article Mercury Retrograde in Taurus: Feeling More
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Astrology & Omens

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus: Feeling More

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Moon Omens

April 21, 2023

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On April 21, 01:37 PM —

On April 21, 04:35 AM ET, Mercury stations retrograde at 15º Taurus, becoming the first celestial body in apparent backward motion since January. This Mercury retrograde cycle, unfolding throughout the Eclipse season, is an invitation for us to feel more and speak less. During a time of intense transformation, Soul growth, deconstruction and reconstruction of our reality, we are being challenged to question existing perceptions and dare to try see our experiences from an entirely different perspective.

Mercury stationing retrograde is a relevant event for everyone, but it will be particularly impactful for those of us who were born with placements around the 15º of Fixed signs, or in Gemini and Virgo, which Mercury rules. Those of us most impacted by this Mercury retrograde cycle could experience drastic shifts in their priorities and value systems, receive new ideas and downloads, and experience thought-provoking interactions that may challenge their existing ways of thinking.

Mercury retrograde in Taurus: Time to Slow Down and Reflect


Planetary retrogrades happen when a celestial body slows down enough to generate the illusion, from our perspective on Earth, that the planet is moving backward. Mercury goes retrograde three to four times a year for about three weeks.

From an astrological perspective, retrogrades serve as an opportunity to slow down and take time to reflect, review and reassess our intentions before acting. They are an invitation to explore new ways of relating with the planet that is retrograde.

Astrologically, Mercury is connected with communication, thinking, problem-solving, and discernment. It is the planet ruling both Gemini and Virgo, associated with our learning style and our way of gathering and selecting information from our environment.  Transits of Mercury inform us of shifts in our way of thinking, communicating, and perceiving our reality.


Mercury retrograde in Taurus: Feeling More, Speaking Less


Mercury retrogrades tend to cyclically happen in signs of the same element and, during 2023, all Mercury retrogrades are going to happen in Earth signs. This can be seen as an invitation to reflect on, renovate, and reset our relationship with Nature, with matter, with form, with our physical body, with our resources and possessions, as well as with money, receptivity, and abundance.

Taurus is the first Earth sign, a simple, grounded, and practical archetype. Taurus is concerned with creating conditions that allow life to continue, creating stable and steady foundations, and creating space to fully savor the present moment through our bodies. This sign correlates with our value system, with our self-worth, and with survival themes.

The current Mercury retrograde cycle in Taurus represents an opportunity to reflect on our values and how they have been changing. It is an invitation to explore different ways of perceiving wealth and abundance and question our habitual way of thinking about our bodies and our sensuality. During the upcoming days and weeks, Mercury’s shift of motion will inspire us to slow down and practice feeling more and speaking less.

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus

Mercury stationing while conjunct Moon & Uranus


Mercury stations retrograde while conjunct with Uranus and the Moon in the sign of the Bull. This configuration can be seen as an invitation to revolutionize our values, our ways of thinking, our way of perceiving and relating with our emotions. At this time, we are likely to experience increased intellectual activity, as the proximity of Mercury and Uranus reflects intense restlessness and a surge of mental energy.

Mercury correlates to the lower, human mind and short-term memory, while Uranus correlates to the higher mind and to our long-term and multi life memory. When the two planets come together, there are increased chances to experience downloads, breakthroughs, and a surge of new ideas and visions that have the potential to generate significant innovation.

However, because Mercury is stationary retrograde, this may not be yet the time to act on these ideas. Instead, the invitation is to sit on them and let them unfold while Mercury is retrograde. As Mercury goes direct again and perfects its conjunction with Uranus, on June 4, we are likely to receive more information and insights that can represent the missing piece needed for us to take intentional action.


Mercury retrograde in Taurus: We Are Not Our Thoughts


The current Mercury retrograde cycle is an opportunity for us to question our existing value system, renew our thinking patterns, reset our communication habits, and redefine our perception of stability and security. It is also a chance to pay more attention to how our physical bodies communicate with us and refine our attunement with our animal nature, our feeling body, and our subtle perceptions.

Eclipse season has just started and a lot is going on. During a time filled with chaotic, unstable, and disruptive energy, Mercury retrograde in the sign of the Bull is an invitation to slow down our thinking. This transit can be seen a reminder to avoid the trap of identifying with our thoughts.

Mercury’s shift of motion comes at a time of intense evolutionary acceleration. This retrograde cycle will support our deconditioning and individuation process by encouraging us to think differently rather than relying on familiar frameworks of sense- and meaning-making.

Did you know we have an entire free e-book dedicated for Mercury Retrograde?

Download our free e-book now and uncover the wide spread delusion about it, embrace it and learn to love it. Don’t go against the flow – learn how to harness this beautiful energy.

mercury retrograde in taurus

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