article Jupiter in Aries: Taking Action on our Visions
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Astrology & Omens

Jupiter in Aries: Taking Action on our Visions

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Moon Omens

December 20, 2022

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On December 20, 03:11 PM —

On December 20, 09:33 AM ET, Jupiter leaves Pisces and enters Aries, increasing our physical vitality, our energy levels, and our willingness to take risks. This shift invites us to take action on the dreams and visions we had while Jupiter was in Pisces.

Jupiter has already been in Aries from May 12 to October 28 and is going to remain in the sign of the Ram until May 16, 2023. This is a good time to reflect on what has been taking place between May and October of this year: Jupiter is still in his post-shadow phase and many of the themes we have been dealing with back then are likely to resurface to be better understood.

Jupiter’s ingress into Aries will be more strongly felt by those of us who were born with personal planets or angles in the early degrees of Cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. This shift will bring a surge of energy and confidence and a desire to take risks and have new experiences. Impulsivity, bluntness, and overconfidence can be present too. Jupiter entering Aries will support our capacity to be courageous and bold. A tendency to gravitate towards excess is likely to arise, and it can manifest itself through unwise risk-taking and a desire for high-sensation activities.

Jupiter: Faith, Abundance, and Authenticity


Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius and ancient ruler of Pisces, is the largest planet in the Solar System. Popularly referred to as the Lord of Luck and Abundance, Jupiter stays for approximately 12 months in each sign, expanding and emphasizing the qualities of the archetype where he’s traveling. 

In Astrology, Jupiter is the planet connected with growth, expansion, honesty, and authenticity, with the journey of learning to be true to who we are. This archetype is associated with our right brain and intuitive learning processes, with our relationship with faith, with our beliefs, with our drive to seek the higher meaning of life, and with our desire to expand and make more experiences. Jupiter’s transits indicate shifts in our belief systems, worldviews, and relationship to our personal truth. They inform us of how we tend to seek growth and expansion in our understanding of ourselves, of reality, and of Nature.


Jupiter in Aries: Expansion of Desire for Freedom


Jupiter’s transit through Pisces increased our faith in Life and magnified the feeling of being on a spiritual quest for meaning: it increased our ability to believe in magic, to dream, and to envision new realities. Jupiter’s ingress into Aries brings an invitation to have faith in ourselves and in the wisdom of our instinct and desires: it encourages us to take action and take the risks required to make our dreams and visions come true. 

Jupiter in Aries

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and the most childlike, in the sense that it lacks the experience accumulated through the progression of the following eleven Zodiac archetypes. This is the sign connected to the moment of birth of individual consciousness through the cut of the umbilical cord. Aries holds fresh energy, it is Cardinal Fire, all about new beginnings, initiations, and spontaneously following the impulses that arise on a moment-to-moment basis. At the Aries stage of evolution, we act first and we think later, we learn from our mistakes and an ongoing journey of trial and error.

Jupiter entering the sign of the Ram magnifies all the characteristics and qualities associated with the archetype of Aries. Throughout the upcoming five months, we will have opportunities to learn to have faith in our instincts and our desires, we will have opportunities to learn that at times it is wise to follow our impulses and at times it is not. We will have chances to develop more confidence in our spontaneous, uncensored expression and in our capacity to independently walk unfamiliar paths and directions.

During his transit through Aries, Jupiter will heighten our desire for freedom, adventure, and new experiences. This shift increases our desire for stimulation and spontaneous exploration of life as a way to learn more about ourselves and the Universe. 


The upcoming Jupiter-Chiron conjunction in Aries


On March 12, 2023, Jupiter is going to join Chiron at 14º of Aries: we will feel their alignment for a few weeks before and after the exact aspect. This configuration is likely to bring a deeper awareness of the meaning behind experiences that generate wounds associated with feelings of rejection, alienation, and non-belonging. 

The Jupiter-Chiron conjunction has the potential to bring the spotlight on limiting beliefs, assumptions, and insecurities that hold us back from fully taking space and will remind us of our inherent right to exist and express ourselves as unique individuals. This configuration could bring to our attention wounds and insecurities that prevent us from trusting our leadership skills, our desires, and our instinct, and, around this time, we will have opportunities to experience healing in these domains.


Jupiter in Aries: Taking up Space with Boldness


While in Aries, Jupiter will support our courage and boldness: this is a good time to focus on developing our leadership skills, working on a healthy assertion of our beliefs and perspectives, and practicing taking up space without holding back or making ourselves smaller. This transit is an opportunity to say yes to experiences and learning journeys that strengthen our capacity to have faith in ourselves, to be pioneers, to take our own direction in life, and inspire others with our example. 

Jupiter in Aries encourages us to believe in our ability to face challenges and overcome the obstacles that we meet on our path. Exploring the way we relate to anger is likely to be a significant learning journey during this transit. Jupiter in Aries could bring us important lessons relative to how to move and alchemize the energy of anger in constructive and empowering ways. 

The last time Jupiter was in Aries, before earlier this year, was between 2011 and 2012. Jupiter’s ingress into the sign of the Ram represents a favorable moment to revisit our journals of that time if we still have them. We may reflect on what was taking place in our life back then and how we dealt with it, to track our progress and growth and be able to make more mature choices in the future.

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