A stone that brings immense growth and abundance, moss agate helps you embody Taurus-like patience and presence, to lean back into attracting what you want to have in your life, rather than forcefully chasing after it. It steadies and strengthens the nerves, nurtures the heart, and quells worry and emotional strain. 

It’s an amazing recovery stone whenever you’ve been feeling weak, ill, overwhelmed, or drained. Use it to help lift you up, physically and emotionally, to support your overall well-being, and to bring you into inner balance. Moss agate will help you harness all this Taurean energy to create what you want for yourself and manifest all your desires into reality! 


Leave a comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you liked this article.. Happy Taurus Season!


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Tell us what you think


  • Taurus starts the 20th not the 19th. People born in the 19th of April are the sign Aries, not Taurus. My mother is born April 19th and has been an Aries her whole life. Also a google search shows that the first day of Taurus season is the 20th. I have unsubscribed.

    • Every year Taurus season begins different date. Same with other signs. You can google Taurus Season 2024 and you will find that Taurus season 2024 begins 10 a.m. ET on Friday, April 19, 2024 when Sun moves into Taurus. What you find when you google Taurus season is approximate date, but we give you the exact date and time.


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