article Pluto Direct in Capricorn: Align with Truth
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Astrology & Omens

Pluto Direct in Capricorn: Align with Truth

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Moon Omens

October 8, 2022

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On October 8, 5:55 PM ET, Pluto stations direct at 26º06’ of Capricorn after being in retrograde motion since April 29. This shift brings up the need to confront and align with the Truth that has been emerging while Pluto was retrograde.

When planets are stationary, whether retrograde or direct, their potency increases and their influence is more powerful: Pluto makes no exception. The modern ruler of Scorpio takes the spotlight as it is stationary direct in Capricorn just a few hours before an intense Full Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron: both events mark a clear turning point in our healing journey.


Pluto in Capricorn: Responsibility and Power


In Astrology, Pluto is considered to be the catalyst of personal and collective evolution. This planet correlates with the journey of empowerment through confronting and alchemizing our fears and wounds. It is connected to our unconscious desires, the death and rebirth cycles we periodically go through, and all processes that involve destruction and regeneration. The modern ruler of Scorpio has the function to promote deep and lasting transformations by revealing what is rotten, what has run its course, and what is ready to be purged, in order to promote a lasting metamorphosis that begins on the emotional and psychological level.

Pluto direct in capricorn

Capricorn correlates with the journey to self-mastery that comes from self-responsibility, honoring personal boundaries, and commitment to being in integrity with our values and beliefs. It has to do with our way to generate feelings of security by integrating into society, performing a public function, and taking care of the material and financial aspects of our lives. This is the sign associated with authority, responsibility, and discipline, with the nature of our conditioning, as well as with the journey of building a legacy and offering tangible and lasting value to the collective.

Pluto’s transit through Capricorn began in 2008 and it has been radically altering our relationship with external authorities as well as our connection to our inner authority. It has been inspiring us to question and transform the way society is structured, the way we have structured our lives, and the way our psychology is structured. Pluto’s journey through this sign has been calling for a drastic metamorphosis in our concept of security, as well as in our relationship with society, with culture, and with our conditioning, while bringing our attention to the link between power and responsibility.


Pluto direct in Capricorn: Process Coming Full Circle


As Pluto stations direct in the sign of the Sea Goat, it will more clearly and directly continue to ruthlessly expose and bring to our attention what is false, unsustainable, and decaying, both in the social systems and in our own ways of living. This shift will bring up emotional and psychological content from our unconscious and force us to confront it, inviting us to become more aware of those patterns of behavior we automatically rely on, particularly when we feel triggered.

During these final months of Pluto in Capricorn transit, the process that has been unfolding since 2008 will come full circle and we may have a feeling that everything is becoming more extreme, that the pressure is increasing. The need to make drastic changes and transform ourselves will be impossible to ignore any longer, and this is happening both for the collective and for each of us individually.


The Pluto-Mercury trine facilitates Psychological Transformation


Pluto is stationing direct in a trine aspect to Mercury in Virgo, which is also moving slower than usual as it stationed direct just a few days back, on October 2. The Mercury-Pluto alignment facilitates self-analysis and promotes our elaboration of the psychological content that is emerging these days, aiding in the process of reexamining and transforming our thinking patterns, beliefs, and ideas. The trine is a harmonic aspect that inspires and motivates us to embrace a more empowering mindset and perceptions.

Pluto direct in capricorn

Transformative conversations are likely these days. Debating and exchanging opinions and ideas with others can be beneficial for us to open our minds to new dimensions and maybe discover solutions we would not have otherwise considered. Radical honesty, with both ourselves and others, will be required for any transformation to be effective.

This aspect, as it is happening in two grounded and organized Earth signs, facilitates practical problem-solving and a solution-oriented attitude. The Mercury-Pluto trine in Virgo and Capricorn will inspire a pragmatic approach to the implementation of lasting psychological transformation. This is a great time to engage in therapeutic and psychological work, as well as journaling and automatic writing, or other techniques aimed at analyzing ourselves and uncovering subconscious assumptions.


Pluto direct in Capricorn: Alchemizing Guilt, Shame, and Fears


We are experiencing the last phases of a long, transformative transit that began a long time ago, in the year 2008. Pluto is now transiting through the last degrees of the sign, for the final stages of this process. In March 2023, Pluto is going to enter Aquarius for a couple of months, before retrograding back to Capricorn in June and remaining there until the end of next year.

Since 2008, Pluto has been progressively destroying obsolete systems, dismantling socio-economic paradigms, exposing corruption and decay in established institutions and outdated hierarchies, and challenging us to let go of the illusory security that relying on external authorities has been giving us.

This transit is also offering us opportunities to become aware of and alchemize guilt, shame, judgments, and fear of other people’s judgments that are based on artificial standards of conduct, a result of the conditioning and programming we have been exposed to, that have been holding us back from fully owning and expressing our true Selves.

Pluto stationing direct in Capricorn offers us an invitation to move forward in this journey. A new, deeper awareness is becoming available to us at this time, representing another turning point in our collective and personal transformation and empowerment.

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