article Pink Full Moon in Libra: Renewing Relationships
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Astrology & Omens

Pink Full Moon in Libra: Renewing Relationships

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Moon Omens

April 16, 2022

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On April 16, 2:54 PM ET, the Moon opposes the Sun and we experience a Full Moon at 26º45’ of Libra, popularly known as the Pink Full Moon. The opposition between the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra brings to maturation a cycle surrounding relational dynamics and invites us to redefine and renew our existing relationships.

Full Moons happen when the Sun and the Moon are transiting on the same degree of opposing signs. They represent the culmination and maturation of the lunar cycle: they allow us to see the results and the fruits of what we have been working on. These alignments tend to bring up a conflict between the rational and the emotional, between what we see and what we don’t see. At this time of the month, we often have revelations and experiences of clarity that facilitate changes in our inner and outer reality. As the current Full Moon is happening in the sign of Libra, these changes will have to do with our relationships.

This is the first Full Moon after March Equinox and the first one of the New Astrological Year. It is also referred to as the Pink Moon, as it comes together with the blossoming of pink moss flowers in the Northern Hemisphere of the globe, particularly in the Northern and Eastern parts of the United States.


Pink Full Moon in Libra: Seeing Clearly our Relationship Dynamics


The Full Moon in Libra is an opportunity to gain awareness of our relationship patterns, as it brings up the energetic imbalances of all of our “self versus other” dynamics. Libra is the sign of the other, and it is opposite to Aries, the sign of the self. One is about peace, diplomacy, and negotiation, while the other, ruled by the God of War, is about self-assertion, instinct, and the way we express anger.

Libra is represented by the Scales, the only inanimate object of the Zodiac, and it correlates to Justice, diplomacy, and the endless search for balance. Through Libra, we learn that balance is not a static condition, it is a dynamic state made of ongoing adjustments and constant attunement to the present moment. In modern society, there can be a misunderstanding or distortion of the concept of balance which can result in a search for some kind of staticity that ends up blocking evolution.

Pink Full Moon in Libra April 16 Moon Omens

The opposition between the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra shows us what the price of maintaining peace may be. The Libra Full Moon is inviting us to reflect on whether we are abandoning ourselves to maintain a superficial sense of peace and connection, or, on the contrary, if we are addicted to creating drama in our relationships as a way to feel alive, special, and worthy of attention. These dynamics are underlined by the Moon’s tense square to Pluto.


Full Moon square Pluto: Transforming Emotional Patterns


The Sun-Moon opposition is squaring Pluto in Capricorn, generating what is technically known as a T-square configuration.

The Moon square Pluto gives us possibilities to transform existing emotional attachments, reactions, and patterns. During these days, we will have opportunities to become aware of any unconscious tendencies to manipulate others to keep them tied to us for our security and comfort. If we have internalized feelings of lack, abandonment, and deprivation in our childhood and developed an insecure attachment style, creating situations of codependency and deep emotional entanglements may be the only way we have to feel safe and secure, taken care of, valued, and appreciated.

The current Moon-Pluto square could bring all this up, as it indicates a necessity for psychological and emotional transformation which could happen through intense and confronting relationship experiences. For this reason, we attract and feel attracted by people that won’t give us what our mind wants, who won’t satisfy our conscious needs, to instead satisfy urges or cravings that are deeply unconscious. The main evolutionary requirement is the transformation of existing security patterns through our interactions.

The Sun squares Pluto too, an aspect that can signal power struggles and a fear of being controlled or destroyed by others. This aspect indicates that it is time to transform our creative and personal expression, reconsider an identity we are attached to, and renew our sense of purpose. We may release an old sense of self that was tied up to a relationship or to being in relationship in a certain way and begin to build a new one.


Full Moon quincunx Jupiter and Neptune: Giving from a Full Cup


The Full Moon is forming a quincunx or inconjunct aspect to the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces. This is an aspect of paradox and incongruence, as the planets involved can’t see each other while traveling signs of incompatible elements, different modalities, and opposite polarities.

