article Venus in Pisces 2024: Beyond Romantic Love
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Astrology & Omens

Venus in Pisces 2024: Beyond Romantic Love

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Moon Omens

March 11, 2024

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On March 11, 11:11 AM —

On March 11, 5:51 PM EST, Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces, the sign of her traditional exaltation. Here, Venus invites us to go beyond our ideas about romantic love and encourages us to open our hearts to experience a love that has no boundaries or conditions. The Goddess of Love is going to remain in Pisces until April 5.

Venus’ shift of sign will be particularly impactful for those born with personal placements in Mutable signs and especially for the individuals with natal Venus in Pisces, who will experience their Venus return, a time of renewal of their romantic, social, and financial lives. The individuals personally impacted by Venus’ ingress in Pisces will have chances to embrace their sensitivity, deepen their emotional connection with their loved ones, and explore their creative side with renewed inspiration.

Venus from Aquarius to Pisces: Relating with Reverence and Devotion


In Astrology, Venus is the planet connected to love, art, beauty, and romance. The ruler of both Taurus and Libra, Venus has to do with our relationships with both ourselves and others, our self-worth, our value system, and our relationship to our physical body, sensuality, abundance, wealth, and pleasure. Transits of Venus mark collective shifts in values as well as changes in our orientation toward relationships, finances, and artistic taste.

Venus’s journey through Aquarius offered us an opportunity to observe our relationship to groups and group approval, invited us to look at those places where we may be tempted to conform to groupthink and to notice the dynamics that we tend to repetitively experience within communities. This transit encouraged us to connect with a detached and objective perspective of our relationship experiences and to see our patterns through a bird’s eye view.

Just a few hours after a potent Pisces New Moon conjunct Neptune, Venus’ ingress into the sign of the Fish contributes to shifting our focus from the mind to the heart, inspiring us to connect to what we feel rather than what we see or think.

During the upcoming days and weeks, the spotlight is on the value of interpersonal connections as catalysts for spiritual growth. Throughout this transit, we are reminded that relationships aren’t just for fun or for comfort: we are invited to show up in our connections with reverence and devotion and see them as an integral part of our spiritual path.


Venus enters Pisces: Beyond Romantic Love


The journey of Venus through Pisces highlights our longing and yearning for the perfect love and can indicate an increase in our tendency to idealize other people and love itself, to be in love with love, to daydream, and to get lost in fantasy. 

The higher purpose of this transit is for us to transcend our attachment to romantic fantasies and romantic love and connect with a deeper type of love, a love that does not need to be directed toward a person or any object, a love that is enough in and for itself, a love that goes beyond our personal desires, a love that doesn’t depend on whether someone can meet our needs or not.

While Venus is in Pisces, the invitation for us is to connect to spiritual values or virtues that can represent a reference point as we move through life, relationships, and any challenges that may emerge. Venus in Pisces offers us an opportunity to embody true empathy, compassion, and vulnerability and inspires us to allow the expression of these qualities to color all our interactions with others.

Venus in Pisces

Venus conjunct Saturn and Neptune, sextile Jupiter and Uranus


During her journey through Pisces, Venus is going to cross Saturn and Neptune in the sign and form sextiles to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.

On March 21, Venus crosses Saturn at 12º of Pisces. Their conjunction marks a time of personal, relational, and spiritual maturation, offering us opportunities to deepen our devotion and commitment to what is valuable to us. Around this time, we will have chances to choose what we aim to consolidate in our lives. We will be drawn to cultivate relationships based on a foundation of shared values and to gravitate toward pursuits, projects, and investments that are in alignment with our integrity.

On March 24 and March 28, Venus sextiles Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. The Venus-Jupiter sextile catalyzes an expansion of our philosophical and spiritual exploration of life and relationships, supports our financial endeavors, and increases our ability to receive and manifest abundance. The Venus-Uranus sextile inspires us to renovate our values and our mindset about relationships, inviting open-mindedness and an experimental approach to connection while encouraging us to explore new avenues for making and investing money.

On April 3, Venus crosses Neptune at 28º of Pisces. Around this time, our sensitivity will be magnified, our dreams vivid and rich in symbolism, and it will be easier than usual to tap into the creative flow and create meaningful and inspired works of art. The Venus-Neptune conjunction highlights the dangers of idealism, daydreaming, and wearing rose-colored glasses, particularly if we have to make relationship choices, and stresses the importance of discernment. Nevertheless, intentionally tapping into this energy will facilitate spiritual breakthroughs and creative awakenings as well as intense heart-opening experiences.


Venus enters Pisces: Cultivating a Relationship with the Divine


During Venus’ journey through Pisces, many of us will be more drawn to focus on accumulating spiritual wealth more than material wealth and could reconsider our priorities accordingly. This transit challenges us to see everyone around us as a reflection of the Divine and every trigger we experience as information about something we need to heal or gain awareness of.

Venus in Pisces’ journey emphasizes the value of conscious and authentic relating as a catalyst for our personal and spiritual evolution and underlines the importance of cultivating a relationship with something greater than ourselves, something beyond our separate sense of self. 

Besides inspiring us to approach other people with compassion, Venus in Pisces invites us to embrace self-compassion and self-forgiveness too. This transit reminds us to see our and everyone’s humanity and mistakes with grace and encourages us to express our boundaries with kindness while reminding us to make sure that we aren’t making sacrifices for others that will lead to resentment in the long run.


Crystal Pick for Venus in Pisces: Hiddenite


This stone of the heart harnesses Piscean compassion and Venusian nurturance to increase your joy, appreciation, and love for yourself and others. This rare crystal in translucent spring green brings vitality and renewal, and hints at the upcoming spring equinox that will bring a surge of growth to us all, marking the beginning of a new cycle in our lives.

Hiddenite fosters this growth, in the spiritual, emotional and physical dimensions, helping you clear and heal wounds of the heart, anxiety held in the chest, and shock and grief in your lungs, breathing new life into your body. Use it throughout this transit to help you release the past, purge your dense, heavy emotions and clear the energetic space for new beginnings to come in.

It will help focus your heart on the awareness of your connection to the all that is, to remember the bigger picture and bigger purpose of your life. It’s an excellent stone to help detox from the addictive and escapist tendencies of Pisces energy and focus on its essence of self-renewal, rejuvenation, hope, and expansive love. Hiddenite reminds you that true love and wealth are found within yourself first, and in each moment where you touch joy.  


Dive deeper into relationships and love life with your 2024 horoscope: two chapters dedicated exclusively for relationships.


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