article Mercury retrogrades back to Leo: Reigniting Creativity
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Astrology & Omens

Mercury retrogrades back to Leo: Reigniting Creativity

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Moon Omens

August 13, 2024

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On August 13, 02:03 PM —

On August 14, 8:16 PM EST, Mercury retrogrades back to Leo offering us opportunities to reignite our creativity, renovate our relationship with our minds, and refine our thinking and communication skills.

Mercury stationed retrograde in Virgo on August 5, is going to station direct at 21º25’ of Leo on August 28 and remains in the sign of the Lion until September 9. The Messenger’s second ingress and upcoming journey through Leo offers us opportunities to reflect on what took place during the second half of July, while Mercury was in the third decan of Leo for the first time. It is an invitation to take care of any unfinished business and reassess our way of perceiving any issues that emerged back then.

Mercury’s retrograde transit through Leo is particularly relevant for the individuals born with planets or angles in the late degrees of Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). Those of us personally impacted by Mercury’s backward journey in Leo will have opportunities to renovate their perception of reality, redefine their relationship to creativity, and explore alternative avenues for self-expression.

Mercury retrogrades from Virgo to Leo: Reigniting Creativity


The planet of communication, inductive learning, problem-solving, and short-distance travel, Mercury was named after the mythological Messenger, trickster, patron of travelers and Guide of Souls. When retrograde, Mercury’s energy asks to be internalized and directed toward self-analysis and self-observation and promotes a general reevaluation of the way we are used to thinking, communicating, learning, and managing our daily lives.

Mercury’s retrograde transit through Virgo, a Yin, Earth, and Mutable sign, invited us to deepen our self-understanding, challenged us to recognize where better discernment is needed, and motivated us to question existing definitions of health. This transit supported our ability to understand what needs to improve in our daily lives, our relationship with our physical body, and our ability to solve problems and recognize dysfunctions.

While Mercury travels backward through the Yang, Fixed, Fire sign of Leo, we have an opportunity to reassess, renew, and refine our ability to think and communicate creatively. This transit offers us an invitation to explore new avenues for self-expression and challenges us to be more creative in how we tackle daily tasks, learn, and solve problems.

Mercury’s ingress into Leo after its retrograde period in Virgo can be an opportunity to explore how to communicate both boldly and humbly and discover how self-confidence can coexist with the awareness of what can be improved and refined.


Mercury retrograde in Leo: Renewing our Perceptions


The Messenger goes retrograde three to four times a year, for approximately three weeks at a time. These periods are opportunities for us to renovate our relationship with our minds, renew our inner dialogue, and recognize thinking and communication patterns that don’t serve our highest good. When Mercury travels backward in the heavens, we are invited to slow down before making decisions, be more mindful about the words we choose, and be aware of the power of the thoughts we entertain.

In Leo, Mercury’s retrograde transit is an opportunity to redefine our relationship with self-expression, question our way of perceiving creativity, and explore alternative ways of sharing our ideas, visions, and thoughts. The upcoming days and weeks will offer us chances to renovate our inner dialogue, refresh our habitual thinking patterns, and practice engaging with our minds in ways that support, rather than hinder, our creativity and the flow of new ideas.

Mercury in aspect to Uranus and Mars


On August 18, Mercury squares Uranus in Taurus for the second time. Mercury and Uranus already squared each other once, while Mercury was direct, and will square each other one last time again on September 7.

This series of squares marks an incremental shift in our perception of reality, invites a drastic change in mindset, and offers us an opportunity to see more clearly and objectively what needs to be transformed in our thinking and communication styles in order to break free from stagnation, restriction, and self-limiting patterns. Because their second square happens while Mercury is retrograde, there may be a need to reconsider previous decisions or slow down what was initiated around the time of the first square.

Retrograde Mercury in Leo forms a sextile to Mars in Gemini on August 24. Their alignment will inspire us to reflect on how we tend to act on our ideas and how we are used to asserting ourselves and our opinions, challenging us to recognize what can be refined.


Mercury retrogrades back to Leo: A New Way of Thinking


Mercury’s retrograde transit through Leo is an opportunity to reflect on our relationship with our sense of identity and our personal expression, a chance to question existing beliefs about creativity, and an invitation to refine and redefine how we communicate our ideas, opinions, and thoughts to the world.

Together with its upcoming squares to Uranus, Mercury’s retrograde period in Leo will inspire us to recognize how past conditioning still impacts our way of thinking and perceiving reality. This transit will motivate us to think critically and independently, to create our own opinions rather than mindlessly repeating what we have been taught. This is also a time to question the validity of the news we find online or receive through mainstream media and consider exploring alternative sources of information with an open and curious mind.


Learn how you can harness the powerful energies of every Mercury Retrograde to help you illuminate your life path from the inside out with our free Mercury Retrograde e-book gift! ♥


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