article Lion’s Gate Portal: Collective Initiation
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Astrology & Omens

Lion’s Gate Portal: Collective Initiation

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Moon Omens

August 7, 2021

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This year, on August 8, we celebrate the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal 2021 together with a New Moon in Leo. These days are intensely charged, and many of us have been feeling this energetic shift for a while. Read our New Moon in Leo article here.

We are undergoing a powerful initiation: we have been traversing the birth canal, traveling through different gates and rites of passage, and we are now being given an opportunity to start a brand new chapter of our lives, leave the past behind, and set clear intentions for the future.

During these days, pay attention to synchronicities, repeating patterns, messages, and signs from the Universe. Unexpected strikes of luck, karmic encounters, and fated opportunities are possible: make sure to be open to receive what life is offering you.

To celebrate this powerful Lion’s Gate Portal with you we created new 120 pages e-book all about Lion’s Gate Portal. It is completely free for you to download and enjoy, however your donations and support is always appreciated.


The Lion’s Gate Portal and Fixed Star Sirius


The Lion’s Gate is considered to be open between the end of July and the middle of August. Astronomically, it corresponds to the heliacal rising of the fixed star Sirius and its alignment with the Sun.

Sirius is a bright star placed in the constellation of Cancer. Every year, around this time, Sirius becomes visible in the morning sky. In Ancient Egypt, the heliacal rising of Sirius was associated with the flooding of the Nile’s river, which fertilized the fields allowing life to flourish. For them, this was the beginning of the calendar year, a moment of celebration, gratitude, and attunement to the cycles of nature.

From an astronomical standpoint, the heliacal rising of Sirius will take place between August 14 and 15, 2021. However, even if the astronomical event happens on a different day each year, we celebrate the Lion’s Gate peak on 8/8 due to the power of this number in Numerology.

Number 8 symbolizes the empowerment journey of the Soul through the high and lows of life, and it is connected with an emotional, spiritual, and psychological metamorphosis. The energy of number 8 corresponds to ambition, success, and mastery of the physical world: it teaches us about the right use of our capacity to manifest and co-create our reality.


The Lion Symbolism: Courage and Wisdom


The Lion has been considered a potent symbol of strength, royalty, leadership, wisdom, and majesty in many ancient cultures and esoteric traditions. In Tarot, it corresponds to the Strength card, which is the eighth or eleventh Major Arcana. The Strength card represents the process of refining our raw power through spiritual awareness and compassion.

In Astrology, Leo is about joy and authentic self-expression, about the process of reconnecting with our inner child through play and spontaneity. It is associated with the Heart Chakra and it rules romance, creativity, joy, self-realization, and personal fulfillment. Through Leo, we become full of ourselves: this means that we fill our own cup in such a way that generosity and joy can flow outwardly freely and naturally. Only by coming from a place of fullness and fulfillment, we can participate in life experiencing authentic personal satisfaction. 

The Lion’s Gate Portal activation and the prominence of the Lion symbolism remind us that if we shine, everybody else automatically feels invited and allowed to shine. Our frequency is contagious, we always have an impact on others even when we don’t realize it, and our impact is often much bigger than we think. We never know who will feel inspired by our energy, we never know what the ripple effects of allowing our authentic self-expression to come through will be.

It is our sacred right and our sacred duty to express and celebrate all that we are unapologetically: the strong emphasis on the Leo archetype is giving ourselves permission and encouragement to do so. 


Intention Setting and Manifestation during the Lion’s Gate Portal


The fact that the Leo New Moon happens simultaneously with the peak of the Lion’s Gate portal makes these days particularly auspicious for rituals, intention setting, and manifestation practices, especially those centered around creativity, self-confidence, and self-realization.

The days and hours before the Leo New Moon takes place are wonderful to let go of what we don’t want to bring with us during the cycle that is about to start. It is a time to release attachments and cords with gratitude, detach from limiting beliefs and behavioral patterns that we are ready to leave behind.

From the moment of the New Moon up to one day after it has taken place is the moment to invite something new into our lives, set intentions for the future, and celebrate the beauty of aliveness, of fully inhabiting the present moment.

We invite you to read our Leo New Moon article and find our channeled Leo New Moon ritual tools here.


Leo New Moon & Lion’s Gate Portal: Collective Initiation


The days associated with the peak of the Lion’s Gate portal may correspond to important variations in the Schumann Resonance, which measures the electromagnetic field of the Earth. The most sensitive people amongst us might be experiencing a variety of sensations that can manifest on the physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychic levels.

Insomnia, particularly vivid dreams, migraines, physical tension, irritability, and nervousness are all possible manifestations of sensitivity to this energy. You may feel restless or anxious, and have hard times finding a clear reason for your discomfort, or on the contrary, you could feel full of energy, excitement, motivation, and desire to set new things in motion.

Grounding can be helpful to soothe any uneasiness and come back to alignment if feeling overwhelmed. Connect intentionally with Nature and the Earth through practices such as walking barefoot, meditating while sitting in the grass, hugging a tree, or eating your lunch outside, possibly in the sunlight.

The Lion’s Gate activation and the Leo New Moon remind us that creativity is abundant and overflowing: we always have the opportunity to connect with the stream of Universal creative energy. These cosmic events invite us to open our hearts and minds to become a clear conduit through which the Universe can express itself.

To celebrate this powerful Lion’s Gate Portal with you we created new 120 pages e-book all about Lion’s Gate Portal. It is completely free for you to download and enjoy, however your donations and support is always appreciated.

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you love this article! Comment if you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above too.

Don’t forget to download and read our new 120 pages Lion’s Gate Portal e-book, you can find it here. Have the most magnificent and magical Leo New Moon and Lion’s Gate Portal. We love you!


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