article January 2025 Astrology Forecast: Grow, Learn, and Transform
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Astrology & Omens

January 2025 Astrology Forecast: Grow, Learn, and Transform

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Moon Omens

January 2, 2025

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On January 2, 11:22 AM —

January 2025 will be filled with significant energetic shifts and opportunities to grow, learn, and transform.

The month begins with Venus entering Pisces, an invitation to cultivate compassion and a reminder to see relationships as catalysts for spiritual and emotional growth. Shortly after, Mars retrogrades from Leo back into Cancer, giving us a chance to revisit unresolved emotional matters and explore new ways of relating with our anger and frustration. Mercury’s ingress into Capricorn invites a pragmatic mindset and reminds us to stay grounded amidst the fluctuations of our emotional states.

On January 11, the North and South Nodes move into Pisces and Virgo, beginning a year-and-a-half journey focused on integrating the spiritual and the mundane and learning to trust Divine Timing. This is followed by a potent Full Moon in Cancer that will invite us to transform the way we relate to our emotions, vulnerability, and sensitivity, while challenging us to tend to unhealed wounds from our past.

As the Sun and Mercury enter Aquarius, immediately crossing Pluto, and a New Moon conjunct Pluto in the sign of the Water Bearer takes place, the focus shifts to personal transformation, emotional growth, and psychological self-exploration. Finally, as the month comes to a close, Uranus stations direct in Taurus, increasing the urge to make radical changes in how we live, work, make an income, relate to our bodies, and interact with the material world.

Here are January’s main upcoming transits.

Venus enters Pisces

January 2, 2025, 10:24 PM EST


As the new calendar year begins, Venus enters the sign where she is traditionally considered exalted. In Pisces, Venus invites us to see our relationships as an integral part of our spiritual practices and opportunities for spiritual and personal evolution. This transit emphasizes the importance of cultivating a relationship with the Divine, with something greater than us. Venus in Pisces is also a wonderful influence on all artistic and creative endeavors, as it supports our ability to express universal feelings in relatable ways. While Venus is here, we need to remain grounded and pay attention to any temptation to idealize others and engage in dynamics that involve rescuing, saving, or waiting to be saved.


Mars retrogrades from Leo to Cancer

January 6, 2025, 05:44 AM EST


Mars retrograde is a time of reflection about the nature of our desires. This transit invites deeper consideration around how we want to invest our life force, how we want to direct our energies, and what direction we aspire to take. As Mars leaves Leo and enters Cancer again, we have an opportunity to deal with unfinished business and unresolved issues from both our recent past and our childhood. Mars retrograde in Cancer is an opportunity to review, reassess, and renew our way of responding or reacting when strong feelings arise. This transit is an invitation to renovate how we relate to our emotions, particularly anger, and gain a deeper understanding of what is moving underneath the surface when we feel triggered, frustrated, or irritated.


Mercury enters Capricorn

January 8, 2025, 05:30 AM EST


Mercury’s ingress into Capricorn is an opportunity to refine our ability to be mentally disciplined and responsibly choose the kind of thoughts we feed and entertain. This transit invites us to remain grounded and think practically and pragmatically. While Mercury is here, we are reminded that attention is currency and the way we invest our time, energy, and focus ultimately shapes our present and future. This transit is also an opportunity to keep in mind that our words have weight and an invitation to be more aware of the words we choose and their potential consequences.


North Node enters Pisces, South Node enters Virgo

January 11, 2025, 6:01 PM EST


After traveling through Libra and Aries since July 2023, the Lunar Nodes now enter the Virgo-Pisces axis, where they are going to spend the upcoming year and a half. The South Node in Virgo is an invitation to release the excessive need for control, perfectionism, and rigid planning, while still appreciating the value of order, organization, and practical effort. Meanwhile, the North Node in Pisces highlights the importance of learning to flow, trusting in Divine timing, and surrendering to Life’s unfolding. The Nodes’ journey through Virgo and Pisces ultimately reminds us that the spiritual and the mundane aren’t separate: they are deeply intertwined. This transit offers us a chance to integrate our spiritual practice into our daily lives and invites us to approach our mundane routines and tasks with devotion.

New Moon in Capricorn: the Last New Moon of 2024

Full Moon in Cancer

January 13, 2025, 5:26 PM EST


The first Full Moon of the calendar year is in Cancer, the lunar domicile. This event brings our attention to our relationship with our past, our memory, as well as home and family matters. The Cancer Full Moon invites us to reflect on what represents a source of security for us and how we are drawn to create feelings of safety in our lives. The Full Moon in Cancer is going to be conjunct with retrograde Mars and opposite Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius: this configuration adds a layer of intensity to our emotional experiences and suggests a higher degree of impulsivity and reactivity. Around this time, we will be required to confront unresolved emotions from our past, gain awareness of the root of our triggers, recognize the impact of unmet needs from our childhood, and let go of patterns and habits that don’t support our well-being.


