article September 2021 Astrology Update: the Harvest
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Astrology & Omens

September 2021 Astrology Update: the Harvest

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Moon Omens

September 4, 2021

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September 2021 is likely to be a month of revelations marked by a deep emotionality. During the first half of the month, all the planets transiting Virgo will form an opposition to Neptune in Pisces, emphasizing the elements of Earth and Water and the Mutable modality. While Virgo urges us to be practical and effective in our use of energy and time, the influence of Neptune may complicate these matters, increasing our sensitivity and inviting us to rely on intuition and flow, not only on logic and organization.

The Equinox of September 22 brings an energetic shift: it increases the prominence of the Air element and the Cardinal modality, promoting a need to take action, experience new beginnings, and highlighting a desire for novelty. Shortly after the start of Libra season, Mercury stations retrograde in the sign of the Scales. For three weeks, we will have seven planets in an apparent backward motion, emphasizing the importance of turning inwards and reconsidering our approach to any issues we may be facing.

Let’s have a closer look at the main Astrology transits of the upcoming month.


New Moon in Virgo, Venus square Pluto

Sep 6, 2021, 8:51 PM ET


The Moon joins the Sun in Virgo, beginning a new lunar cycle. The Sun and the Moon will be in opposition to retrograde Neptune in Pisces and a trine to retrograde Uranus in Taurus. Health and healing will be important themes of this lunation. Virgo is about making conscious health choices, maintaining our wellbeing through a holistic approach, and harmonizing the relationship between our physical body, our emotions, our mind, and our Spirit. In addition, due to the influence of Neptune, many of us will be particularly aware of other people’s suffering and sensitive to the frequency of the collective. We may learn important lessons around when it is appropriate to help and when it is better not to interfere with other people’s learning processes. 

Meanwhile, Venus in Libra squares off Pluto in Capricorn, highlighting a need for depth of relating and simultaneous suspicion of it. If intimacy feels threatening, we may notice a tendency to pull back and withdraw our energy. Power struggles may help us realize how our fears of losing control hold us back from allowing our connections to transform us. 


Venus enters Scorpio

Sep 10, 2021, 4:39 PM ET


Venus enters magnetic Scorpio, where she craves radical honesty and values deep communion: we aim for establishing and maintaining profound emotional connections. The journey of Venus through Scorpio will inspire us to investigate the subconscious intentions and motivations behind our choices as well as others’, to discover the underlying reason behind the dynamics that keep coming up in our relationships. A keen psychological analysis of ourselves and others will help us gain more awareness of our unconscious patterns of behaviors: during this transit, we examine ourselves and the nature of our attachments very deeply, to get to the root of our issues.


Mars enters Libra

Sep 14, 2021, 8:14 PM ET


Mars leaves Virgo and enters Libra, emphasizing lessons around healthy assertion and the harmonious expression of our desires in the context of all our relationships with others. This transit corresponds to a drive to peacefully fight for justice and defend what we believe is right. Mars here inspires us to invest more energy in our love and social life, inviting us to expand our social network and get to know new people who may be very different from us. During this transit, we learn about our desires by getting to know other people’s desires, and this process may lead us to challenge our established idea of a relationship.


Full Moon in Pisces

Sep 20, 2021, 7:54 PM ET


The Sun in Virgo opposes the Moon in Pisces, in wide conjunction with Neptune. This Full Moon culminates a cycle of spiritual and emotional growth, exponentially increasing our sensitivity to energy and our capacity to empathize with other people’s feelings. Full Moons bring revelations: when Neptune is involved, these can be confusing or can be associated with experiences of disillusionment and disenchantment. Neptune and Pisces, ideally, inspire us to transcend the limitations of our 3D reality and embrace a higher perspective. However, they can also be associated with delusions, illusions, confusion, and escapism. Remaining grounded is essential to align with the energy of this Full Moon without getting carried away by fantasy. Setting boundaries compassionately and being discerning around what and who we allow into our field will help us stay centered.


Libra Season begins

Sep 22, 2021, 3:21 PM ET 


The Equinox begins a new season and inaugurates a new chapter of our lives. As Libra season starts, the Sun illuminates our need for connection, exchange, peace, and justice. Libra is the first sign of the Zodiac through which we enter the social arena, learning to relate to others from a place of equality. This is a new process, one we are not yet familiar with: for this reason, there can be a tendency to gravitate towards opposite extremes as a way to find harmony. During this time of the year, the focus is on where we need to find a better balance: in particular, this involves an evaluation of our relationship dynamics.


Mercury stations Retrograde in Libra

Sep 27, 2021, 01:10 AM ET


Mercury stations retrograde in the sign of the Scales, and it will be in apparent backward motion until October 18. This timeframe invites us to reevaluate how we communicate with others, what our definition of relationship is, and how we coordinate alone time with social time. Mercury’s retrograde cycle is an opportunity to become aware of our personal biases and assumptions, gain a better understanding of how the people in our lives think, how they see the world, and what their opinions are. By acknowledging their perception of reality, we will be able to develop better communication strategies.


September 2021 Astrology Update: Our Invitation


September 2021 represents a time to find a better balance between trying to improve our reality versus adapting to the present moment and accepting what we can’t control. The strong activation of the Virgo-Pisces axis during the first twenty days of the months will bring our attention to themes of boundaries and discrimination, and highlight the contrast of effort and acceptance, passivity and proactivity.

Virgo represents the process of forming a conscious connection to the material world through routine, ritual, service, and awareness of the daily work that needs to be done. If Virgo is about improvement, Pisces is about surrender. The last sign of the Zodiac, ruled by Neptune, is associated with our connection to the spiritual world, with the awareness of what is not in our hands, and to the need to trust forces bigger than us.

The start of Libra season, together with Mars and Mercury transiting the sign, will inspire us to strive for better awareness of both our and other people’s realities, needs, and desires. The stronger emphasis on the mind, the intellect, and communication dynamics have the potential to promote an increased understanding of relationship matters: these transits can help us find a better harmony between giving and receiving.

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