article Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius: Rethinking our Beliefs
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Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius: Rethinking our Beliefs

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Moon Omens

November 24, 2024

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On November 24, 05:14 PM —

On November 25, 9:42 PM EST, Mercury stations retrograde at 22º40’ of Sagittarius, offering us an invitation to rethink our beliefs and question what we think we know. Mercury is going to be in retrograde motion until December 15, when it stations direct again at 6º23’ of Sagittarius.

Mercury’s retrograde journey through Sagittarius is going to be particularly meaningful for the individuals born with planets or angles in Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). Those personally impacted by Mercury’s shift of motion will be asked to question their existing beliefs, worldviews, and guiding life philosophy while thoroughly reflecting on why they see the world and attribute meaning to our experiences in the way they do.

Mercury retrograde: Invitation to Slow Down and Reflect Before Making Decisions


Transits of Mercury, the planet of communication and rational thinking, inform us of shifts in our way of perceiving reality and articulating what we think and believe. The ruler of Gemini and Virgo, Mercury in Astrology has to do with how we learn, organize our daily tasks, solve problems, and discern what is useful from what isn’t. It is also associated with transportation and short-term and short-distance travel.

Mercury retrograde is probably the most well-known Astrological event by the general public and has somehow gained a bad reputation. It tends to be blamed for communication issues, technology glitches, phones and laptops breaking down, misunderstandings, transportation delays, and all sorts of drama that creates obstacles, challenges, and discomfort in our daily lives.

The true purpose of Mercury retrograde, however, is to inspire us to slow down rather than move forward in autopilot, spend more time reflecting before making a decision, and question our habitual ways of thinking rather than playing out the same patterns over and over again. Ultimately, Mercury retrograde is an opportunity to sharpen our critical thinking skills and refine our capacity to think for ourselves.


Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius: Questioning What we Think we Know


When Mercury is retrograde, we have an opportunity to question how we see the world, how we habitually communicate, how we interface with our surroundings, how we learn, and how we organize our days, our time, and our work. Mercury retrograde periods are a wonderful time to work on unfinished projects, take care of unresolved issues from our past, and make sure we tie up loose ends before moving forward.

During its retrograde transit through Sagittarius, Mercury will invite us to discover unfamiliar worldviews, cultural traditions, and life philosophies and relate to them with an open and curious mind. This is a time to explore new ways of making sense of reality, new philosophies, and unfamiliar cultural traditions, and challenge habitual thinking frameworks. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius invites us to question what we think we know and what we believe to be true.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius

Retrograde Mercury opposite Jupiter and square Saturn


While traveling through Sagittarius, Mercury aligns with Jupiter and Saturn three times. On November 12, Mercury squared retrograde Saturn in Pisces for the first time and the two planets are going to square each other again on December 6, while Mercury is retrograde and Saturn is direct, and on December 27, when both Mercury and Saturn will be direct. On November 18, Mercury in Sagittarius opposed retrograde Jupiter in Gemini for the first time and the two are going to oppose each other again on December 4 and December 26.

For the rest of the calendar year, Mercury is going to participate in the Jupiter-Saturn square, which goes exact for the second time on December 24 but has already been active for months. Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn are going to create what is technically known as a T-square configuration, an aspect pattern that involves two planets opposing each other (in this case, Mercury and Jupiter) with a third one squaring them both (in this case, Saturn).

T-squares are highly motivating configurations that, by increasing our frustration and discomfort with our existing conditions, push us to be proactive in making changes. All planets involved are transiting through Mutable signs: this, together with the nature of Mercury and Jupiter, emphasizes the fact that we are at a stage where a radical shift in perception is needed. We must become aware of how our past conditioning is still impacting our way of thinking and making sense of our experiences, and we need to unlearn something in order to keep learning.

Virgo is the only Mutable sign that won’t be activated by this configuration and represents an energy we are required to embody in order to solve the tension highlighted by the T-square. This is an invitation to refine our discernment skills, learn to prioritize well, and make choices that support our health and wellness.


Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius: Rethinking our Beliefs


In Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde challenges us to be particularly mindful of the difference between belief and truth as well as of the difference between our personal truth and the absolute, universal Truth. This reflection is especially relevant these days, since Mercury is stationing retrograde while squaring Neptune in Pisces. Neptune is the master of illusions and, while squaring Mercury, he can blur our perceptions and tempt us to mistake fantasy and reality, fact and fiction.

During its journey in retrograde motion, Mercury in Sagittarius will inspire us to question what we think we know for sure, what we are convinced about, and what we believe to be the absolute truth.  This combination of energies ultimately invites us to keep in mind that many paths can lead to the Truth. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius will offer us opportunities to become aware of the assumptions we still unconsciously hold and recognize how our attachment to familiar ideals, ideologies, and belief systems may be keeping us stuck, small, and dissatisfied.


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