Through the Libra-Pisces quincunx, we learn that love is unconditional but relationships should not be. During these days, we will have chances to see where we have been self-sacrificing, where we have been over-giving, and acknowledge whether we are emotionally dependent on others. This alignment may show us where we are out of balance, by bringing our attention to dynamics of idealization and projection that are preventing us from having fully honest and authentic relationships.

Pink Full Moon in Libra April 16 Moon Omens

Venus in Pisces is the ruler of the Full Moon. It is approaching a conjunction with Neptune and Jupiter and a sextile aspects to Mercury and Uranus in Taurus. The presence of Venus in Pisces highlights our tendency to see the positive potential of people and situations and facilitate forgiveness, loving acceptance, kindness, and empathy while inviting us to make sure that we are giving from a full cup. Venus’ sextiles to Mercury and Uranus will support communication dynamics: it indicates an openness around exploring different ways to be in connection and an ability to relate with people very different from us.


Mercury conjunct Uranus, Full Moon trine Saturn & Mars


As the Full Moon in Libra takes place, Mercury is conjunct Uranus in Taurus, an aspect that is already active even if it goes exact on April 18. The Mercury-Uranus alignment facilitates open-mindedness, epiphanies, inventiveness, and creative breakthroughs. It also indicates some mental restlessness, a sense of urgency relative to decision making, and the possibility of sudden and unexpected changes in our plans for the future. This conjunction is taking place in the earthy, sensual, sign of Taurus: exploring new ways of thinking could lead to tangible and lasting innovation.

Meanwhile, the supportive trine between the Full Moon and Saturn in Aquarius will help us be more grounded, realistic, and practical, counterbalancing the dreamy, magical energy of Pisces, Jupiter, and Neptune. This is an aspect that adds pragmatism and common sense into our lives, facilitating sober, lucid emotional management and supporting our maturation process. The Full Moon is also in a trine to Mars in Aquarius, an alignment that promotes healthy assertiveness and the honest communication of what we are feeling and sensing while helping us separate from what doesn’t nurture us.

To help you harness this energy Pink Full Moon in Libra brings we have created Full Moon printable channeled “Renewing Relationships” journal and guided meditation audio. We invite you to use these Pink Full Moon in Libra Ritual tools: journal and meditate together with Moon Omens Soul Family. Tap here to learn more and gain access to ritual tools.

Pink Full Moon in Libra



Pink Full Moon in Libra: Renewing Relationships


This Full Moon in Libra invites us to redefine our existing connections and the way we show up in relationships, possibly marking big shifts in some of them, particularly those that began on the Libra New Moon that took place six months ago. Around this time, some connections could end, some may change their form, and some others may be completely redefined.

This lunation will illuminate underlying dynamics, unconscious patterns, and unspoken undercurrents that are at the core of our interactions with others. During these days, we may reevaluate the foundation of our connections, the way we behave in relationships, the way we bond with others, and the repetitive patterns that keep showing up for us. We may start to become aware of an unconscious addiction to conflict, drama, high sensations, and strong emotions, and find the courage to begin to make different choices. We may notice patterns of codependency, emotional addiction, and people-pleasing, and begin the process of working through these.

Pink Full Moon in Libra April 16 Moon Omens

The process of transformation of unconscious patterns and the transition to new, conscious ones may be uncomfortable for our minds, but it’s important to remember that whatever shows up for us it is helping us grow and evolve emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. Considering that the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is still very prominent, we can see everything that takes place these days as an invitation to open our hearts and to find the courage to keep them open, even if we are navigating intense circumstances.

This Full Moon is an opportunity to renew or redefine our commitments to the people we are in a relationship with and gain better awareness of how the way we connect with others informs us of what we need to change in our connection with ourselves.

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To find out more how this Pink Full Moon is going to affect your sign read our April horoscope here.


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