Sun enters Aquarius

January 19, 2025, 3:00 PM EST


Aquarius season is a time of creative experimentation, self-discovery, and celebration of individual differences. This time of the year reminds us that some rules have to be broken in order to foster progress and innovation. Aquarius is the rebel and the genius of the Zodiac, and this time of the year encourages us all to connect with our genius and to make sure we are being rebels with a cause. The Sun’s journey through Aquarius brings our attention to our relationship with groups and how we tend to show up within groups. While wounds, insecurities, and fears connected to feelings of non-belonging and alienation may emerge, the invitation for us is to focus on offering value to our community and celebrate the power of connection and collaboration. Shortly after entering Aquarius, the Sun crosses Pluto: their conjunction brings the spotlight on our personal transformation journey and encourages us to let go of our attachment to outdated identities and ways of being.


Mercury enters Aquarius

January 27, 2025, 9:53 PM EST


Mercury’s ingress into Aquarius encourages out-of-the-box, visionary thinking: by inspiring us to explore unusual and unconventional solutions, this transit has the potential to lead to significant progress and innovation. The transit of the Messenger through the sign of the Water Bearer supports our ability to be objective, detached, and see things from a higher perspective, without biases. Mercury’s journey through Aquarius is a powerful time to focus on revolutionizing familiar ways of organizing our lives, thinking, and communicating. Shortly after entering Aquarius, Mercury meets Pluto too: their conjunction can help us access new insights into our psychology, motivate us to ask more profound questions, and help us deepen our understanding of reality and of our and others’ true motivations and intentions.

New Moon in Aquarius

January 29, 2025, 07:35 AM EST


The Aquarius New Moon begins a lunar cycle centered around envisioning a new future, breaking free from outdated structures, and embracing our uniqueness. This event brings us an invitation to reflect on what role we aspire to have within the changing social paradigms and within our local communities. The Sun and the Moon are going to be conjunct with both Pluto and Mercury, which highlights the need to renew and transform the way we think, perceive reality, and communicate, the way we relate to and express our emotions, as well as the way we relate to our creativity and sense of identity. The activation of Pluto, in particular, brings our attention to personal and collective transformational processes, underlines the importance of releasing our attachment to the past, and motivates us to step into our power and take responsibility to change what needs to change.


Uranus stations direct in Taurus

January 30, 2025, 11:22 AM EST


As the calendar month comes to a close, Uranus stations direct in Taurus. Uranus’ long-term transit through the sign of the Bull is coming to an end this year and we are witnessing the consolidation of the drastic shifts that have been taking place, since 2018, in financial paradigms, our relationship to natural resources, collective values, and ways of generating income. The modern ruler of Aquarius has been retrograde since September 1, 2024, and his shift of motion increases the momentum, the need for change, and the desire to radically revolutionize our realities. Together with Aquarius season and Mercury’s transit through the sign, Uranus stationing direct encourages us to be proactive in creating a more authentic reality that honors our uniqueness and respects our bodies’ rhythm and timing.


January 2025 Astrology Forecast: Our Invitation


2025 will be an unusual year, filled with major collective changes and a growing pressure to keep up with the speed of light. The reason why this has the potential to be such a revolutionary year is linked to the fact that, shortly after Pluto, also Neptune and Uranus are entering new signs. Pluto has recently entered Aquarius after being in Capricorn since 2008, Neptune has been in Pisces since 2012, and Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018. These are long-term transits that reflect generational themes and color the zeitgeist, the spirit of the times, on a global scale and a social, political, financial, scientific, as well as spiritual level.

What is especially rare is the fact that all these planets are entering new signs in a short amount of time: this clearly indicates that humanity is undergoing a major evolutionary transition, the speed of change is increasing at exponential rates, and we are realizing, over and over again, that things cannot go on as they always have, that radically new solutions are necessary at this point. 

Everyone is having a different experience of this moment of history, but the spirit of the times is one of monumental transition and revolutionary change. 2025 will bring many opportunities to close karmic cycles of repetition and suffering, break long-standing patterns, and make significant changes in areas of our lives that have felt stuck and stagnant for too long.


Dive into your deep cosmic guidance for 2025 with Moon Omens 2025 horoscopes.. available in audio & e-book formats.

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