article Saturn square Uranus: a Clash Between Worlds
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Astrology & Omens

Saturn square Uranus: a Clash Between Worlds

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Moon Omens

February 19, 2021

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On February 17, 2:08 PM ET, Saturn in Aquarius creates an exact square angle to Uranus in Taurus. As their alignment takes place, the Moon will be conjunct Uranus. The presence of the Moon increases the emotional charge of the planetary configuration, intensifying the general reactivity and restlessness.

The square between Saturn and Uranus happens only every 20-22 years: this is an aspect that marks global shifts, changes of direction, and major turning points for humanity. It will be an ongoing theme of 2021: its influence will color the entire year and will have an effect for years to come. This is only the first one of three exact alignments: the next ones will be on June 14 and December 24.

We are experiencing a clash between worlds, a conflict between the old and the new, an increasing tension between the past and the future. We are at a collective breaking point: breakdowns and breakthroughs are both possible.


Saturn in Aquarius & Uranus in Taurus: Innovation, Social Tension, and Breaking Points


Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, began transiting the sign in March 2020, retrograded back in Capricorn in July, and entered Aquarius again in December. Its transit will last until 2023. Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, has been in Taurus since 2018 and will be there until 2026.

On the one hand, Saturn in Aquarius has already brought up the need to build innovative and long-lasting paradigms, aligned with the changing times, based on social equality and on the respect of human rights.

Saturn’s journey through the sign of the Water Bearer has a connection to the feelings of isolation and alienation that many of us have been experiencing, linked to the restrictions around in-person social interactions. Paradoxically, in the meantime, we have the possibility of being constantly in touch with each other through the Internet, another Aquarian theme: this can increase our sense of alienation, but it can also be used to feel connected, to give and receive support.

On the other hand, Uranus in Taurus reflects the increasing trend to embrace simpler ways of living, a slower-paced life, to build a new relationship with the Earth and experiment with sustainable uses of natural resources. This transit correlates to the unexpected and sudden breakdown of established systems we have been relying upon, and to disruptive unpredictable events that undermine our sense of security. 

In Astrology, Saturn symbolizes the past, and Uranus symbolizes the future. Their alignment reflects the inner and outer contrast between the desire to experiment, innovate, and change, and the desire to hold on to the old ways because they are familiar and generate a feeling of safety. The Saturn-Uranus square brings up the need for systemic global change and the challenge of finding long-lasting solutions to the collective crises we are facing and to deep-seated systemic inequalities.


The previous Saturn-Uranus square: Radical Global Changes


Squares are 90° angles between celestial bodies that reflect friction and tension: by increasing our discomfort, they motivate us to make a change. The last time these two planets squared each other was between July 1999 and January 2000, when Saturn was in Taurus and Uranus was in Aquarius. The next time they will align in a square, it will be in 2043.

During 1999 and 2000, the challenges of globalization began to surface, and we witnessed an exponential growth of both technology and the world population. Meanwhile, several natural and environmental disasters brought to the forefront the need to protect and preserve the resources of the Earth.

Bluetooth appeared on the market, My Space was being developed, cell phones were spreading and, due to the diffusion of computers and the internet, file sharing and copyright issues first emerged. At the same time, there was a huge shift in the European monetary system: the Euro was introduced, initially only as a virtual currency.

Today, we are dealing with similar themes: another wave of technological expansion is taking place, artificial intelligence is becoming more and more sophisticated, an increasing number of people are working online and from home, as we are facing the need to urgently deal with important global changes. Meanwhile, we face the rise of electronic payments and cryptocurrency, many people are leaving cities and coming back to a simpler way of living, slowing down and getting closer to nature.


Saturn square Uranus 2021: a Crisis in Consciousness


The current square has a different quality than the previous one, because it is happening after the two planets opposed each other, between 2008 and 2010. While the square we experienced in 1999-2000 is known as a “crisis in action” square, representing an invitation to establish tangible adjustments to our approach to the issues emerging, the one we are experiencing right now is considered a “crisis in consciousness” square.

Oppositions between two planets, like Full Moons, promote clarity and bring things to ahead. After the opposition, we have a different level of awareness: now, we see much more objectively the world situation, our mistakes and shortcomings, what could have been done differently, and what hasn’t been done.

The Saturn-Uranus square active during the entire 2021 is bringing to the surface the need to move away from the old systems and paradigms. It is urging us to revisit our habitual ways of dealing with challenges and to find alternative, long-term solutions. The themes emerging this year may be similar to the ones we dealt with during 1999 and 2000, but the level of urgency is higher, and the choices we make need to be more radical.


Saturn square Uranus: a Clash Between Worlds


We are in a phase of transition: we are experiencing a clash between the old familiar world and a new, unknown one. Some of us may feel excited, some of us may feel scared, many are feeling restless and nervous, many want to see radical changes as soon as possible. Many have had enough: an increasing number of people are experiencing challenges with their mental health, and feel in constant states of frustration, anger, anxiety, and sadness.

Saturn square Uranus

These are intense times. If you are struggling, know that your feelings are valid and you are not alone. Having the support of a community is crucial, especially in a moment like this: reach out to others, keep cultivating and establishing social interactions in whatever way is available.

While the square between Saturn and Uranus is manifesting on a collective and social level, each of us is personally feeling the tension, as the global issues are affecting our individual lives in different ways. Currently, Venus in Aquarius is also forming a square aspect to Mars in Taurus: this aspect, exact on February 19 but already active, is likely to reflect similar issues manifesting on a smaller, personal scale, particularly in our relationships.


Discovering Our Role in the New Paradigm 


The intense activation of the archetype of Aquarius reflects a strong need for freedom, space, and experimentation. However, we are all dealing with some sort of restrictions and regulations that are slowing us down.

Saturn, the Lord of Karma and Time, wants us to honor the rules of the game, to take responsibility for our duties and commitments, to do what needs to be done, while Uranus wants to break free from all this. Yet, Uranus is in stability-oriented Taurus, while Saturn is in rebellious Aquarius.

The electric energy reflected by Saturn-Uranus square represents an invitation to build bridges between past and future to facilitate the transition, and to consciously find ways to create space and feelings of freedom within the context currently available.

At this time, we are encouraged to integrate the lessons we learned and to keep what we believe will be useful, while we continue to experiment with unconventional ideas and untrodden paths. This potent alignment invites us to discover and embody our new role in the collective paradigm shift, and to keep moving forward in spite of challenges.

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P.S. we have amazing gift for you: 2021 spiritual astrology book & workbook available to download right now and use it throughout entire 2021! You can tap here to learn more and claim your gift.


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