article Virgo Season 2022: in Service to Life
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Astrology & Omens

Virgo Season 2022: in Service to Life

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Moon Omens

August 21, 2022

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On August 22, 11:16 PM ET, the Sun leaves Leo, and Virgo season 2022 begins. This time of the year invites us to be in service to Life and teaches us lessons around discernment, healing, and self-improvement. 

In Astrology, the Sun has to do with our conscious awareness, and when the Sun transits through a sign, the spotlight goes there. Virgo season reminds us of the impact of our daily choices, and of the importance of aligning with routines and habits that support our health and wellbeing. The Sun remains in the sign of the Maiden until September 22.


From Leo to Virgo: a Key Transition


The Sun enters Virgo while in the Northern Hemisphere we approach the end of Summer and the season of harvest. Virgo season is the moment to reap the results of the work we have been doing, discern what is useful and what is not, separate the wheat from the chaff, and prepare ourselves for the months ahead. At this time of the year, many of us come back to school or to work after the holidays, and melancholic feelings tend to be present. We may have to reprioritize, make practical choices that support functionality, and direct our focus toward daily organization and mundane matters.

Virgo is considered to be a sign of transition, as it represents the bridge between a phase of evolution that is mostly subjective and focused on the self (from Aries to Leo) and a phase of evolution that involves the integration of the self into social contexts and the human collective (from Libra to Pisces). 

In the Zodiac Wheel, Virgo comes after Leo. Through Leo, we become fully aware of our identity as separate beings, we celebrate life, focus on what gives us joy, and express our creative potential. Through Virgo instead, we become conscious of what can be optimized and perfected. This archetype represents the moment in which we gain awareness of our flaws, of our imperfections, and of all the details that can be improved: as a result, we experience insecurity.


The Virgo Archetype & the Process of Learning to Serve Life


The insecurity correlated with the archetype of Virgo is associated with feelings of crisis that force us to direct our focus inwardly, engage in self-analysis, and deepen our humility. Through Virgo, we become aware of the importance of adopting an attitude of ongoing self-improvement. We develop a conscious relationship with our physical body and our health, and we gain awareness of what we have to do on a daily basis to preserve our health, wellbeing, and functionality. 

Virgo Season 2022

As an Earth sign, Virgo has inherently a strong connection to Nature, to the wisdom of the body, and to the awareness of the link between the mental, the emotional, and the physical. In particular, Virgo correlates to health and healing, to the awareness of how all parts are connected to the whole, and to the knowledge of how to prevent imbalances, or bring balance back after imbalance has occurred, through changes in lifestyle and holistic remedies. 

Virgo is connected to service, and to the process of becoming an instrument of Life. A distorted understanding of this sign is linked to associating the concept of service with self-sacrificial service to others, often to the detriment of personal needs and desires. Virgo invites us to commit to being of service to the energy that is asking to be expressed through us. Service to others comes as a result of being in service to Life, it doesn’t require self-abandonment, it is grounded in the ability to discern when to help and when not to help, and is rooted in the awareness that we can’t give from an empty cup.


Virgo Season 2022: New Moon in Virgo & Full Moon in Pisces


During Virgo season 2022, we are going to experience a New Moon in Virgo, coming up on August 27, and a Full Moon in Pisces, on September 10. 

The Virgo New Moon takes place while the Sun and the Moon square Mars in Gemini. This lunation is a favorable time to align with new habits and routines, begin new projects, and set the intention to take care of our health and our body more consciously. The square to Mars indicates a degree of impulsivity and reactivity, an urge to make changes, likely to offer us chances to deepen our awareness of how we deal with frustration and anger.

The Full Moon in Pisces will be conjunct Neptune, and the luminaries will form a T-square aspect with Mars in Gemini, once again activated. The Mutable signs will be in the spotlight for the entirety of Virgo season, suggesting high chances of experiencing a need for change, novelty, and variety. The activation of the Virgo-Pisces polarity will invite us to reflect on what we are in service to, and bring our attention to the balance between surrender and discipline, flow and organization, planning and improvisation.


Sun trine Uranus, Sun opposite Neptune, & Sun trine Pluto


Throughout the upcoming Virgo season, the Sun aligns with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The Sun-Uranus trine, exact on September 11, will be already active during the Full Moon in Pisces, inspiring innovative and out-of-the-box problem-solving, fueling our creativity, and increasing our courage to be ourselves, to be weird, to experiment, and to express ourselves authentically.

On September 16, the Sun opposes Neptune in Pisces. This may be a time to let go of an existing identity or way of perceiving ourselves and allow our attachment to a purpose that isn’t true any longer to dissolve. Sun-Neptune aspects can correspond to feelings of lethargy and lack of motivation. These are an invitation to reflect on whether we are investing our energy and life force into something that isn’t true any longer, depleting and draining ourselves because we fear fully letting go and trusting what Life has in store for us. 

On September 19, the Sun in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn, facilitating processes of personal and creative transformation, inspiring us to reinvent ourselves and believe in the power of our expression. This harmonic alignment supports our energy levels and our desire to build and create something tangible and of value with our life force.


Virgo season 2022: Deeper Self-Understanding


During Virgo season 2022, the activation of Mars, particularly around the time of the New Moon in Virgo, will enhance the urge to make changes and get out of stagnation. However, reacting on impulse is not likely to be the best choice. Later, after the Full Moon in Pisces takes place and the Sun perfects its opposition to Neptune, there may still be some confusion relative to the direction we want to move forward, and we may feel a need to reevaluate the decisions we have made.

At this time of the year, we have a chance to notice what doesn’t work optimally, establish adjustments, and find practical solutions that help us improve our inner and outer realities. Some existential dissatisfaction may come to light, inspiring us to engage in self-analysis to understand what we need to change, both inwardly and outwardly, so that we can feel fulfilled and satisfied with ourselves and our lives. 

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