article Mercury direct in Leo: Clarity and Courage
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Astrology & Omens

Mercury direct in Leo: Clarity and Courage

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Moon Omens

August 28, 2024

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On August 28, 12:11 PM —

On August 28, 5:14 PM EST, Mercury stations direct at 21º24’ of Leo after being in retrograde motion since August 5. Mercury will remain in the sign of the Lion until September 9, encouraging us to speak with clarity and courage and offering us opportunities to make changes in our external reality according to the changes that took place internally.

Mercury’s shift of motion is especially relevant for those of us born with planets or angles in Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), as well as in Gemini and Virgo, the signs ruled by Mercury. Mercury stationing direct in Leo will bring them opportunities to clarify any misunderstandings and adjust their course of action according to the shifts in their perception and awareness that happened during the retrograde.

Mercury direct in Leo: Speak with Clarity and Courage


In Astrology, Mercury is the planet connected with the rational mind, communication, logical thinking, inductive learning, and problem-solving. Named after the mythological Messenger, Mercury is also associated with short-term and short-distance travel, commerce, language, and the processes of gathering data and information from our environment and discerning what is useful from what isn’t.

Mercury’s retrograde transit through Leo, a Yang, Fixed, Fire sign, has been offering us an invitation to rethink, renew, and rediscover our relationship with creativity, self-expression, and being seen. It has been an opportunity to explore new ways of thinking and perceiving reality, as well as alternative channels for communicating our ideas and visions to the world.

While Mercury was retrograde in Leo, we had chances to discover creative ways to solve daily issues and explore new avenues for self-expression. This transit inspired us to reflect on our relationship with visibility, identity, and personal expression: it motivated us to observe our way of taking space and question existing beliefs about creativity.

As Mercury stations direct in Leo, the invitation for us is to speak with clarity and courage and make changes that reflect how our awareness shifted while Mercury was retrograde, mirroring the shift in consciousness that has taken place in the past weeks. Mercury’s remaining time in Leo is an invitation to work on consolidating new thinking and communication patterns, looking at reality with new eyes, and exploring empowered, authentic, and confident ways to express ourselves and share our inner world with others.


Mercury begins its Post-Shadow phase


When planets are stationary, both retrograde and direct, they have slowed down and appear at a standstill from our perspective on Earth. Before changing their direction, they pause and spend more time on a certain degree of the Zodiac, bringing our attention to something unresolved or unseen, that needs our attention and presence. Stationary planets are closer to us and their energy is felt more intensely: when Mercury is stationary, communication issues tend to be front and center.

From now on, Mercury is going to slowly begin to travel again on the same degrees where the retrograde took place, between 21º24’ of Leo and 4º05’ of Virgo. This timeframe is technically known as the post-shadow phase and represents a period of integration of what happened during the retrograde phase. Throughout the post-shadow phase of a retrograde, we have an opportunity to readjust and take action according to how our perceptions changed. New information could become available these days, and the purpose of everything that happened in the previous weeks will slowly feel clearer. The post-shadow phase of this retrograde cycle is going to last until September 12.

More about Mercury retrograde, its shadow phase and more, you can read in our free e-book. Tap on the image below to get it.

The Mercury-Uranus Square: Integrating Radical Shifts in Perception


During its journey through Leo, Mercury has squared Uranus in Taurus twice, on July 21 and August 18. On September 7, we are going to experience their third and last square: Uranus is going to be in retrograde motion at that point. Squares are 90º angles, aspects of tension that connect planets transiting through signs that have conflicting needs. This square activates two Fixed signs, highlighting the need to confront our resistance to change and discover its roots.

The Mercury-Uranus square taking place on September 7 will offer us chances to access more clarity about the progressive shift in our perceptions and ways of thinking that has been unfolding since July. Around that time, we may come across news or information that could feel disruptive or shocking and radically shift our way of looking at something.

The purpose of these three squares between Mercury and Uranus is to inspire us to question what we think we know and renovate our way of seeing reality. These alignments have been opening our eyes, encouraging us to think for ourselves and project ourselves toward the future rather than looking at life through the lens of our past experiences and conditioning. 

Around September 7, our connection to the future will be stronger and many of us will be able to access innovative ideas, downloads, and visions that can contribute to collective progress. We will have opportunities to observe how we navigate the tension between the pull of the past and the call of the future when we feel stuck in the middle and notice in what ways our minds contribute to holding ourselves back and keeping us small.


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