article Venus in Libra 2024: Collaboration over Competition
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Astrology & Omens

Venus in Libra 2024: Collaboration over Competition

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Moon Omens

August 29, 2024

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On August 29, 02:36 PM —

On August 29, 09:23 AM EST, Venus leaves Virgo and enters her Air domicile of Libra, inviting us to choose collaboration over competition. This transit reminds us of the value of interpersonal connections and challenges us to choose to participate in relationships consciously, seeing other people as our mirrors. The Goddess of Love is going to remain in Libra until September 22.

Venus’ shift of signs is most relevant for those of us born with personal placements in Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). The transit of Venus through the sign of the Scales invites them to pay attention to how they are showing up in relationships and what their relationships are mirroring back at them. They will have opportunities to recognize and address any imbalances between giving and receiving in their connections and refine their ability to create true harmony.

Venus from Virgo to Libra: Desire for Harmony


The ruler of both Taurus and Libra, Venus in Astrology gives us information about how we tend to relate to both ourselves and others. Named after the Goddess of Love, Venus has to do with what we enjoy and appreciate, what feels good. Because of her connection to Libra, Venus is linked to our desire to be surrounded by peace, harmony, fairness, and beauty. Venus’ rulership of Taurus highlights her connection to our self-worth, our receptivity, our values, as well as our relationship to money.

Transits of Venus inform us of shifts in our value system, relational style, aesthetic preferences, and financial decisions. As Venus changes signs, we are presented with opportunities to view relationship dynamics in a new light and to reflect on how our choices mirror our core values and sense of self-worth.

Venus’ transit through Virgo emphasized the value of discernment in both romantic and financial matters and invited a sober, cautious approach to matters of the heart. This transit inspired us to be mindful of our spending habits and reminded us of the value of health. Venus in Virgo also offered us chances to recognize how our self-doubt and insecurities hold us back from creating the relationships and the life we desire.

As Venus enters Libra, our focus goes on creating more harmony in our lives and particularly in our connections with others. During this time, we feel inclined to take into account other people’s needs and feelings, striving to find solutions that satisfy everyone. When Venus is here, diplomacy, grace, and fairness become paramount as our desire to be surrounded by beauty and peace takes center stage and ripples in all areas of our lives.


Venus in Libra: Collaboration over Competition


Libra is connected to the Yang side of Venus: a Cardinal Air sign, Libra has to do with how we relate to other people and create connections based on equality. Symbolized by the Scales, Libra seeks justice and fairness: when Venus is here, diplomacy, mutual respect, and finding healthy compromises within relationships become the focus. During this time, we feel the need to create peaceful and harmonious relationships, we appreciate beauty, and we are willing to pay for quality.

While Venus is in Libra, we are encouraged to navigate social interactions with tact, elegance, and politeness. This combination of energies encourages us to view situations from multiple perspectives and to strive to understand and honor the viewpoints of others. Venus’ transit through her Air domicile emphasizes collaboration over competition and inspires us to recognize and address any imbalances between how much we give and how much we receive.

Venus in Libra 2024

Venus in aspect to Pluto, the Lunar Nodes, Jupiter, and Chiron


As soon as she enters Libra, Venus trines Pluto at 0º of Aquarius. This aspect increases our desire to experience passionate, intense, and transformative connections. Venus trine Pluto supports our willingness to be transformed by our relationships and facilitates clarity about the nature of power dynamics we may be involved in.

Venus crosses the Lunar South Node, which she rules, on September 3. Around this time, we can expect a resurgence of old habits, old pain, and potential encounters with people from our past. The Venus-South Node conjunction will show us how habitual patterns of behavior hold us back from creating the relationships we desire and challenge us to let go of ways of being and behaving that keep perpetuating the past.

On September 15, Venus in Libra trines Jupiter in Gemini. This is a very supportive aspect for our romantic and financial lives: the Venus-Jupiter trine supports our generosity, our appreciation for life’s pleasures, and our willingness to be out and about and connect with others. Their alignment can inspire indulgence, laziness, and a desire for things to come easily to us, without any effort on our part.

On September 16, Venus opposes retrograde Chiron in Aries. This alignment reveals to us relational wounds that are still in need of healing. Around the time of the Venus-Chiron opposition, we will have chances to recognize how unprocessed pain shows up in relationships and take care of our and others’ vulnerabilities with compassion. The simultaneous presence of the Venus-Jupiter trine supports our healing journey and inspires us to be grateful for our blessings rather than solely focusing on what doesn’t work.


Venus in Libra: Opportunity to Create True Peace


Venus’ ingress into her Air domicile of Libra supports all artistic and creative pursuits, as well as those activities that require us to collaborate and cooperate. This transit reminds us of the value of being surrounded by beauty and creating environments that inspire our senses. 

Venus in Libra stresses our desire to experience harmonious and peaceful relationships. This combination of energies inspires us to approach any issue that may arise in our connections as an opportunity to put ourselves in other people’s shoes and grow in empathy and self-awareness. This transit represents an invitation to see our connections with others as mirrors that give us information about something that is happening within ourselves.

Nevertheless, a risk with Venus in Libra is avoiding conflict, even when it would be necessary, and creating a false, superficial sense of peace. This transit is an invitation to recognize the difference between true peace and false peace. During this time, we have an opportunity to notice whether we tend to be too agreeable or put our needs aside, prioritizing those of others as a default. Venus in Libra challenges us to confront any discomfort that may arise when, in order to create true peace, we must share our needs and feelings honestly.


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