Embrace Curiosity
The planetary ruler of Sagittarius and, traditionally, also Pisces, Jupiter is known as the planet of luck, growth, and abundance, said to expand and magnify everything he touches. As the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter was named after the mythological King of the Gods and, in Astrology, is associated with our search for truth, wisdom, and knowledge. Ruling over long-term and long-distance travel, Jupiter is correlated with our desire to broaden our horizons, deepen our knowledge, and find the meaning of life.
A Mutable, Air, and Yang archetype, Gemini thrives on ideas, words, and connections. This energy is light, fast-moving, versatile, and endlessly curious. Gemini seeks to understand the world by gathering information and sharing it with others. Symbolized by the Twins, Gemini is connected with duality and with the ability to hold two perspectives simultaneously and explore both sides of a story.
Jupiter has been in Gemini since May 25, 2024 and enters Cancer on June 10, 2025. This transit amplifies Gemini’s intellectual and social nature: when Jupiter moves through this Mutable Air sign, our minds are very energized and we feel more motivated to learn, study, teach, and share all kinds of ideas and thoughts with others.
In Gemini, Jupiter highlights the power of words and asks lots of big, existential questions while challenging us to transcend rigid thinking and remain adaptable. This combination of energies emphasizes the importance of questioning our beliefs and assumptions and remaining open to multiple perspectives and ways of seeing the world.
Jupiter direct: Making Changes Aligned with How Our Beliefs Shifted
Jupiter has been retrograde since October 9, 2024. During the past few months, we had an opportunity to slow down and reflect on our beliefs, life philosophies, and ways of understanding the world, as well as how we relate to the ideologies and systems of thought we are attached to. Jupiter’s retrograde period was a time to question the narratives we believe to be true and those we have been living by, reassess the sources of information we trust and rely on, and rethink our relationship with learning, teaching, traveling, divulgating information, and communicating.
As Jupiter comes to a standstill and prepares to resume forward motion, we are invited to shift from reflection to action. The insights gained during the retrograde can now be integrated into our lives and we are being asked to make changes that align with our evolving beliefs and how they recently shifted.
During Jupiter’s retrograde in Gemini, some of us may have felt lost in a maze of unanswered questions or overwhelmed by excessive stimuli, distractions, and conflicting information. Now, as Jupiter moves forward, more clarity and focus will be accessible. While Jupiter completes his post-shadow phase and continues his transit through Gemini, some of our questions may finally be answered, or we may realize we have been asking the wrong ones all along.
<3 channeling!