article New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: Endings are Beginnings
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Astrology & Omens

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: Endings are Beginnings

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Moon Omens

October 24, 2022

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On October 25, we experience a potent New Moon Solar Eclipse at 2°07’ of Scorpio, a transformative and intense lunation that will remind us that all endings are beginnings in disguise. This cosmic event is going to last for approximately four hours, and peak at 7:01 AM ET.

The Eclipse will be most strongly felt in Europe, the Middle East, Western Asia, and Northern Africa. This cosmic event, which should not be watched with the naked eye, is going to be visible from some of these areas, particularly from the North-East of Europe, Ukraine, Russia, and the Middle East.


Solar Eclipses: Omens of Impending Changes


Since the beginning of times, Eclipses have been considered omens of impending change and have been equally feared and respected. Humans have always been aware of the fact that the light of the Sun is what makes life on Earth possible: for this reason, Solar Eclipses in particular were not considered a fortunate event, as the sunlight is prevented from reaching us. Nonetheless, we know this is just temporary, and darkness does not have to be negative or scary. Sometimes, when the lights go out, we are drawn to turn inwards and we can see more clearly.

solar eclipse in scorpio

Solar Eclipses occur when a New Moon happens close to the Lunar Nodes, the points marking the intersection between the orbit of the Moon and the Ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun from our perspective on Earth. From our perspective, the Moon and the Sun are conjunct. Astronomically speaking, the Moon is placed between the Sun and the Earth and, on Solar Eclipses, the shadow of the Moon temporarily prevents the light of the Sun from reaching the Earth. Even if the Moon’s dimensions are smaller than the Sun’s, since the Moon is closer to us from our perspective, they appear of the same size due to their particular alignment on Eclipses.

The current Eclipse is going to be partial, as the alignment to the Lunar Nodes is not tight, so the Sun is only going to be partially covered by the Moon.


New Moon Solar Eclipse conjunct the South Node: Purging the Past


As Solar Eclipses always coincide with New Moons, they represent potent new beginnings. However, as this Eclipse is connected to the Lunar South Node, it comes with a flavor or a feeling of an ending. The South Node is the point of the Moon’s orbit associated with our past and old emotional attachments: it represents where we come from, what we already know, and what we are familiar with. The South Node is always opposed to the North Node, describing something unfamiliar, unknown, and unexplored, a path that offers us the key to balance existing tendencies.

When Eclipses happen on the South Node, they stimulate a purging process. The proximity to the Descending Node, also referred to as the Dragon’s tail, is an indicator of the fact that old stories, old emotions, and old attachments are going to come up to be processed, released, or integrated. The past will resurface these days, and we have an opportunity to fully let go of something we used to identify with, something we have been attached to, something that has been holding us back, maybe without us even noticing it. Releasing the past will create the space for something new to come in. In hindsight, we will see clearly that what looked like the end of a cycle was the beginning of a new one.

All these themes are emphasized by the fact that the Eclipse is happening in the sign of Scorpio and is squaring Scorpio’s modern ruler, Pluto, both of them having to do with death and rebirth cycles, with all transformational processes that require us to shed skin or become the butterfly.


New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: Honoring the Cyclicity of Life


The Sun, the Moon, and the South Node are in the sign of Scorpio, conjunct Venus, and square Pluto.

Our emotional world is more complex when the Moon is in Scorpio, our intuition is powerfully strengthened, and our capacity for emotional and psychological transformation is maximized. This placement is associated with intense magnetism, as well as with instinctual reactions that have the potential to be very destructive, both for ourselves and for others. A risk correlated with the Moon in Scorpio is allowing the intensity of our emotional states to keep us trapped, stagnant, disempowered, and oppressed. Through this combination of energies, we learn that it is necessary to feel the whole range of our emotions, yet we have to take care of not identifying with them or with the story that we associate with them.

solar eclipse in scorpio

Interestingly, Scorpio is the archetype that correlates with Soul evolution and metamorphic processes, nonetheless, it is also one that can express a powerful resistance to change and transformation, due to the strength of its attachments and its emotions. The Taurus-Scorpio polarity is the axis of finances, sexuality, sensuality, intimacy, our values versus others’ values, and our personal resources versus the resources we share. These are the signs where the Nodes currently are and, consequently, where Eclipses are happening. The activation of the Taurus-Scorpio axis teaches us to embrace the dance of holding on and letting go, building and destroying, and to accept that nothing is permanent in the world of form. 


