article May 2021 Astrology Update: Knowledge is Power
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Astrology & Omens

May 2021 Astrology Update: Knowledge is Power

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Moon Omens

May 7, 2021

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May 2021 Astrology Update: May 2021 will be a month of mental expansion, intellectual exchanges, and learning experiences that will remind us that knowledge is power. After a few weeks of intense Fixed Earth energy, we witness a gradual elemental shift to Mutable Air. During May 2021, both Venus and Mercury will enter Gemini, Gemini Season will start on May 20, and Jupiter will enter its traditional home sign of Pisces.

All planets transiting Gemini will join the North Node of the Moon, positively supporting our growth journey and our movement towards the future. Moreover, both Saturn and Mercury will station retrograde, joining Pluto and inviting us to turn inwards, reconsider our choices, our opinions, and the way we have structured our lives.

At the end of the month, Eclipse season starts with a Supermoon Total Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius, which will happen on the South Node of the Moon. This Eclipse is a potent purging experience: it will invite us to release past beliefs and attachments that are holding us back from being fully authentic, and encourage us to be true to the person we have become.


Mercury enters Gemini

May 3, 2021, 10:49 PM ET 

Mercury enters Gemini, one of the signs where the planet of logic and communication is at home and where it will remain longer than usual due to its upcoming retrograde cycle. During this transit, our mental energy greatly increases. We feel drawn to pursue a variety of interests, hobbies, experiences, while we naturally seek intellectual stimulation, communication, and exchange with others.

Mercury in Gemini represents a beneficial influence for all learning processes, as it increases our capacity to elaborate and gather a variety of information coming from different sources. During the upcoming weeks, Mercury will support our efforts relative to communication, writing, talking, networking, and sharing information.


Venus enters Gemini

May 8, 2021, 10:02 PM ET

Shortly after, the Goddess of Love joins the Messenger in the sign of the Twins. During the upcoming weeks, our love and social life are likely to get more interesting, as we will feel drawn to meet a variety of new people and engage in different activities. While Venus is in Gemini, we highly value learning and we desire to increase our knowledge about life in all ways available. We aim to learn from others and to explore a variety of experiences.

Venus in Gemini may bring us back to dynamics and events that emerged last year while Venus was retrograde through the sign of the Twins. Venus joining the North Node of the Moon on May 17 will emphasize the importance of cultivating relationships in order to advance in our personal development journey.


New Moon in Taurus, Mercury conjunct North Node

May 11, 2021, 2:59 PM ET

The New Moon in Taurus begins a lunar cycle focused on our connection to ourselves, our sexuality, and our instinct, that will culminate with a Super Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse. The New Moon will trine Pluto, and their harmonic aspect will support all transformational processes we will go through during Eclipse season.

The New Moon will happen in a conjunction with True Black Moon Lilith, a point in space symbolizing the wild, untamed, sexual and creative energy that has been suppressed and distorted for millennia yet still exists within each of us. The Cosmos is encouraging us to deepen our embodiment and trust our instincts. The invitation is to connect with our innate resilience and self-worth as a foundation for navigating intense changes.

Meanwhile, Mercury conjunct the North Node of the Moon emphasizes the role of honest communication during the upcoming lunar cycle and highlights the importance of intellectual exchanges and open-mindedness to progress in our personal and collective evolution.


Jupiter enters Pisces

May 13, 2021, 6:36 PM ET

Jupiter entering its nocturnal domicile generates an interesting energy shift, enhances our intuition and inspires us to dream big. Jupiter in Pisces, will support our spiritual and personal expansion. Jupiter will retrograde back into Aquarius in July to enter Pisces again at the end of the year. During the upcoming two months, we are likely to witness anticipations of the themes that will unfold throughout 2022.

