article Uranus Retrograde 2022: Questioning Certainties
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Astrology & Omens

Uranus Retrograde 2022: Questioning Certainties

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Moon Omens

August 23, 2022

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On August 24, 2022, 09:53 AM ET, Uranus stations retrograde at 18º55’ of Taurus, once again taking the spotlight and joining Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, and Pluto, already in an apparent backward motion. This transit will encourage us to question our certainties and break free from ways of living that don’t feel authentic any longer. Uranus remains retrograde until January 22, 2023, when it stations direct at 14º56’ of the sign of the Bull.

This shift is likely to inspire us to redefine our value system, reflect on our relationship with our bodies, and rethink our concept of abundance, wealth, and security. It will be felt more strongly by those of us who have personal planets or angles between 10º and 20º of Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio.


The evolutionary significance of Retrogrades


Retrogrades consist of the apparent backward motion of a celestial body from our perspective on Earth. The retrograde phase of any planet is a time for revision, reset, reconstruction, and readjustment of our relationship with the archetype involved. The shift in motion inspires us to withdraw and direct our attention and focus inwardly, offering us an opportunity to review, reassess, and reconsider what happened when the planet was in direct motion, establishing adjustments if necessary.

When many planets are in retrograde motion, the pace of our lives seems to slow down: there seems to be little action happening externally, and things don’t move forward as quickly as we would like to. However, retrogrades are said to accelerate the pace of our evolution as they intensify the impulse to decondition, increasing our desire to question the status quo and liberate ourselves from limitations and restrictions.


The transit of Uranus through Taurus


Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, correlates with the impulse to innovate, attune to the future, break the rules, and revolutionize our lives. It is the planet of liberation and individuation and has to do with the process of breaking free from stagnation, comfort, and illusions of security. The sign of Taurus has to do with our value system, with our relationship with abundance and wealth, with our receptivity, with our relationship to ourselves, our sensuality, and our body. It is connected to survival issues, to how we make sure our basic needs are met, and to the development of our talents, skills, and resources. Uranus has been here since 2018 and remains in the sign until 2026.

Uranus’ journey through Taurus emphasizes the importance of embodiment, of reconnecting with our primal nature, with the Earth, and with our inherent resourcefulness. By destabilizing the foundations on which we have built our lives, disrupting the economic paradigms, and threatening our stability, this transit is inspiring us to revolutionize our values and our way of living.

Uranus Retrograde 2022

This retrograde cycle points to the necessity to redefine our relationship with the Earth, our physical bodies, our senses, and our relationship with our sensuality. It will inspire us to reflect on how our values have been changing and remind us that our priorities must change accordingly. It is an opportunity to embrace slower, more organic rhythms, rooted in a conscious connection with our bodies and with Nature.


The Uranus-North Node conjunction


The North Node of the Moon is also in Taurus, and Uranus crossed it at the beginning of the month. The Nodes mainly move retrograde, so Uranus will remain within the orb of a conjunction with the North Node for a few more months. The North Node indicates the path we are being encouraged to take as the way to balance existing tendencies that keep us stuck in stagnation and repetition. When planets join this point in space, their role becomes key to our personal and collective evolution.

The Uranus-North Node conjunction and the simultaneous Uranus-South Node opposition highlight the importance of breaking free from situations of emotional dependency, enmeshment, and financial arrangements that don’t support the development of self-reliance and self-trust and hold us back from individuating.

Uranus is ultimately about liberation from conditioning, stagnation, and limitation. Uranus together with the North Node in the sign of Taurus inform us of the necessity of developing authentic self-reliance through our unique talents and skills, of believing in ourselves and in the value we have to offer to the world. Collectively, it points to the need of reconnecting with the land, establishing self-sufficient systems for food and energy production, and sustainably restructuring the global economy.


The Saturn-Uranus square will continue to be active


Saturn is also currently in retrograde motion and will station direct on October 23, at 18º35’ of Aquarius. At that time, Uranus will have reached 17º36’ of Taurus. Saturn and Uranus have been squaring each other for the entirety of 2021 and are going to remain in a square for the rest of the calendar year, which will be felt strongly, especially during September and October. Saturn will begin to separate from Uranus after stationing direct.

This type of square is a Last Quarter square, as it happens after the two planets have opposed each other, and is associated with a crisis in consciousness. For this reason, we may feel a sense of crisis linked with the need to restructure our lives in a completely new way, and not knowing what that is going to be and feel like, as it is different from everything that has come before. This aspect brings into the spotlight our resistance to change and the tension generated by our tendency to hold on to the known, to what we perceive as secure.

Uranus Retrograde 2022

The interplay between past and future, old and new, known and unknown, is going to be very present these days, and we will experience the friction between the desire to radically change and the need to feel secure and in control. Saturn is also squaring the Nodal Axis, which underlines the fear of taking full responsibility for our choices and the insecurity coming with claiming ourselves as the authority of our lives.


Uranus retrograde in Taurus: Reassessing Shifts in Values & Priorities


Uranus stationing retrograde invites us to rethink, reconsider, review, recalibrate, and reassess the shift in values, beliefs, and priorities that has been taking place both collectively and individually. It is an opportunity to reflect on how we are moving forward in our deconditioning process, and reorient according to the changes that have taken place, both internally and externally, throughout the last seven months, while Uranus was direct.

To deal with Uranus transits, it is crucial to know what helps us find our center again, and what tools we can use to regulate and rewire our nervous system in a way that helps us deal with uncertainty and stress from a grounded place. From this state, we can safely practice trusting ourselves and our inner compass as our guidance system instead of relying on the outside world, other people, and external authorities.

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