article Venus in Taurus 2024: Deepening Receptivity
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Astrology & Omens

Venus in Taurus 2024: Deepening Receptivity

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Moon Omens

April 28, 2024

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On April 28, 03:45 PM —

On April 29, 07:32 AM EST, Venus leaves Aries and enters her Earth domicile of Taurus. Venus is going to be in Taurus until May 23, inviting us to deepen our embodiment, our receptivity, and our self-intimacy.

It is relevant to mention thatin just a few hours, Mars leaves Pisces and enters Aries. Both relationship planets are going to be in their home signs for several weeks, offering us opportunities to observe how we balance masculine and feminine energies within ourselves and in our connections with others.

Venus’s ingress in Taurus is particularly relevant for those of us born with personal placements in Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius and especially for the individuals with natal Venus in Taurus, who are going to experience their Venus return. The individuals personally impacted by Venus’s ingress into Taurus will be blessed with opportunities to renew their connection with themselves, their bodies, and their sensuality, while refining their ability to attune to the frequency of wealth.

Venus from Aries to Taurus: Slowing Down and Tuning In


Venus’s journey through Aries lit up our inner fire, stimulated us to make things happen rather than waiting for them to come to us, and motivated us to invest in our personal actualization, challenging us to discover who we are, regardless of our role within relationships. During the past weeks, Venus in Aries spiced up our social and romantic life and motivated us to be true to who we are and straightforward about what we need and desire.

Venus’ ingress in Taurus marks a clear energetic shift. The focus is on attracting what we desire rather than going after it. This transit teaches us to tend to our own garden and allow what is meant for us to be magnetized toward us.

Venus in Taurus invites us to slow down, tune in, and listen to the natural rhythms of our body, listen to what our bodies need and ask for. Our body is communicating to us at all times, and this transit represents an invitation to move through life at a pace that allows us to be connected to our somatic experiences.


Venus in Taurus: Deepening our Embodiment & Receptivity


In Astrology, Venus is the ruler of both Taurus and Libra. Hence, she is said to have a Yang side, corresponding to Libra, and a Yin side, corresponding to Taurus. While the Libra or Yang aspect of Venus is associated with our relationships with others, the Taurus or Yin aspect of Venus correlates with our relationship with ourselves. 

For this reason, our relationship to the Venus archetype reflects our relationship to self-love, to our senses, to Nature, and to our bodies as an extension of the Earth. Venus is also associated with what we value and how we value ourselves, hence with issues of self-worth and self-esteem. This planet has to do with our ability to stay open, to be receptive to what Life has to offer, accept Life’s gifts gracefully and let love in. Our receptivity has a direct connection to our relationship with abundance and wealth, and with how we make, invest, and spend our money.

All these themes will be in the spotlight during Venus’ transit through Taurus, which invites a reconsideration of our values, a deepening of our self-love, receptivity, and connection with ourselves, as well as a thorough observation of how we relate with money, with nature, and with our physicality. Venus in Taurus is an invitation to deepen our embodiment, our ability to be in our bodies and stay connected with our felt, somatic experiences as they happen.


Venus square Pluto, sextile Saturn, and sextile Neptune


On May 1, Venus in Taurus perfects a square to Pluto in Aquarius. This configuration indicates a strong need for intensity and passion. It brings our attention to any power struggle and manipulation dynamics within relationships, and underlines the role of relationships as catalysts for personal evolution and psychological transformationAround this time, we will experience both a desire to allow our relationships to transform us and a fear of what that implies. We will be able to see what is behind our need for control, our jealousy, our manipulative tendencies, and acknowledge any fear of loss and betrayal that may emerge.

Venus forms a sextile to Saturn in Pisces on May 13. This configuration indicates a desire to consolidate those bonds and connections that feel in alignment and commit to what is valuable to us. The Venus-Saturn sextile reflects a tendency to think for the long term, both in terms of relationships and financial-wise, inspiring us to invest our money, time, and energy into what truly matters.

On May 23, Venus forms a sextile to Neptune in Pisces. This highly creative and spiritual aspect will bring a surge of artistic inspiration and invite us to channel our creativity in productive and tangible ways. Within relationships, the Venus-Neptune sextile inspires devotion and loyalty and reminds us to see our beloved as the Divine and recognize the Divine presence in everyone and everything.

Venus conjunct Uranus and Jupiter


On May 18 and 23 Venus crosses Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus. The Venus-Uranus conjunction brings electricity, novelty, and unpredictable changes in our social, romantic, and financial lives. This alignment is an invitation to revolutionize our values and how we approach love, as well as our relationship to beauty, art, and money. Around this time, unforeseen encounters, unexpected opportunities, and sudden shifts in our plans could open new doors and possibilities for us to break free from stagnation and stuckness. 

Shortly after, Venus crosses Jupiter in the late degrees of Taurus, just a couple of days before Jupiter’s ingress in Gemini. The Venus-Jupiter conjunction brings luck and growth opportunities, both relational and financial. This alignment emphasizes the value of generosity and inspires us to strive for authenticity in all our connections with others. The Venus-Jupiter conjunction reflects an increased appreciation for pleasure, comfort, and luxury, as well as an increased receptivity to the beauty surrounding us.


Venus in Taurus: Self-Love and Self-Intimacy


Venus’s journey through Taurus brings our focus toward the relationship we have with ourselves, reminding us that the quality of it is what determines the quality of our relationships with others. During this time, we have opportunities to pay attention to what our relational experiences are mirroring back at us and what information they give us about our degree of self-worth, self-love, and self-respect. This transit offers us a chance to pay attention to our tangible choices and actions and gain awareness of how they show us what we truly value, prioritize, and invest in.

Venus in Taurus also brings the spotlight on our relationship to pleasure, and particularly to receiving pleasure, reminding us of the importance of appreciating sensual pleasures such as the feeling of sunlight on our skin, the smell of coffee in the morning, a sip of fresh water, the texture of a warm blanket. This transit gives us permission to do something just for pleasure’s sake and reminds us of the importance of opening ourselves up to receive all the beauty and love that surround us.


Crystal Pick for Venus in Taurus: Rose Quartz


The perfect crystal for Venus meets Taurus energy, rose quartz helps you connect to your heart and subtle senses, develop self-intimacy and trust, and renew your relationship with yourself and others. It will help you slow down and sink into more gentleness, compassion, and kindness, to release the tension, pressure, and fire of Venus in Aries energy, and settle into the earthly arms of Venus at home in Taurus.

Rose quartz is associated with Taurus as it’s incredibly supportive in helping you develop self-worth and a sense of inner security and self-love, so you can tap into that Taurean sense of appreciation, comfort, and beauty from within yourself. As you work on developing your material resources in life to bring in more earthly stability, rose quartz helps you develop your inner resources and emotional stability to help guide you in your actions.

An incredibly soothing and healing crystal, especially for your heart space, you can use rose quartz during this transit to help you release any repressed and unexpressed emotions you may be holding onto, so that you can bloom open into more love and openness, towards yourself and in all your relationships. It holds encouraging and compassionate energy to gently spur you into more acceptance, belief, and trust in your own light, worthiness, and power. 


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  • Absolutely beautiful writings , thank you so much for all your posts, truly blessed taurean/aquarian


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