article Venus enters Leo: Reclaiming our Radiance
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Astrology & Omens

Venus enters Leo: Reclaiming our Radiance

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Moon Omens

June 5, 2023

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On June 5, 06:45 PM —

On June 5, 09:47 AM ET, Venus leaves Cancer and enters Leo. Venus’ shift of sign represents an invitation to reclaim our radiance, open our hearts, and let our creativity flourish.

This year, Venus is going to remain in Leo longer than usual, due to her upcoming retrograde. Venus stations retrograde in the sign of the Lion on July 22, stations direct on September 3, and enters Virgo only on October 8.

This transit is particularly relevant for those of us who were born with planets or angles in Fixed signs, especially for those of us who were born with Venus in Leo, as they are going to experience their Venus return. Venus’s journey through Leo and her upcoming retrograde period will inspire them to redefine their relational needs, their relationship to abundance and pleasure, and the way they show up both in their connections with others and in their creative expression.

Venus enters Leo: Let Yourself Be Seen


Venus, in Astrology, is the planet associated with how we relate with both ourselves and others, with our value system, with our self-worth, and with our receptivity. She correlates with our relationship to money and wealth and with our capacity to establish and maintain meaningful connections.

During the transit of Venus in Cancer, we are drawn to value familiarity and comfort, and we tend to surround ourselves with people who represent safe spaces. Venus’s ingress in Leo invites us to let ourselves be seen and spend more time creating. This transit encourages us to explore how our relationships have the potential to represent inspiring influences for our creative self-actualization and to discover how our creativity can generate wealth.

Venus in Leo expresses a natural enthusiasm, warmth, and appreciation for the spotlight. The transit of Venus through Leo will support our vitality and increase our desire to be visible, have fun, play, and share our talents with the world. The upcoming weeks are a favorable time to work on our self-confidence, share our creative expression, and open our hearts.


Venus opposite Pluto & squaring the Lunar Nodes


As Venus enters Leo, she immediately opposes Pluto at 0º Aquarius. Moreover, both Venus and Pluto are also squaring the Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio, creating a tense configuration, technically known as Fixed Grand Cross, that will be active for the entire week. The Fixed Grand Cross will offer us opportunities to face and address any resistance to change, fears, and unresolved inner conflicts that are driving our choices, especially in relationships and financial matters.

The Venus-Pluto opposition, in particular, brings the spotlight on power imbalances in our relationships and invites us to observe any patterns that are rooted in fear and insecurity, such as manipulative behaviors, jealousy, and control tactics. This is a passionate and seductive alignment that increases our desire for intense romantic and sexual encounters and exacerbates any tendency to get addicted to high-sensation experiences and push-pull dynamics.

The square between Venus and the Lunar Nodes is an opportunity to work on issues that repetitively show up in our relationships, notice what still needs to be healed and observe in what ways we still need to grow and mature. This transit will also bring the spotlight on our relationship with money, our ability to cultivate wealth, and our capacity to receive abundance and pleasure. Finally, Venus squaring the Nodes is an invitation to work on wounds that impact our self-worth, our ability to value ourselves, and our capacity to honor our core values, even when someone else’s values aren’t in alignment with ours.

venus enters leo

Venus square Jupiter and Uranus


During her transit through Leo, Venus is going to square Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus three times.

The Venus-Jupiter square goes exact on June 11, August 22, while Venus is retrograde, and September 17, when Venus is direct again. This series of squares represents an invitation to notice how we relate to our generosity, reflect on the balance of giving and receiving in our relationships, and ask ourselves whether some of our giving could be transactional or rooted in unspoken expectations of reciprocity.

The Venus-Uranus square goes exact on July 2, August 9, while Venus is retrograde, and September 29, when Venus is direct again. The three Venus-Uranus squares will offer us opportunities to reflect on whether we see relationships as an obstacle to our full expression and freedom and observe how we balance our need for connection and closeness with our need for space, change, and independence. These alignments will invite us to explore different relationship paradigms and break free of ways of relating that no longer feel aligned with who we are.


Venus’s upcoming Retrograde in Leo


This year’s Venus in Leo transit will be particularly special, due to Venus’ upcoming retrograde in the sign. Venus retrograde period, from July 22 to September 3, will offer us many opportunities to deepen and transform our relationship with ourselves, our creativity, and our authentic expression: as a result, our relationships with others will transform too.

Retrogrades invite us to break free from societal expectations regarding how we express the energy of the planet involved. Venus retrograde, a rare occurrence, represents a call to review, reassess, revise, and redefine our approach to relational and financial matters as well as our values and our relationship with our physical body. Retrogrades encourage introspection and inspire us to embrace our uniqueness, make unconventional choices, and break free from conformity.

Venus’ upcoming retrograde in Leo marks a phase of profound contemplation of our values, relational needs, desires, and feelings, often leading to a tendency to temporarily withdraw from social interactions and seek solitude more often that usual. This transit will provide an opportunity to revisit and review past relationship dynamics: people from our past may resurface, and we may have chances to work on unresolved matters or see them in a new light.


Venus in Leo: Creating from an Open Heart, Letting our Creativity Flourish


In her most empowered expression, Venus in Leo is generous, inspiring, and willing to share the spotlight with others. This transit has the potential to support our enthusiasm, our creativity, and our capacity to love, enjoy, and appreciate the pleasures that existence can offer.

As every artist knows, creating from an open heart is key to give life to something that has the power to move, inspire, and produce an emotional response. This transit is an invitation to reclaim our radiance, embrace vulnerability, and heal wounds that prevent us from being an open channel and allow Life to express through us. Venus in Leo reminds us to honor and celebrate our inherent uniqueness and beauty and invites us to keep in mind that our creativity flourishes when we dare to be true to who we are.


Our Crystal Pick for Venus in Leo: Carnelian


Carnelian is a perfect stone to use while Venus is in Leo, as it harnesses the sensuality and pleasure of Venus and funnels it through Leo-style exuberance and courage. It’s a fiery crystal of passion that sparks your zest for life and can help you make bold moves in love and life.

It brings enthusiasm and warmth, boosting your energy, creativity, and natural drive to go after what lights your inner fire. It’ll spark your desires and yearning to enjoy all the beauty and goodness life has to offer, which is perfect for relishing in the deliciousness and fun this transit brings.

Use carnelian to come back into your body, into the wisdom and power of your senses and gut knowing, and to take action on doing the things that fill your inner well. It’ll get the juices flowing, literally and physically, giving you more oomph, more stamina, and the confidence to follow through on the yearnings of your heart!

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  • Today I wrote almost 30 pages because I needed to connect with my inner self. And then, I read your Venus Retrogade article and it was amazing the way every word spoke to me, aligned with many ideas I had worked on: connect with intuition, being free from society pressure, improve the relation with myself and with others… It’s just amazing. Now I need a Cornelian stone to go back into my body, into the wisdom and power of my senses and gut knowing… Thanks!


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