Solar Eclipse conjunct Venus: Transforming Relationships and Through Relationships


Venus in Scorpio is passionate and devouring, and her presence in Scorpio, very close to Sun and Moon, emphasizes the role of transforming our relationships and allowing our relationships to transform us during this Eclipse season. This configuration underlines the imperative to restructure and revolutionize the way we connect with both ourselves and others. Our connections and our relating style, as well as our value system, and the way we value ourselves, will undoubtedly change as a result of the inner and outer transformations that are going to take place these days.

The presence of the Moon and Venus in Scorpio suggests that our need to generate conditions that allow us to feel safe and secure is tied up with our desire to establish intimacy and depth of relating with others. This may lead to, consciously or unconsciously, engaging in power games, push-pull dynamics, trying to manipulate others to keep them hooked to us, or attracting someone who tries to do so to us. If these patterns show up for us, it would be valuable to ask ourselves what is the need or the perceived lack underneath the surface-level desire that we are trying to meet or fill vicariously.


Sun, Moon, and Venus square Pluto: Potential for Substantial Transformation


The Sun, the Moon, and Venus in the first degrees of Scorpio are all squaring Pluto in the last degrees of Capricorn. The alignment to Pluto intensifies the Scorpionic undertone of the Eclipse and motivates us to dig deeper to uncover the motivations and intentions behind the desires and cravings that drive ourselves and others. 

Issues around intimacy, trust, and vulnerability are likely to come into the spotlight during the upcoming lunar cycle, and especially during the Eclipse Window. We may have opportunities to notice how we are dealing with feelings of loss, betrayal, and abandonment, and pay attention to what is triggered from our past when challenging, uncomfortable, or unexpected experiences present themselves.

There is a high potential for a substantial transformation of our sense of identity, our purpose, our values, our relationships, and our way to process emotions around this time. The tension generated by these three squares to Pluto has the potential to motivate us to empower and transform ourselves, it may generate irrational fears leading to a need to remain in control at all costs, or it may contribute to feelings of disempowerment and helplessness. Despite what may be happening these days, what matters the most is what we are learning about ourselves in the journey, and how aware we can remain amid intense change.

To help you harness this energy Solar Eclipse in Scorpio brings we have created Solar Eclipse printable channeled “Endings are Beginnings” journal and guided meditation audio. We invite you to use these Solar Eclipse in Scorpio tools: journal and meditate together with Moon Omens Soul Family. Tap here to learn more and gain access to ritual tools.
solar Eclipse in Scorpio


Entering the Eclipse Window: Time of Agitation


Throughout the upcoming weeks, being intentional in creating moments dedicated to grounding, slowing down, nourishing ourselves, spending time in nature, and simply winding down is going to be highly beneficial for our nervous system and emotional health. The lunar cycle that is starting now culminates in a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus tightly conjunct Uranus, likely to feel quite restless and electric.

During the time leading up to this event, we may feel that everything is happening too quickly and unexpectedly for us to fully grasp its meaning or purpose. We may have the feeling we are losing control over our lives and that chaos is taking over. These transitions can be uncomfortable, and the discomfort we feel is directly correlated with our level of resistance to change. The Eclipse Window is a time of agitation, meant to shake up our reality to allow new paths and directions to emerge out of chaos.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio represents an invitation to honor the cyclicity of life. This cosmic event reminds us that in all periods of loss, transition, and endings the seeds of new life are already being planted.

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If you would like to dive deep together with us and explore the energies and guidance for this Solar Eclipse we invite you watch our hour long YouTube video.



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