article Mercury enters Pisces: Beyond the Rational
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Mercury enters Pisces: Beyond the Rational

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Moon Omens

March 2, 2023

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On March 2, 03:04 PM —

On March 2, 5:52 PM ET, Mercury leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces. This transit invites us to go beyond the limits of rational reasoning and explore how our linear, logical mind can be in service to our intuition.

The planet of communication and learning is going to remain in the sign of the Fish until March 19. Mercury’s ingress in Pisces will be more relevant for those of us born with planets or angles in Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Those of us most impacted by this transit will experience a deepening of our subtle perceptions and energetic awareness and feel inspired to explore non-linear ways of expression.

Mercury enters Pisces: Increased Empathy, Sensitivity, and Attunement to Others


In Astrology, Mercury rules over communication, problem-solving, learning, thinking, discerning, and selecting information. The ruler of both Gemini and Virgo informs us of our way of relating to our environment and classifying our surroundings through logic and observation.

Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac, has to do with spirituality, creativity, fantasy, and illusions. It is a Mutable Water sign connected with the oceanic realm of emotions, dreams, and intuition, that naturally adapts to the ebb and flow of life. Pisces has to do with our connection with the collective emotional body, with the unity of all that exists.

During the transit of Mercury in Pisces, our empathy increases, we are likely to feel more attuned to the emotions and needs of others, and more easily relate to their experiences and feelings. For this reason, it is important to relate consciously to our sensitivity, by taking care of establishing boundaries and prioritizing self-care, not only when we already feel overwhelmed or exhausted.


Going Beyond Logic & Letting our Intuition Lead


Mercury in Pisces is traditionally considered to be in detriment, as Mercury rules the opposite sign of Virgo. While Mercury is masterful in planning, organizing, and observing, Pisces is all about improvisation, flow, and feeling. Mercury is a planet concerned with rationality, analysis, and organizational skills, which can be challenging to match with the fluid and elusive nature of Pisces. 

Nevertheless, Mercury in Pisces is a transit that can open new doors for us, enrich our perception of reality, and stimulate us to think and communicate in new ways. When Mercury is in Pisces, the invitation is to trust our intuition and allow her to lead us, in order to be able to access a type of wisdom and insights that are available only when we go beyond the rational mind.


Mercury in Aspect to Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto


As Mercury enters Pisces, it is separating from a conjunction with Saturn in the late degrees of Aquarius. The Mercury-Saturn conjunction adds more pragmatism and practicality to the Piscean energy, supporting grounding and patience. For a few more days, the proximity of Mercury and Saturn promotes mental discipline and structured thinking and encourages an introspective and self-reflecting focus.

On March 11, Mercury in Pisces is going to form a sextile to Uranus in Taurus, an aspect indicating increased mental stimulation, willingness to think outside the box, and desire to discover new ideas and perspectives. There are high possibilities of having new learning opportunities and finding unconventional solutions to problems as a result of experiencing intellectual breakthroughs. This aspect inspires us to investigate new concepts and theories and push beyond the existing boundaries of our field of knowledge.

Mercury is going to cross Neptune in the late degrees of the sign of the Fish on March 16, maximizing our fantasy, creativity, and ability to connect with unseen dimensions of reality. This aspect supports creative thinking and artistic exploration and facilitates a deeper intuitive awareness of ourselves and Life.


Shortly before entering Aries, on March 18, Mercury is going to form a sextile to Pluto at 29º Capricorn. The Mercury-Pluto sextile indicates sharp and penetrating mental focus, intensity of perception, and a strong desire to get to the root cause of everything. Around this time, secrets could be revealed, as our intuition and our capacity to discover hidden information will be maximized.


Mercury enters Pisces: Beyond the Rational


During this transit, our thinking and communication will be less structured, rigid, and organized, and we may feel drawn to explore new ways of expressing our ideas and feelings. Mercury in Pisces is highly in tune with the unconscious mind, symbolism, and the oniric realms: during this transit, an increased interest in mysticism, spirituality, art, and the dream world is likely to arise.

While Mercury is in the sign of the Fish, we are likely to experience vivid dreams and a more active fantasy life. It is a time to pay particular attention to the symbols, metaphors, and messages that come up during our dreams or in meditation and explore expressing our feelings and thoughts through non-linear channels. Mercury’s journey in Pisces is an opportunity to discover how our linear, logical mind could serve our intuition and contribute to linking subtle perceptions and feelings with the information we receive from the environment.

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