article Mercury in Leo 2024: Our Voice Matters
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Astrology & Omens

Mercury in Leo 2024: Our Voice Matters

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Moon Omens

July 2, 2024

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On July 2, 03:30 PM —

On July 2, 08:50 AM EST, Mercury leaves Cancer and enters Leo, where it is going to remain until July 25 reminding us that our voice and ideas matter. Mercury is then traveling back to Leo from August 15 to September 9 due to its upcoming retrograde cycle, starting in Virgo on August 5.  During its time in the sign of the Lion, the Messenger will inspire us to think creatively, be charismatic in our communications, and trust in the creative value of our ideas.

Mercury’s shift of signs is especially relevant for individuals born with personal placements in Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). The people personally impacted by this transit will come across new opportunities to be heard, develop and share their creative visions, and practice communicating their ideas with confidence.

Mercury from Cancer to Leo: Focusing On Our Creative Life


Mercury is the planet connected to the rational mind, our way of thinking and communicating, our learning style, our way of solving problems and organizing daily tasks, and our way of understanding our reality through logic. In Astrology, Mercury’s transits reflect shifts in our thinking style, orientation toward communication, as well as gathering, processing, and sharing of information. When Mercury changes signs, it mirrors a change in collective trends relative to our way of thinking, communicating, perceiving our reality, and organizing the data we collect from our environment.

Mercury’s journey through the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer reflected a tendency to make sense of our experiences from a subjective, personal lens. During this time, we had chances to observe how our past experiences are still impacting our perceptions and ways of thinking in the present moment. Mercury in Cancer gave us chances to deepen our understanding of our emotional world and improve our ability to share our true feelings from our hearts.

Mercury’s ingress into the Fixed Fire sign of Leo shifts our attention from our inner and emotional world to our creative life and our desire to be fully and authentically expressed. During this transit, we are inspired to think and communicate creatively and, rather than keeping our ideas for ourselves, bring them out into the world. The Fixed, Yang energy of Leo supports our ability to be single-minded and focused on our goals and priorities.


Mercury in Leo: Our Voice Matters


While Mercury is in Leo, our communication style gets more enthusiastic, confident, and colorful.  Mercury in Leo reminds us that we have the right to say what we think, that we have the right to share our opinions, that our voice matters. This transit inspires us to take advantage of opportunities for visibility that can give us a platform to share our thoughts and visions with new or more people.

Mercury’s ingress into Leo fuels our creative endeavors and catalyzes a desire to invest more mental energy, attention, and focus on developing our artistic ideas and personal projects. This transit’s energy is supportive of all forms of self-expression that involve the use of words and language, such as creative writing, public speaking, vlogging, podcasting, content creation, theater, performance, and many more.

Mercury opposite Pluto, sextile Jupiter, square Uranus


As Mercury enters Leo, it immediately forms an opposition to Pluto in Aquarius. The Mercury-Pluto opposition, exact on July 3, suggests a higher likelihood of experiencing intellectual power struggles and confrontations, as well as an obsessive and suspicious thinking style. The activation of Pluto can color our thinking with suspicion and mistrust, especially surrounding others’ true intentions and motivations. Nevertheless, the Mercury-Pluto alignment supports our ability to deeply focus on what we are passionate about, as well as our capacity to cut through surface-level conversationsand bring the truth to the table even when it is ugly.

Mercury in Leo is forming a sextile to Jupiter in Gemini on July 8. This alignment supports our learning efforts and our ability to integrate inductive, rational thinking with deductive, intuitive thinking. The Mercury-Jupiter sextile helps us consider both the details and the big picture and facilitates our capacity to articulate our ideas clearly, creatively, and confidently.

During its journey through Leo, Mercury is going to square Uranus in Taurus three times, on July 21, August 18, and September 7. These series of alignments represent the progression of a drastic shift in perception, a journey of radically changing our way of thinking or seeing reality that is likely to begin with us coming across very unexpected, disruptive, or shocking information. The three squares between Mercury and Uranus will offer us opportunities to see our reality from a dramatically different perspective and break free from thinking patterns and perceptions that keep us limited and stagnant.


Mercury in Leo: Discovering our Creative Voice


Mercury’s journey through Leo challenges us to explore more creative ways of thinking and communicating and reminds us to trust the value of our ideas, insights, and visions. This transit adds more passion, color, and energy to our words and speech and represents a powerful time to develop our creative talents and make art for art’s sake.

This transit offers favorable energy to explore new avenues for self-expression and practice being more creative in our day-to-day lives, and in how we approach tasks and solve problems. While Mercury is here, we are invited to seize opportunities to discover our creative voice and let it be heard by others. We have a chance to cultivate a deeper sense of self-confidence, not one that stems from the ego or grandiose ideas about ourselves, but one that is rooted in a grounded awareness of our worth and the inherent value of what we think and what we have to say.

We have crafted astrological guidance for the month of July to support you on your journey. The horoscope you must experience written by Nina. You can get it for free the first month. An e-book, journal & audiobook that will change your life. Tap on the image below to get your July horoscope.

July Horoscope 24


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