article Super New Moon in Scorpio: Embodying our Power
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Astrology & Omens

Super New Moon in Scorpio: Embodying our Power

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Moon Omens

November 14, 2020

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On November 15, 12:07 AM ET, we experience a potent Super New Moon at 23°17’ Scorpio. The Sun and the Moon join forces in the most enigmatic and mysterious sign of the Zodiac, bringing radical paradigm shifts and an enormous inner transformation for us all.

Every New Moon represents the beginning of a new cycle, a fresh start: it is the best moment of the month to clear our minds, reassess our goals, plant a seed, and set intentions for the times ahead. However, this New Moon is more powerful than others: we are witnessing the third and last one of a trilogy of Super New Moons that started in September with the Super New Moon in Virgo. 

Supermoons are New or Full Moons that happen closer to us: for this reason, the gravitational pull of the Moon on Earth is stronger, and these cosmic alignments are felt more intensely. The three Super New Moons have been preparing us for the intense upcoming Eclipse season. The Eclipse portal is opening at the end of the month, with a penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Gemini taking place on November 30. The next New Moon will be a Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, happening on December 14.

The Super New Moon in Scorpio is a reminder that life goes on, that we shouldn’t stay stuck in the past, and that we have ongoing opportunities to start over and begin anew. During the upcoming lunar cycle, the invitation for us is to release resistance and let go of our old sense of self, so that we are free to embody our true power.

To celebrate the arrival of Super New Moon in Scorpio we are hosting global live guided meditation, and we invite you to join us and Moon Omens Soul Family on our YouTube channel and meditate together. The energy and experience is going to be amazing!


Scorpio: Death, Rebirth, and Radical Transformation


Scorpio is a Yin, Water, and Fixed sign: when a New Moon happens in a Water archetype emotions are more powerful, and Scorpio can be considered the most emotionally intense of all the twelve signs. Scorpio correlates to all those relationships that involve some form of fusion, of merging with another: it is associated with intimacy, trust, sexuality, and to those business partnerships in which shared finances are involved.

This Super New Moon may trigger us in ways we can’t ignore to force us to confront our limitations, our vulnerability, our feelings of impotence and powerlessness. The eight archetype of the Zodiac corresponds to the process of death, rebirth, and radical transformation: some form of loss and crisis is often involved when we talk about Scorpio and Pluto. The purpose of the process is to forge our character and to make us stronger, wiser, more autonomous and self-secure.

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” ― Kahlil Gibran 


Super New Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune: Dreams, Imagination, and Creativity


The Sun and the Moon in Scorpio are forming a beautiful water trine to retrograde Neptune in Pisces. This aspect is very supportive, soothing, and calming: it enhances our creativity and imagination, as well as our capacity for empathy. The water trine will help us attune to our essence, to our heart, and our Soul. Neptune rules dreams and sleep. The dreams we have during these days may contain important messages: they could be more vivid, even lucid, and they may give us new ideas on how to move forward.

Neptune is bringing a much needed medicine to the intensity of these days, and he will hold our hand during the process of purging and letting go. The God of the Oceans will remind us to look with compassion at the fears, the pain, and the wounds that are at the root of our resistance, of our need to be in control, of our unconscious tendencies to overpower, dominate, and manipulate others.

Throughout the rest of the lunar cycle, we will be encouraged to look beyond our compulsions and obsessions, to trust the Universe, and release control. Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, always invites us to adopt a spiritual perspective of life and to believe that there is a higher meaning for the hardships we experience and the obstacles we encounter. 

super new moon in scorpio

Yet, Neptune can also correlate to illusions, delusions, addictions, and escapism: avoidance or bypassing can be extremely tempting in times like these. Checking out, retreating in a fantasy world, and disconnecting from our bodies to avoid feeling difficult emotions is easier than confronting what happens.