While Jupiter in Aquarius increases our intellectual and mental energy, expanding technological progress and advancement, Jupiter in Pisces softens our attitude and shifts our focus inward, bringing us closer to our heart and our emotional body. This transit increases our compassion, our creativity, our desire to help one another, and inspires us to cultivate heart-based connections as a foundation for our spiritual and personal evolution.


Sun enters Gemini

May 20, 2021, 3:37 PM ET

On May 20, Gemini season begins with the ingress of the Sun in the sign of the Twins. Gemini season is a time of learning, variety, and mental expansion. The journey of the Sun shines a light on our intellectual efforts and increases our curiosity and desire to know more about life and ourselves. Gemini season is a time of sharing, making new connections, networking, and gathering information and data.

This time of the year invites us to open our minds and remain available to embrace different perspectives and points of view before making decisions. Gemini season promotes a lighthearted sense of humor, invites us not to take things too seriously, and increases our appreciation for what our everyday life has to offer.


Saturn stations Retrograde in Aquarius

May 23, 2021, 05:19 AM ET

Saturn stationing retrograde invites redefinition and restructuring of our lives and of how we relate with the material 3D reality. Saturn rules everything tangible and crystallized: its yearly retrograde is a time to turn inwards and change how we relate with the more mundane aspects of life.

Saturn retrograde is a time to find our unique way to be part of society and offer long-lasting value to the collective, yet without conforming to how it’s always been done. The Lord of Time will be retrograde until October, and in June will square Uranus in Taurus for the second time out of three, emphasizing the conflict between old and new, past and future, that represents the ongoing theme of the current year.


Full Supermoon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Venus square Neptune

May 26, 2021, 07:13 AM ET

The first Eclipse of 2021 is the third Supermoon in a row and will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on the South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius. All Eclipses happening on the lunar South Node bring up karmic material from the past: they invite purging and purification from the old as it is a necessary step we need to go through to be able to move forward.

Themes and dynamics that first manifested six months ago may culminate, find resolution, and become clearer. This may be a time to reconsider our beliefs and what we consider to be the truth. Sagittarius encourages us to be true to ourselves and reminds us of the importance of authenticity.

Meanwhile, Venus in Gemini will square Neptune in Pisces, emphasizing the need to verify our source of information and to avoid believing everything we read or listen to. Venus square Neptune can be a confusing transit: fake news may spread at this time, and we may feel we lack clarity. It is not a great moment to make important decisions around our finances or our relationships. Tendencies to overidealize our partners or potential partners are common: experiences of disillusionment have the purpose of bringing us back to reality.


Mercury stations Retrograde in Gemini

May 29, 2021, 6:34 PM ET

At the end of the month and in the midst of Eclipse season, Mercury stations retrograde and will remain in apparent backward motion until June 22. Mercury’s role is particularly important during the Eclipses as Mercury is the ruler of the North Node in Gemini, the point in space symbolizing our collective and individual evolutionary direction.

Mercury retrograde in Gemini is an invitation to practice critical thinking and discrimination. We may change our opinion on something or open our minds to different perspectives. This transit will highlight the need to review, reassess and reflect upon the information and data we take in as well as the information and data we share.


May 2021 Astrology Update: Our Invitation


May 2021 is likely to be a month of intellectual restlessness, heightened stimulation, and quick change: it has the potential to be an interesting chapter of our learning journey. During the first half of the month, before Eclipse Season starts, we have an opportunity to ground in our body and establish a strong connection with our foundation, which will help us handle any changes and volatility from a self-secure place. Jupiter in Pisces will support our capacity to tap into our imagination, creativity, and connect with a strong sense of faith.

Eclipses open a portal of change, they are gateways of transformation, they bring us opportunities and revelations and allow us to quantum leap into the future. May 2021 has the potential to represent an exciting time for many of us: the invitation is to stay open to the unfamiliar and trust ourselves enough to join the shift without fear.

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P.S. if you haven’t already we invite you to get our monthly horoscope for the month of May to dive so much deeper into what this month has in store for you. Tap here to get your May horoscope.


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