article The Astrological Ages: A Spiral of Time
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Astrology & Omens

The Astrological Ages: A Spiral of Time

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Moon Omens

September 27, 2023

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On September 27, 08:27 PM —

The human experience is a microcosm of the Universe at large, spiraling around us in the great unraveling of the Cosmos.

As cycles govern every aspect out of life on earth, astrology shows us the largest cycle at play which is governed by the rotating of the stars, the shifting of Astrological Ages.

We are able to track this cycle through history, by looking down the linear timeline of past events and going deeper into the motivations of the generations who came before us.

The Astrological Ages: Zooming Out at the Big Picture


Astrological Ages represent a reflection of collective patterns and learning cycles and show us their gradual evolution through time. Past civilizations were built by the beliefs, visions, soul urges, and motivations of their collective. We know the monuments and structures built to mark milestones in society, the art and science that would inspire the musicians, inventors, creatives, and leaders to pioneer a path of change in the public sphere.

Astrological Ages are connected with the precession of Equinoxes and last approximately 2160 years. The shift from one Age to another is a slow, gradual, yet intense process that takes at least 200 to 300 years to complete. We are currently going through this process, as we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

Looking back at history, connecting threads, and observing historical periods through the lens of Astrological Ages gives us an opportunity to gain a deeper and more detailed understanding of the evolutionary processes humanity has gone through, as well as the process we are going through right now, as a collective. By remembering where we come from and recognizing the cyclical nature of time, growth, and evolution, we have the possibility to deepen our awareness of what is going on in the collective and of the path our Souls have embarked upon.

September 2024 Astrology Forecast

The Astrological Ages: Tracking the Ages and Connecting the Dots


The Age of Leo lasted roughly from 10,900 BC to 8,740 BC. During this time, when the vernal equinox occurred in the Zodiac sign of Leo, the Sun and Solar Gods were worshiped as an expression of the divine masculine, monarchy was the main political system, and powerful leaders emerged all over the world. This has been a time of incredible artistic and creative expression. Abuse of power, blind worship of the Self, as well as abuse of technology, a theme connected with the opposite sign of Aquarius, also characterized this historical period, which has been associated with the downfall of incredibly advanced civilizations.

The Age of Cancer followed the Age of Leo. The period between 8,740 BC and 6,580 BC has been characterized by worship of the Moon, Moon Goddesses, and the divine feminine. Figurines representing women, dated back to this time, have been found all over the world. The Age of Cancer was the time of matriarchal societies, during which people started settling down, building houses, creating communities, and developing agriculture.

Between roughly 6,580 BC and  4,420 BC, the Age of Gemini shifted the focus on the development of the intellect, writing, language, trade, and movement of goods and people. People started traveling and developed an awareness of duality. While intuition was the primary faculty developed and valued during the Age of Cancer, with the Age of Gemini the focus shifted on the rational mind.

The Age of Taurus lasted approximately between 4,420 BC and 2,260 BC. This was a time of widespread hedonism, materialism, search for pleasure, worship of the body and the senses. Building foundations, generating security, and accumulating wealth were the main priorities, fertility had utmost importance, while death and sexuality, themes associated with the opposite sign of Scorpio, became taboo.

The Age of Taurus eventually gave way to the Age of Aries. The period between 2,260 BC and 100 BC was characterized by war, empires, and the rise of courageous soldiers as leaders. The Age of Aries was characterized by a “getting” mentality, it was a very competitive and goal oriented time, yet also very violent and destructive. Again, a shift in polarity took place from one age to the next: we shifted from the Yin, feminine energy of the Taurus Age to a Yang, masculine energy.

During the last 2000 years, we have been navigating the Age of Pisces, which is now coming to an end. Throughout this time, we experienced the diffusion of codified, dogmatic religions which corrupted our innate connection to Spirit, as well as our connection to the wisdom of our bodies and Nature. During the Piscean age, the opposite sign of Virgo has been suppressed by spreading distorted ideas of purity, purification, and chastity and perpetuating the idea that the body is innately sinful, dirty, and antithetical to God. Spirit and flesh were split while guilt and shame have been used to control the masses and prevent us from accessing our complete potential, from remembering who we are and where we come from.

The Age of Pisces is now coming to an end and the veil is being lifted. As we transition to the Age of Aquarius we have an opportunity to gain a deeper and more objective awareness of what has been going on and how humanity has been conditioned to forget and lose touch with Truth. The fog is clearing and we are being called to remember our true nature, to access the wisdom held in our bodies, to find guidance within rather than looking for saviors outside of ourselves.

The Age of Aquarius: Awakening & Individuation


The Age of Pisces is now coming to an end and the veil is being lifted. As we transition to the Age of Aquarius, we have an opportunity to gain a deeper and more objective awareness of what has been going on and how humanity has been conditioned to forget and lose touch with Truth. The fog is clearing and we are being called to remember our true nature, to access the wisdom held in our bodies, to find guidance within rather than looking for saviors outside of ourselves.

We are going through a massive shift in global consciousness. At this time, each and everyone of us is called to step up, to take the reins of our life into our own hands, and to recognize ourselves as sovereign creators. This Age of Aquarius asks us to use our free will consciously and to use it with great responsibility. Things won’t work in the same way they used to and things will manifest much faster than before.

During the upcoming decades and centuries, we will experience unimaginable breakthroughs in technology, science, and artificial intelligence that will completely revolutionize the world as we have known it so far.  We will feel the call to individuate, to awaken, and to discover our true call. There will be great interconnectedness among people across the globe, but at the same time we will be very disconnected from each other: many of us are already getting lost in the digital world and virtual realities and authentic personal connections are becoming more and more rare.

While our minds will stretch and open to new dimensions, our task will be to stay connected with our hearts, to fully inhabit our physical body, and to allow ourselves to slow down and feel, when everything around us will move at the speed of light.

This transition will have both its gifts and its challenges, and we explore them in detail within our book, The Age of Aquarius. The Moon Omens community loves this book and we cannot recommend it enough for you. Get your copy today!

Blue Full Moon in Aquarius 2024


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Tell us what you think


  • Thank you. I can strongly relate to this article. The description of the ages and what was dominant during those times is really interesting as I can both see from history and intuition how accurate your words are. The turmoil of change makes sense now and with understanding comes a release of my fears. Blessings to you. 🙏😇


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