The invitation of this aspect is to consciously find ways to get back into our bodies and feel our feelings. Make sure to create time for any artistic and creative activity that helps you reach a state of flow, supporting the integration and release of difficult emotions through a cathartic process.

To help you harness this powerful energy we have created a Channeled Guided Super New Moon in Scorpio Meditation Audio & Printable Embodying the PhoenixJournal. We invite you to perform these Super New Moon in Scorpio Ritual Tools together with Moon Omens Soul Family. To find more information and gain access tap here or on the image below.

super new moon in scorpio


Super New Moon sextile Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn: Dismantling the Old Paradigm


Pluto is the modern planetary ruler of the Scorpio New Moon: the aspects he makes are giving us more information on how the energy of this cosmic alignment is going to manifest and express. Pluto is currently conjunct Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Capricorn, and in a sextile to the Sun and the Moon in Scorpio.

Synchronistically, this is the very first New Moon taking place after Jupiter and Pluto met for the last time in Capricorn, beginning their new cycle: they won’t meet again until 2033. This is another reason why the New Moon taking place has a greater significance than a regular New Moon, and her effect will be felt more strongly.

The Sun and the Moon in Scorpio are forming a sextile to Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn in Capricorn: this configuration promotes an easy exchange of information through an ongoing triggering and stimulation between the celestial bodies involved. The harmonic aspects between the New Moon and the planets in Capricorn, and the positive influence of Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, now stationary direct in the sign of Aries, will give us the momentum, stamina, and motivation we need to take focused action. 

We now have the opportunity to understand what we need to do to grow past our self-imposed limitations and we can uncover the deeper reasons behind our motivations and intentions. These aspects reflect a stronger desire to dismantle the old paradigm, let go of the old systems and the old ways of doing things, and create new ones. At this time, we are invited to feel free to experiment with new ideas and to follow the desires emanating from our Soul. 


Venus trine North Node, square Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn


While the Super New Moon in Scorpio takes place, Venus is creating other significant alignments.

The Goddess of Love is currently in Libra, one of the signs she rules, and she is forming a harmonic and highly beneficial trine to the North Node in Gemini. This configuration is enhancing the importance of our interactions with others, it is reminding us that we are not alone here: that there is no shame in reaching out asking for help and support. 

Venus is also in a square to Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn in Capricorn: these aspects may reflect some tension due to the restriction to our social life and the limitations we experience when we try to connect with others at this particular time. These squares invite us to question ourselves: they promote change by encouraging us to find a new balance between giving and receiving, and to explore new ways to communicate and relate with our loved ones.

On this Super New Moon, we are encouraged to let go of old ideas about how relationships should look like and to start interacting with people in new ways, creating new paradigms, exploring how to feel closer to others and to deepen our connections. These alignments emphasize the importance of taking care of how we show up in all our relationships: clear communication, radical honesty, and taking accountability for our behavior with others are prerequisites for personal growth and authentic relating.


Super New Moon in Scorpio: Finding Freedom by Letting Go


Both Pluto and Scorpio are associated with our unconscious desires and our inner conflicts, with all that we hide, repress, and suppress, with our deepest wounds, with our shadow, with what we are unable to see in ourselves. Both archetypes also correlate to the evolutionary intentions of our Soul: the New Super Moon in Scorpio is inviting us to confront our pain, our vulnerability, our repressed desires, and to reclaim all that we are.

This cosmic alignment represents a reminder that, in order to allow something new to manifest, we need to release the old first. We must face the void and the emptiness that lay between the destruction of what we are familiar with and the creation of a future, still unknown and uncertain. Scorpio demands that we let go of the person we have been so that we can evolve into who we truly are.

The invitation of this planetary configuration is to find freedom by letting go of attachments, to learn to stay in the void and to stare at the abyss without fear. The New Supermoon in Scorpio encourages us to release control, to release resistance to change, and to trust that what is meant to be will find its way.

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you enjoyed this article. Happy Super New Moon!


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